Chapter 67 Dangerous Torture

Yan Qiqi smiled slightly, acting gentle and generous.

The more Jiang Mu looked at it, the more satisfied she became, and she took out the jade bracelet in her hand.

"There's nothing to give you when we meet for the first time, so I'll give you this as a meeting gift."

Yan Qiqi looked at the jade bracelet with some hesitation. She could see that the price of this jade bracelet was not low, and the jade bracelet was crystal clear.

She turned to look at Jiang Ying, but Jiang Ying just smiled at her and motioned for her to accept it.

"Qiqi, just accept this bracelet. It's just a little bit of my gratitude. You don't have to look at this brat's face!"

Yan Qiqi had no choice but to accept it, thinking that she would return the bracelet to Jiang Ying when it was over.

At this moment, the sound of leather shoes came from far and near, and it was particularly obvious. A tall figure suddenly walked over, wearing a black coat with suits and leather shoes underneath. His eyebrows were low, and there was a coldness in his dark eyes. wrinkled.

Yan Qiqi subconsciously raised her eyes and happened to look at her. Their eyes met in mid-air. The next moment she turned her head, but she was wondering why Huo Jinzhou came back today.

As Huo Jinzhou's secretary, he knew his schedule best. Huo Jinzhou was supposed to have dinner with Mr. Liu tonight and talk about the land in the western suburbs, but... he came back?
We just happened to come to the Jiang family.

Jiang Mu's voice sounded next to her.

"Jinzhou is here, sit down quickly!"

Huo Jinzhou responded calmly and sat directly next to Yan Qiqi.

That was the only empty seat at the table.

"Aunt, long time no see." Huo Jinzhou said softly.

Jiang's mother seemed particularly happy: "It's good to be here. I was worried that you were busy with work and couldn't come over!"

In an instant, Yan Qiqi frowned and felt uneasy.


Does this mean that Jiang Ying and Huo Jinzhou are cousins?

Yan Qiqi felt unbelievable. After all, she was also the mistress of the Huo family before, so she couldn't be unclear about the relationship between the Huo family.

If Jiang Ying is Huo Jinzhou's cousin, he should know something about it.

But she didn't remember seeing Jiang Ying.


Yan Qiqi suddenly remembered that Huo Jinzhou did have an aunt, but her family left for a foreign country when Huo Jinzhou was in high school, and maybe she only came back in the past two years.

Yan Qiqi secretly regretted agreeing to Jiang Ying's coming.

If he hadn't agreed, he wouldn't be so passive today.

So desperate, Jiang Mu spoke again.

"Jinzhou, you came just in time. Xiaoying brought his girlfriend back today, so you can meet her too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Qiqi noticed that the temperature around him seemed to have cooled down instantly.

"Really? Then I have to help my cousin take a good look at this girlfriend."

The words were spoken word by word, with a hint of gritted teeth.

Yan Qiqi somehow suddenly felt that Huo Jinzhou didn't need to interfere with her. After all, the relationship between the two was just ex-husband and wife.

What's more, soon, he and Huo Jinzhou will disappear completely.

However, Huo Jinzhou probably doesn't care about this.

A bitter smile appeared on Yan Qiqi's lips.

She saw a table full of dishes, but this person made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, and she had no intention of eating anywhere.

She sat upright, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

Jiang's mother stared at Yan Qiqi with a smile, as if she wanted to see through her.

"Ahem..." Jiang Ying coughed twice and winked at Jiang's mother.

Only then did Jiang's mother come back to her senses and realized that her behavior just now was a bit inappropriate, so she immediately brought food to Yan Qiqi.

"Qiqi, don't be shy, eat more food."

After that, he said to Huo Jinzhou: "Jinzhou, you should eat more, don't be like Xiaoying, who is as skinny as a monkey." Huo Jinzhou chuckled: "Well, thank you, Mom."

Jiang Ying listened on the sidelines and felt that the interaction between mother and son was very loving and seemed out of tune with him.

The meal was finished with everyone having their own agenda.

After the meal, Jiang's mother took Yan Qiqi and sat on the sofa to talk.

Huo Jinzhou responded from time to time, but did not let the situation become cold.

Seeing the harmonious appearance of the three of them, Jiang Ying felt a little dazzled and said to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

But as soon as she stood up, she was stopped by Jiang Mu.

"Xiaoying, you are tired today, go and rest."

Jiang Ying wanted to refuse, but Huo Jinzhou answered her before she could speak.

"take a break."

Jiang Ying glanced at Yan Qiqi, who was sitting upright next to him, and said nothing. He just stood up and sat next to her.

The next moment, Yan Qiqi felt the sight coming from above her head.

At this moment, Jiang's mother's voice came from the side.

"Qiqi, it's getting late today, why don't you rest here for the night?" Jiang Mu paused, then turned to look at Huo Jinzhou, "Jinzhou, it just so happens that you are also resting here tonight."

Yan Qiqi was flattered, and with that sharp gaze, it was like a knife falling on her body.

"No need, Auntie, I have some things to do and I have to go back early."

Mother Jiang's face suddenly became a little worried.

Huo Jinzhou suddenly said: "Auntie, I won't stay here tonight."

Hearing this, Jiang's mother glanced at the two of them, and then said, "That's just right. Jinzhou, you can send Qiqi back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Ying spoke first.

"Mom, I'll just take Qiqi home, so I won't bother my cousin."

Huo Jinzhou's eyes turned cold: "No need, Miss Yan and I are on the way. I'll just take her back."

When Jiang's mother heard this, she was happy to save trouble.

"Then just let Jinzhou send Qiqi back."

Jiang Ying glanced at Huo Jinzhou, with a cold look in his eyes.


After getting on the car, Yan Qiqi sat next to Huo Jinzhou. She always felt a line of sight falling on her wrist. There was only a jade bracelet there, the one given by Jiang's mother. Yan Qiqi felt a little uneasy.

Until the car stopped in front of Huo's house.

As soon as Yan Qiqi got out of the car, she found that the car door had been locked.

She turned to look at Huo Jinzhou. The man's eyes were cold and there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Yan Qiqi." Huo Jinzhou approached her as he spoke. The aura around her was called danger, and his lips pursed into a straight line.

The distance between them was so close that she could feel his breath on her face.

"I never told you that you will owe me until the day you die."

His voice rose slightly at the end, with some indescribable meaning. Yan Qiqi subconsciously stepped back, but he grabbed her waist with one hand.

"Let me go!" Her face turned red and she struggled.

Huo Jinzhou didn't answer, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, showing a hint of danger.

"Jiang Ying asked me to help play his girlfriend." She was pinned to the wall by him, unable to move, so she had no choice but to speak.

Huo Jinzhou slowly let go of her, looking at her face with a bit of blush and her Adam's apple moving up and down, holding back some emotion.

"Where did this jade bracelet come from?"

Jade bracelet? Yan Qiqi was stunned for a few seconds before she realized what he said, and then she remembered that Jiang's mother had given her a jade bracelet.

(End of this chapter)

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