Chapter 74 Party
Yan Qiqi took a deep breath, "I really hate drinking, but today I think they are very happy, so I just thought about letting them go. It's not a big deal anyway."

"Then do you know that doing this is harmful to your body?" Jiang Ying was a little angry.

"Can't you be such a spoiler?" Yan Qiqi was also a little impatient, "It's a rare time to come out to play, can't you let me have fun?"

After saying that, she turned back to the private room.

Jiang Ying stood there with mixed feelings in his heart.

In the private room, the girls were gathering together and whispering, "Do you feel that the relationship between them is unusual?"

"I think so too. When Qiqi went out just now, I saw Jiang Ying following behind." Another girl said.

"And Qiqi seems a little unhappy."

"How about we go ask her?"

"Forget it, let's not interfere in other people's affairs."

A few people were chatting when Yan Qiqi opened the door and walked in, "Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

"It's okay, it's okay, we just chatted for a while." The girl said with a smile.

"Okay, let's continue playing the game." Another girl suggested.

The game continued, but it was obvious that Yan Qiqi was a little distracted.

I don’t know how long it took, but the girls seemed to be tired of playing and suggested to leave.

Several people walked out of the private room. Just as Yan Qiqi was about to say goodbye to them, he saw Jiang Ying walking over, "I'll take you back."

The girls looked at each other, waved their hands and said, "No, we can just go back by ourselves." After that, they turned and left.

Jiang Ying looked at their backs as they left, "Let's go."

Yan Qiqi didn't say anything and followed him into the car.

Along the way, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing.

"Are you angry?" Jiang Ying was the first to break the silence.

"Why should I be angry?" Yan Qiqi looked out the window, her tone a little cold.

"I'm just..." Jiang Ying paused, "I'm worried about you."

"Worried about me?" Yan Qiqi turned to look at him, "What do you have to worry about?"

Jiang Ying said nothing, his eyes flickered.

"If you are really worried about me, you should respect my choice." Yan Qiqi looked at him, "I like here, the people here, and the atmosphere here."

Jiang Ying was silent for a moment, "I'm just worried that you will get hurt here."

"Get hurt?" Yan Qiqi sneered, "Why do you think I will be hurt? Jiang Ying, I am an adult."

Jiang Ying said nothing, but his expression said everything.

"Jiang Ying, there is no relationship between us, but you have crossed the line."

Jiang Ying said nothing, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"So, if you really care about me, stop interfering in my choices." Yan Qiqi looked at him, "I have my own ideas and pursuits, and I don't need you to arrange them for me."

Jiang Ying didn't speak, but his expression showed that he had accepted Yan Qiqi's point of view.

The car stopped at the door where Yan Qiqi lived, and the two got out of the car.

"Thank you for sending me back." Yan Qiqi looked at him, "Goodbye."

After saying that, she turned around and walked into the community.

Jiang Ying stood there, watching her back disappear into the night.

Huo Jinzhou was not at home, so Yan Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the room.

As soon as she entered the room, she felt a depressing breath coming towards her face.

Everything in the house was the same as before, but for some reason, she felt something was wrong.

She felt a little uneasy, but she still comforted herself that maybe she was too tired recently.

Yan Qiqi took a bath and lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

Jiang Ying's face, his eyes, his voice, and the words he said kept flashing in her mind. After an unknown amount of time, she finally fell asleep.

As she fell asleep, she suddenly woke up.

She felt like someone was watching her, which was a very uncomfortable feeling.

She sat up suddenly and turned on the bedside lamp, only to find that there was no one in the room.

Her heart began to beat faster, and she felt an unprecedented fear.

At this moment, she suddenly found a pair of feet beside her bed.

She turned her head suddenly, only to find Huo Jinzhou standing beside the bed, looking at her with an indifferent look.

"Why are you here?" Yan Qiqi asked in surprise.

Huo Jinzhou did not answer her question, but walked to the bed and sat down directly.

"Yan Qiqi, it seems that you are quite cool recently." He asked coldly.

Yan Qiqi was shocked, knowing that her whereabouts had been discovered by him.

"I didn't do anything," she replied quietly.

Huo Jinzhou sneered, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and threw it in front of her.

"What is this?" she asked.

"See for yourself." Huo Jinzhou said, standing up and preparing to leave the room.

Yan Qiqi picked up the phone, glanced at it, and was stunned.

What was displayed on the phone screen was a photo of Jiang Ying and her in the car.

Her heart sank, she knew what this picture meant.

"Are you following me?" She raised her head, looked at Huo Jinzhou's back, and asked loudly.

Huo Jinzhou stopped, turned around, and looked at her.

"Stalking?" He sneered, "I'm just worried and want to see what you do every day."

Yan Qiqi felt a surge of anger rising from the bottom of her heart. She stood up suddenly and rushed to him.

"Why do you do this? What right do you have to monitor my life?" she asked loudly.

Huo Jinzhou looked at her, a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"Yan Qiqi, don't forget that you still owe us."

"Yes, I owe you, so I give you this life back. Is that enough?" Yan Qiqi asked loudly.

Huo Jinzhou's eyes became even colder.

"Do you think dying can undo what happened?"

"It's too cheap for you to die like this." After saying that, he turned and left the room.

Yan Qiqi was stunned on the spot, with mixed feelings in her heart. She knew that her life had been firmly controlled by Huo Jinzhou. She wanted to get rid of him, but she also knew she couldn't get rid of him completely.

Just wait, soon, I will be able to leave here soon.

Yan Qiqi felt weak in her heart, and her mind gradually became groggy.

Last night, she had a dream.

I dreamed that a few years ago they were a couple that everyone envied.

I dreamed that one day my dream was shattered, the Yan family was gone, and she was not the daughter of the Yan family, and was framed by Nie Tong, and Huo Jinzhou misunderstood her.

I dreamed that I was pregnant, but was accused of being someone else’s child.


The child is diagnosed with the disease as soon as he is born.

And he also stayed in prison for five full years. Those five years were like falling into an abyss, leaving only a lingering body.

(End of this chapter)

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