Chapter 38 The Contract of the Year

As soon as he entered a luxury store, the shopping guide saw Huo Jinzhou in a straight suit and handsome appearance, and he happily came forward to welcome him.

"Hello, do you want to buy clothes for your wife?"

Yan Qiqi was slightly startled, realizing that the other person was talking about her, while a look of impatience flashed across Huo Jinzhou's face.

She quickly explained: "Our relationship is not husband and wife, but a superior-subordinate relationship."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were spoken, the shopping guide had a meaningful look on his face.

"So that's it. Do you two want to see the fashionable clothes?"

Huo Jinzhou glanced at her and said calmly: "Choose her two outfits suitable for the occasion."

The shopping guide responded.

Yan Qiqi frowned and turned to look at Huo Jinzhou in confusion.

Huo Jinzhou's eyes were slightly cold, and a hint of disgust flashed across his stern face.

"You are my secretary now. Do you only have these two clothes?"

Yan Qiqi was stunned for a moment, then remembered that after these few years, she was no longer the same as before.

In the past, my clothes were never out of season, but now I can only wear cheap ones.

It's just a matter of survival. I already have no dignity.

Yan Qiqi only felt bitter in her heart. Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, she should be very embarrassed.

She shook her head helplessly, but said nothing.

I let the shopping guide choose two outfits for me.

After coming out of the fitting room, Yan Qiqi stared blankly at herself in front of the full-length mirror, feeling like she was in another world.

After so many years, if it weren't for the vicissitudes of time and fatigue, Yan Qiqi might have thought it was a few years ago.

The shopping guide next to me praised: "You are beautiful and you can wear whatever you want! This lady's outfit makes her look outstanding. What does she think?"

Yan Qiqi came back to her senses and turned to look at Huo Jinzhou.

Just listen to the other party's cold voice.

"Pack it up!"

The shopping guide was stunned and responded directly.

Then Huo Jinzhou glanced at Yan Qiqi and spoke coldly.

"Yan Qiqi, come with me to meet the client."

After the words fell, Yan Qiqi was slightly stunned.

Then I saw the shopping guide looking at me with envy.

"As expected of a secretary, I follow my boss to meet clients and don't have to worry about dressing myself."

The shopping guide smiled and spoke while packing clothes.

Then she packed the clothes and handed them to Yan Qiqi.

"Take it and welcome your next visit." The shopping guide said with a smile.

Yan Qiqi nodded slightly and took the things.

Then she followed Huo Jinzhou out of the mall and got into the car.

The car started slowly.

The atmosphere inside the car was extremely depressing.

Yan Qiqi looked at the scenery outside the window and felt mixed emotions in her heart.

Back then, I fell in love with Huo Jinzhou, but because of what happened, I left in embarrassment.

Now she is no longer the Yan Qiqi who was blinded by love.

She looked at the scenery outside the window and spoke calmly.

"Mr. Huo, which client do you want to take me to see?"

Huo Jinzhou looked forward, his thin lips slightly parted.

"You will know when you go."

There was no warmth in the words.

This reminded Yan Qiqi that Huo Jinzhou was like this a few years ago.

He is cold and cold to everyone except her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a hint of bitterness in her heart and stopped speaking.

As time passed, the car slowly stopped in front of a restaurant.

Huo Jinzhou got out of the car first and then stepped into the restaurant.

Yan Qiqi followed closely behind. After entering the box, I saw two people already sitting inside.

Seeing Huo Jinzhou, the two stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Huo, you are here. This is..." One of them glanced at Yan Qiqi, his eyes flashing slightly.

"She is my secretary Yan Qiqi." Huo Jinzhou said coldly.

After the words fell, the other person spoke subconsciously.

"Secretary? This lady doesn't look like an ordinary secretary."

The person who said this is Jiang Jinghuai, the president of Jiang Group.

After Jiang Jinghuai finished speaking, several people present looked over.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Yan Qiqi smiled slightly.

"Mr. Jiang, you should still remember the cooperation discussed this time."

Jiang Jinghuai's expression changed slightly and he immediately shut his mouth.

"Of course, the relationship between you and Mr. Huo back then... I will certainly remember it."

After saying that, he looked at Huo Jinzhou meaningfully.

The latter's face was expressionless, as if he was not talking about him.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a little delicate, the other person immediately spoke to ease the situation.

"Okay, everyone, let's sit down and talk about cooperation."

As the words fell, everyone sat down one after another.

Yan Qiqi sat next to Huo Jinzhou, feeling his seemingly invisible gaze, she just pretended not to see him.

Jiang Jinghuai placed the documents on the table and handed them to Yan Qiqi.

"Secretary Yan, take a look, this is the contract."

Hearing this, Huo Jinzhou's eyes couldn't help but fall on Yan Qiqi.

Yan Qiqi looked at the contract in front of her and frowned slightly.

"Mr. Jiang, I remember back then..."

"The contract this time is different from that of the past. You should take a look first." Jiang Jinghuai interrupted her.

Yan Qiqi was slightly stunned and took the contract and read it carefully.

However, as she watched, her expression suddenly changed.

This contract is almost the same as back then!
She raised her eyes to look at Jiang Jinghuai, but saw that he avoided her gaze.

Huo Jinzhou's expression remained unchanged.

Realizing something, Yan Qiqi couldn't help but feel a bit of astringency in her heart.

It turns out that I had seen this contract before.

During that time, Huo Jinzhou was always working overtime at the company. Because she was worried that Huo Jinzhou couldn't bear it, she made soup every three days.

Huo Jinzhou joked that sooner or later he would be fat.

At that time, the company secretary came to my house and asked me to help him get the contract. It was at that time that I saw this contract.

I didn't take it seriously at the time, but I never thought that this contract was the result of Huo Jinzhou closing the net.

The second time he saw this contract was when the nanny at home gave it to him. At that time, Yan Qiqi felt it was unbelievable. He never thought that Huo Jinzhou had already started to trick him.

Even though so much time had passed, Yan Qiqi still felt extremely uncomfortable when she saw the contract again.

Thinking of this, she felt her heart felt heavy.

At this time, Huo Jinzhou said coldly: "Have you finished reading?"

Yan Qiqi's fingertips holding the contract tightened slightly. She raised her head and looked at Huo Jinzhou and spoke slowly.

"Aren't Mr. Huo afraid that I will leak the contents of the contract?"

After all, this is evidence that Huo Jinzhou has pushed the Yan family to the end.

The expression on Huo Jinzhou's face was still very calm, as if a small incident had just happened.

"There is nothing wrong with this contract. If you want to sue, just take this contract and sue."

The implication is that even if Yan Qiqi uses this contract to settle accounts, he will not get any results.

Yan Qiqi reluctantly let out a breath, but she could no longer show any smile on her face and could only force herself to remain calm.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huo, I have long forgotten what happened back then. After all, isn't this all my fault?"

Yan Qiqi said the last sentence very softly, as if Huo Jinzhou couldn't hear it at all if he didn't listen carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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