Chapter 29: Be careful about peanut allergy
Nie Tong felt that the eyes around her were all focused here, and her face became a little ugly.

"Come out with me."

Yan Qiqi had some free time and followed the other party outside.

You almost don't need to think too much to know the other party's purpose.


Nie Tong raised his hand and was about to slap him.

The next moment, he was directly grabbed by Yan Qiqi. Nie Tong couldn't break free, and his expression became even more ugly.

"Yan Qiqi, you are shameless!"

Yan Qiqi's face was cold, and she only stared at Nie Tong, not finishing her sentence for a long time.

Nie Tong was shocked by that look.

Yan Qiqi only glanced at the other party and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Nie Tong's face turned extremely ugly.

She gritted her teeth, a bit of hatred flashed in her eyes.


at night.

Jade Garden.

The box door opened.

A middle-aged man walked in.

"Mr. Huo, long time no see."

"I heard that Mr. Shen likes Jade Garden, so I specially booked this place."

The middle-aged man sat down.

After ordering a few random dishes.

The two chatted casually for a few words.

Then the waiter pushed the door open and the dishes were exquisitely presented.

Yan Qiqi narrowed her eyes, picked up a plate of dishes, and suddenly raised the corners of her mouth.

After the meal, Yan Qiqi took out a plan and showed respect.

"Mr. Shen, this is a plan our company has made for this cooperation."

The meaning is self-evident.

Mr. Shen took it, flipped through two pages, and then closed it.

"This plan is indeed good, but if it's a bit immature when it comes to cooperation, I have to think about the cooperation between the two companies again. It's getting late today, so I'll leave first."

Huo Jinzhou nodded, then frowned and looked at Yan Qiqi.

However, her face suddenly changed, and she saw a large area of ​​red rash on Yan Qiqi's arms and neck. She scratched subconsciously, with a look of discomfort on her face.

Huo Jinzhou bent down, picked him up and walked quickly outside.

As soon as they left the house, the waiter saw what had happened and quickly dialed the ambulance number.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived and took the person up.

Assistant Xiao Liu rushed over, panting.

"Mr. Huo, what happened?"

"Check this place out."

Huo Jinzhou's expression fell on the food in the box.

Xiao Liu has worked with Huo Jinzhou for several years, so he can naturally understand what he means.


In the hospital, Huo Jinzhou was waiting outside the ICU.

The phone suddenly rang.

It's Xiao Liu calling.

"Mr. Huo, these meals are more or less topped with crushed peanuts."

Huo Jinzhou's face suddenly turned dark.

Yan Qiqi is allergic to peanuts.

"Check, check who gave the instructions."

A restaurant will not destroy its future for one person.


The phone dropped.

Huo Jinzhou narrowed his cold eyes and focused on the illuminated sign of ICU.

I don’t know how long it took.

The ICU sign lights up and goes dark.

Huo Jinzhou stood up and walked towards the door.

"The patient is out of danger. Fortunately, he didn't take much crushed peanuts. He just needs to rest for a few days. During these days, avoid heavy oil, salt, spicy food, etc."

Huo Jinzhou nodded and looked at the car being pushed out.

The person on the hospital bed had a pale face and seemed very uncomfortable. Even in a coma, his brows were still tightly furrowed. Just then, the phone rang.

"Mr. Huo, we found out that this matter was done by...Miss Nie..."

Huo Jinzhou frowned, his face was stern, and the air around him became cold.

"Have you checked it out?"

Across the screen, assistant Xiao Liu also noticed that his chairman was in a bad mood.

He said fearfully: "After checking Mr. Huo, the chef has confessed. He also has a recording of the transaction with Miss Nie."

After the words fell, there was no sound from the other side for a long time.

Just when Xiao Liu thought the signal was not very good, the voice of his chairman finally came from the other side.

"Send the recording."


After hanging up the phone.

Not long after, a message rang on the phone.

"When Mr. Huo comes to Jade Garden tonight, remember to add chopped peanuts to every dish. Mr. Huo likes to eat peanuts."

The chef's hesitant voice also came.

"If you are discovered, nothing will happen, right?"

"Just do it if I ask you to do it. If you say it again, I will make sure that there will be no customers here in the future."


Recording stops.

Huo Jinzhou frowned.

The aura around him was like an iceberg.

Memories from five years ago came to mind again.


In the early morning, the morning light shines into the ward through the window.

Yan Qiqi opened her eyes, seeing a pale face as she expected, and the familiar smell of disinfectant.

Nothing good seems to happen when you meet Huo Jinzhou.

Yan Qiqi raised a wry smile at the corner of her mouth.


Yan Qiqi turned her head in surprise, and saw happy milk dumplings written all over her face.

Before he could even ask the question, he saw a slim figure walking in with a few plastic bags in his hands and a look of worry on his face.

"Tell me, why have you been sick or feeling uncomfortable every three days since you came to work? If you can't, just quit and come to work in my company. Although I am not a manager, I am still an old employee of the company, so I can help you. More than enough.”

Shen Xiyue put down the plastic bag in her hand, untied it while nagging, and handed Naituanzi an egg and a cup of soy milk.

By the way, he blew a bowl of porridge to Yan Qiqi's mouth.

"I know, Xi Yue, I won't do it next time." Yan Qiqi took a mouthful of porridge.

Shen Xiyue shook her head helplessly: "I hope you really know and not just to perfunctory me."

A rare warm moment in the ward.

Yan Qiqi looked at the two people she cared about most in front of her.

hold on.

When she solves all this completely.

Although she couldn't punish Huo Jinzhou, she could still deal with Nie Tong.

Fortunately, after this time, Huo Jinzhou didn't really treat himself as a slave. He at least allowed himself to rest for two days.

Two days later, Yan Qiqi returned to the company.

As soon as I sat down, I heard the comments from my colleagues around me.

"Why do you think she has to take leave every three days?"

"It's because she's Sister Lin, and it's because she used the back door."

"I despise these people who use the back door the most!"

Yan Qiqi didn't take it seriously, but when he stood up, the other party bumped into him and poured hot tea on the documents in his hand.

She frowned.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally got your folder wet. I'd like to ask you to make another copy. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it anyway. After all, if someone uses the back door, it doesn't matter if they don't move."

Such sarcastic words made the surrounding colleagues who could not understand Yan Qiqi just feel so happy and hide their laughter.

The other party was a woman in her twenties. Yan Qiqi remembered her as Zhong Ye.

She is the one who likes to gossip the most on weekdays.

The next moment, Yan Qiqi slapped her directly.

The crisp sound of slaps resounded throughout the office area.

Zhong Ye was shocked and angry. She covered the slapped face and felt raw pain. She stared at Yan Qiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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