Chapter 42 Adding insult to injury
Just then, the phone kept ringing.

Only then did Yan Qiqi remember that she had forgotten to turn her phone to silent.

It’s just that no one usually looks for me.

Beside him, Huo Jinzhou's face turned cold.

"I've told you before that you have to mute your cell phone during meetings. Are some people out of their minds?"

Yan Qiqi put her phone away, but before she could mute it, a man's sullen voice came from beside her.

"Get out!"

Yan Qiqi pursed her lips and walked outside with her laptop.

The faces of the colleagues around me were either gloating or thankful.

Yan Qiqi just walked out.

The phone rang again.

This time it was Huo Jinzhou's mobile phone.

Huo Jinzhou walked out of the conference room.

Yan Qiqi vaguely heard bursts of suppressed laughter coming from the conference room.

She felt the glance of eyes behind her.

Without thinking too much, Yan Qiqi knew what those eyes looked like.

That kind of look is very similar to the condescending look you get when looking at a clown.

Yan Qiqi took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

She has never liked dealing with interpersonal relationships and disdains dealing with them.

So even in the company, there are no friends with whom I can talk.

At the same time, bursts of suppressed laughter came from the conference room again.

"I didn't expect that our Secretary Huo would be so timid."

"I was scared away after Mr. Huo said a few words."

"It's so funny."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the words.

One of the female colleagues even glanced outside, "I usually see her as quite smart, but I didn't expect that she couldn't even do such a small thing well."

After saying this, she deliberately lowered her voice, "But she is so lucky to be Mr. Huo's secretary."

"It's just that no matter how good your luck is, there will be a time when it runs out."

The words were full of sarcasm and disdain.

Another colleague even winked at her, "Speaking of which, when did you get that client from last time?"

"Don't worry, it's all up to me to win the customers." The female colleague who spoke at the beginning was very proud, "As long as I can win the customers, then I will be an official employee of Huo Group."

"And the sales department said that as long as I can sign this order, I will be the team leader in the future."

"Then I can get rid of these trivial things now."

Another colleague was also very excited, "Then we will congratulate you in advance."

"When the time comes, good things will come to us."

"At least you don't have to look at Yan Qiqi's face anymore."

"You put on a bad face every day. Do you really think it's Mr. Huo's woman? It's so funny."

When several people were chatting happily, there was a slight noise at the door.

Looking up, it was Huo Jinzhou walking in from the outside with a dark face.

Several people were instantly frightened and did not dare to speak or breathe.

Huo Jinzhou looked at them with cold eyes, "Did you have a happy chat just now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, you could hear pins dropping in the office.

Several female colleagues lowered their heads and did not dare to express their anger.

Seeing their reactions, Huo Jinzhou felt very childish, "Handle all the work in your hands well. If you don't work well, you will think about grabbing customers and performance every day."

"Do you think you can show off your performance this month?"

Listening to his question, the female colleague who just spoke said bravely, "Although our sales this month are only three million, we will definitely keep up our efforts..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Jinzhou interrupted coldly, "Keep up the good work? How dare you say three million?" "You are the only people in the entire sales department, how dare you say three million?"

"If the performance this month does not reach 8 million, everyone will work overtime for me."

After saying this, he turned around and left.

There was discussion from female colleagues behind her.

"It really scared me to death. I didn't expect Mr. Huo to come here today."

"Yes, doesn't Secretary Yan usually come here?"

"But what Mr. Huo just said is right. There is indeed a lot of performance pressure this month."

"There are only a few of us in the sales department. If we don't get 8 million in sales this month, we will all have to work overtime."


On the other side, after Huo Jinzhou returned to the office, he directly called the personnel department.

Personnel stood in front of him tremblingly, "Mr. Huo, what are your orders?"

Huo Jinzhou's voice was cold, "Get rid of all these people in the sales department."

Personnel was stunned for a moment, "Dispose of it?"

Huo Jinzhou said expressionlessly, "Well, I don't want to see them again."

There was no delay in personnel matters, "Okay, Mr. Huo, I'll take care of it right away."

After the personnel officer came out of Huo Jinzhou's office, his expression was very ugly.

He didn't dare to say a word when he was inside just now.

Although the performance of these colleagues in the sales department is not very good, they still signed the contract no matter what. Fire them for no reason, and it would be very troublesome if the Labor Bureau came to find them.

But he didn't dare to disobey Mr. Huo's orders.

When the personnel department was worried, something suddenly occurred to them, "By the way, we can follow the termination clause in the contract."

The contracts of these people in the sales department all have a clause that "if the performance does not meet the standards for two consecutive months, the company has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract."

He can use this reason to fire all these colleagues with poor performance.

The more I think about it, the more I think this method is feasible.

Moreover, if the sales department's performance this month does not reach 8 million, he can put all the responsibility on these colleagues.

A sneer appeared on Renshi's face.

The next day, HR called several people from the sales department to a meeting.

"Since your performance this month and next month is not up to standard, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, the company has decided to unilaterally terminate the contract."

The personnel officer said with a cold face, "I'll give you a week to pack up and leave."

After saying this, he turned around and left.

The colleagues in the sales department were all dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Why is the contract suddenly about to be terminated?"

"That's right. Doesn't it say in the contract that the contract will be terminated if the performance fails to meet the standards for two consecutive months? We've only had one month."

"Who knows? Maybe the personnel department just wants to find someone to expel us for any reason."

"Then what should we do now?"

However, when several people came out of the chairman's office, their faces were extremely ugly.

When he saw Yan Qiqi, his expression became even more ugly.

One of them rushed forward.

"She is indeed the woman who is being taken care of by Mr. Huo! She really does one trick after another!"

Yan Qiqi frowned, not understanding what the other party meant.

And this look made the man's face look extremely ugly, and he was about to be slapped.

However, in the next moment, a pair of big hands directly blocked the opponent's arm.

The man's expression became horrified: "Huo...Mr. Huo?"

The man's eyes glanced at him coldly: "When you leave your job, you don't think about your own problems. You only look for problems in others?"

(End of this chapter)

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