Chapter 76 Impossible Mission
"Who said it's okay?"

The man's voice was cold and filled with unquestionable authority.

The nurse was shocked when she heard this and quickly hung up the phone. She couldn't help but swallow when she saw Huo Jinzhou.

Huo Jinzhou stared coldly.

The sound at the door disappeared instantly, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing.

Yan Qiqi's heart suddenly tightened when she heard this familiar voice.

It's Huo Jinzhou!

He actually came over!
Yan Qiqi struggled to get up, but fell to the ground because her body was too weak.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Huo Jinzhou's figure appeared at the door.

He watched her fall to the ground, frowning slightly, but still did not step forward to help her.

"How are you?"

His voice was cold, as if he was just asking about a stranger.

Yan Qiqi looked at him, feeling bitterness in her heart.

"Don't you really want me to die? Aren't you very happy now that I'm like this?"

She smiled sarcastically, trying to hide her inner vulnerability.

Huo Jinzhou looked at her, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes, which turned into sarcasm.

"If you want to use your death to atone for your sins, I advise you to give up!"

His voice was low, with a hint of imperceptible gentleness.

Yan Qiqi looked at him, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart.

She didn't know why she still cared about what he thought, but she knew that she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

"Then please go out, I don't want to see you."

"Otherwise, you just wait until Nie Tong dies!"

Her words were decisive and unquestionable, and she even took out the fruit knife beside the bed and put it against her neck.

Huo Jinzhou looked at her and was silent for a while, then slowly turned around and left.

The door was gently closed, and Yan Qiqi finally breathed a sigh of relief, but was also frightened. After all, Huo Jinzhou hated threats the most. According to his past temperament, he would do it with a sneer at the sight of himself dying here.

While thinking about it, Yan Qiqi suddenly thought that Huo Jinzhou had not found anyone with a blood type that matched his own for so many years, otherwise Huo Jinzhou would have let him die!
Yan Qiqi's heart was filled with doubts and confusion. She didn't know what kind of medicine Huo Jinzhou was selling in his gourd, and why he had such a strange attitude after learning that she was sick.

She was lying on the bed, her hand holding the handle of the knife trembling slightly, and her heart was full of uneasiness and confusion.

As night fell, there was silence in the ward. Yan Qiqi looked at the starry sky outside the window, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart.

She thought of everything she had with Huo Jinzhou, and those sweet and painful memories came to her heart like a tide. She closed her eyes, trying to seal away the memories, but to no avail.

Slowly sealing the memory in his heart, Yan Qiqi knew that he didn't have much time.

Early the next morning, Yan Qiqi left the hospital.

Since you are on the job for one day, you must keep your post for the whole day.

Just after finishing a data report, a figure came over.

Place the thermos cup directly in front of your desk.

Yan Qiqi frowned and turned to look at the man aside, doubts flashing in her eyes.

"Sister, I heard that drinking brown sugar water can replenish blood. You just had a blood transfusion yesterday and came to work today. You must not have recovered yet. Drink some brown sugar water to replenish your blood."

Jiang Ying's face was full of concern.

Yan Qiqi caught the important part of these words and couldn't help but frown.

"Are you spying on me?" "This is not a kind of surveillance. I know best what happens to my cousin. I just want to protect you as much as possible within my capabilities."

Jiang Ying waved his hands hurriedly, trying to explain that his behavior was not out of malice.

Yan Qiqi was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath, trying to calm down her emotions.

She could see that no matter what Jiang Ying's purpose was, his concern was real.

He raised his eyes to look at the man in front of him and forced a smile.

"Thank you."

She picked up the thermos cup on the table and took a sip of brown sugar water. The sweetness of brown sugar melts in your mouth, bringing a touch of warmth and comfort. She looked up at Jiang Ying, her eyes shining with gratitude.

She said softly, "Thank you both before and now."

Jiang Ying looked at Yan Qiqi's smiling face, and a warm current surged in his heart.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice broke the warm atmosphere.

"Secretary Yan, Mr. Huo asked you to come to the office." The assistant said.

Yan Qiqi responded, took the report she had just made, and walked towards Huo Jinzhou's office.

Walking into Huo Jinzhou's office, Yan Qiqi found that his expression was extremely serious.

Huo Jinzhou looked up at her, with a sneer on his lips, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Qiqi, this is work time, not a place for you to play and play. If you can't do it anymore, get out of the company as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Yan Qiqi raised her eyes and looked at Huo Jinzhou, her eyes full of perseverance.

"Mr. Huo, I think there is nothing wrong with my work attitude, and there is nothing in the employee handbook that prohibits communication with colleagues during working hours."

She didn't understand why Huo Jinzhou would fire her just because of this incident.

However, she had seen Huo Jinzhou's moodiness, so it was not surprising that he was acting like this now.

But wanting to use this excuse to get rid of yourself would be looking down on yourself too much.

There was a flash of tenacity in her eyes.

Huo Jinzhou's eyes were even colder, with a bit of disgust, and he directly called up a piece of data.

"If you have a way to solve the problem of fluctuations in the stock price of your job, then you can stay, but if you can't, pack up your things and leave immediately!"

She looked at the data on the computer in front of her. The stock price was indeed falling at a slow speed. It seemed to be very small, but it also evaporated hundreds of millions invisibly. However, it was slowly picking up again, although it had not fallen yet. many.

But this is also a normal phenomenon. The larger the company, the more common this kind of thing is. Huo Jinzhou may not really want to solve this problem, but more likely it is to set himself up.

Yan Qiqi only felt it was a bit ridiculous. In order to let herself leave, Huo Jinzhou really resorted to any means.

But this may not be able to defeat herself, and she also knows the importance of this issue.

She raised her eyes and looked at Huo Jinzhou, whose eyes were cold.

"I'll deal with it as soon as possible."

Yan Qiqi took a deep breath, unable to give an exact time, and she was not even sure whether the matter could be resolved.

"one week."

Yan Qiqi paused, anger rising in her heart. She raised her eyes to meet those cold eyes, and her original anger completely disappeared.

Didn't Huo Jinzhou just want to use this to repel himself?
Then she had to show it to the other party!

Yan Qiqi made a copy of the information and left the office.

Huo Jinzhou was suddenly the only one left in the office.

When I closed my eyes, my mind was filled with Yan Qiqi's stubborn and stubborn look, which instantly overlapped with the one I saw many years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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