At that time, no matter how late Huo Jinzhou came back from socializing, she would always wait at home.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Yan Qiqi's lips, and her sincerity was finally wasted.

At this moment, Assistant Liu walked in hurriedly, looking anxious.

"Secretary Yan, please take care of the boss here. The company still has some unfinished matters that need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

Yan Qiqi was stunned and frowned. She didn't want Huo Jinzhou to treat her like that again as soon as he woke up.

If she didn't want it, she wouldn't even want to stay in the same place as Huo Jinzhou.

Hearing this, Assistant Liu looked embarrassed.

"There are some things that have not been handed over to the company's shareholders. Secretary Yan, just wait until the boss wakes up. Please help me."

Yan Qiqi also saw Assistant Liu's embarrassment, and finally agreed softly.

Looking at Huo Jinzhou on the bed, Yan Qiqi pursed her lips, turned on her phone, and browsed the short video software at will.

She thought she knew how Huo Jinzhou caught a cold.

I took a long cold bath yesterday.

But this is not something he should worry about.

Yan Qiqi tugged at the corners of her lips, revealing a bitter smile.

According to Huo Jinzhou's attitude yesterday, ah no, the way they have been getting along with each other during this period of time, Yan Qiqi knew that the other party would not give him a good look when he woke up.

But since you promised someone, you can only admit defeat.

Just then, the phone rang.

Yan Qiqi was startled. She looked up at Huo Jinzhou and found that the other party did not respond at all. Yan Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, turned down the volume and walked outside.

As soon as they arrived in the corridor, Yan Qiqi answered the phone.

Yinuo's soft and waxy voice immediately came from the opposite side.

"Mommy, I miss you so much. When can you come see me?"

Across the screen, Yan Qiqi could even imagine Xiaotuanzi's aggrieved look, and her heart suddenly softened, her voice became gentler, and there was a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"Sorry, Yinuo, Mommy's been a little busy lately. I'll go see you when Mommy is done, okay? Bring your favorite toy."

Hearing this, the other side immediately burst into cheers, but then they spoke aggrievedly.

"Then, can mommy come quickly?"

Yan Qiqi noticed something was wrong and frowned slightly: "Did something happen?"

"No, there is a new brother next door. He said that I have no parents. I want to prove to him that I have a mother."

Hearing this, Yan Qiqi felt a dull pain in her heart. She blamed herself for her negligence during this period. Yinuo must have felt very uncomfortable hearing this.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiqi's nose became sore and tears fell from the corners of her eyes. It took her a long time to speak.

"Okay, Mommy will visit you soon. Next time he talks, tell him that you have a mother."

Yinuo obediently agreed.

Then the two briefly exchanged a few words. Yan Qiqi hung up the phone, wiped the tears from her eyes and returned to the ward.

In the ward, Huo Jinzhou was lying on the bed, his lips turned white, and his overall appearance did not look good.

Yan Qiqi looked a little dazed. After all, she had to admit that a son follows his father. She had seen photos of Huo Jinzhou when he was a child.

Yinuo looks a lot like Huo Jinzhou, the kind that even an outsider can spot at a glance.

Maybe one day, sooner or later, she won't be able to hide it from Huo Jinzhou after all.

But this is fine for Yinuo. She is not a competent mother. She only hopes that Huo Jinzhou can treat Yinuo well because Yinuo is his only child.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiqi's lips felt bitter. Unexpectedly, by now, I have begun to prepare for the worst.

However, Huo Jinzhou may not admit that this is his child, so she has to pave the way for Yinuo early.

She didn't worry about anything else. She was only worried that Yinuo would have no one to take care of her after she left.

Yan Qiqi thought and fell asleep in a daze.

Until she woke up, Yan Qiqi felt a sharp gaze before she even opened her eyes.

She frowned and looked at him, and found that Huo Jinzhou's expression was cold and even a little disgusting.

Yan Qiqi had long known that the situation would be like this when the other party woke up. She stood up and poured a glass of warm water for Huo Jinzhou. Then she called Assistant Liu and briefly informed the other party that Huo Jinzhou had woken up.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Qiqi noticed that Huo Jinzhou was still looking at her, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Yan Qiqi felt helpless and wanted to leave quickly, but at least the explanation had to be completed.

"Mr. Huo, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After Yan Qiqi said this, she turned around and left.

Huo Jinzhou's voice came from behind.

"Yan Qiqi, are you just leaving like this?"

Yan Qiqi didn't understand what Huo Jinzhou meant. It was clear that the other party couldn't stand her. She just disappeared from the other party's sight, but the other party suddenly said such a sentence. It was really inexplicable.

Thinking about it, she didn't even turn around, she just said something lightly.

"Yes, Assistant Liu just asked me to wait here for you to wake up. Now that Mr. Huo has woken up, I think there is nothing wrong with me. Assistant Liu will be here soon. I still have something to do, so I will leave first. .”

After saying that, Yan Qiqi ignored Huo Jinzhou, turned around and walked outside, and even closed the door thoughtfully.

Behind him in the ward.

Huo Jinzhou didn't say a word. He almost laughed angrily when he saw Yan Qiqi leaving like this.

Yan Qiqi, very good!
Not long after, Assistant Liu arrived at the hospital in just half an hour, as Yan Qiqi said.

As soon as I stepped into the ward, I felt that the temperature inside seemed to be extremely low, but even if the nights were cold in this summer, it would not be this cold.

And my boss seemed to be in a very bad mood.

As soon as Assistant Liu raised his eyes, he felt Huo Jinzhou's anger.

He was suddenly shocked. Could it be that Yan Qiqi made Huo Jinzhou angry while taking care of Huo Jinzhou, and then walked away, leaving him to clean up the mess?
Thinking of this, Assistant Liu complained endlessly.

"How are you handling the matters that the company asked you to handle?"

Assistant Liu answered tremblingly: "The company has taken care of everything. Just a few shareholders are waiting for you to go back for a meeting."

Huo Jinzhou sneered: "Why is there a meeting for such a trivial matter?"

Upon hearing this, Assistant Liu immediately changed his mind: "Then I'll make arrangements when I get back."

Huo Jinzhou nodded slightly, feeling inexplicably irritated.

Assistant Liu was frightened: "Old...boss, is there anything else you want to give me?"

"No need, take care of these things as soon as possible."

Assistant Liu agreed, seeming to have something in mind.

"Then I will help the boss arrange a caregiver when I go back?"

"No, you can go out."

Assistant Liu felt relieved and walked outside as if he had been granted amnesty.

But I was thinking in my heart, if it wasn't because of Secretary Yan, then who would the boss be angry about?

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