Chapter 91 Find the bad uncle

But Yan Qiqi knew that she had no right to be picky. After all, this is all arranged by Shang Hui.

Now, he is the passive one and can only be forced to accept Shang Hui's arrangements.

She walked out of the fitting room, and the woman was already waiting outside. Seeing Yan Qiqi, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she nodded to express her satisfaction.

"Miss Yan, this dress really suits you. Mr. Shang has a really unique vision."

Yan Qiqi smiled slightly and said nothing. She knew that all this was Shang Hui's arrangement, and she just had to obey.

But after seeing the sewing machine in the corner, Yan Qiqi smiled and turned to look at the woman.

"You go out and wait. I think this dress needs improvement."

Hearing this, the woman wanted to say something, but was directly rejected by Yan Qiqi.

"You tell Mr. Shang that it's my request, and he will agree."

Yan Qiqi pretended to be calm after saying this. In fact, she didn't know what she was doing, but the most important thing at the moment was to scare the woman in front of her.

After hearing this, the latter had no choice but to agree and walked out.

Seeing the woman closing the door after leaving, Yan Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the sewing machine.

On the other side, the woman saw the business emblem when she came out.

The latter looked slightly cold: "Didn't I ask you to take good care of her inside?"

The woman was startled, remembering Yan Qiqi's words, and spoke quickly.

"Mr. Shang, it was Miss Yan who asked me to come out. She said just let me tell you directly. You will agree."

After saying this, she couldn't help but look at Shang Hui's face.

The latter narrowed his eyes when he heard this, his face softened slightly, and he said nothing more. The woman breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yan Qiqi did not lie to herself.

Within fifteen minutes, Yan Qiqi looked at the improved skirt in her hands. She had slightly changed the design that was easy to reveal.

Not only is there no risk of being exposed this time, but it even turns out to be a bit more noble.

She put it on and knocked on the door.

The woman outside the door glanced at Shang Hui, and only dared to enter the room when he nodded.

However, she looked shocked when she saw Yan Qiqi's modified clothes.


Yan Qiqi glanced at the other party lightly, this look was full of majesty, and the woman's original words were swallowed back, and she no longer dared to say anything.

Then, the woman took out an exquisite handbag and a pair of high heels, both of which matched the red dress.

Yan Qiqi put on her high heels, picked up her handbag, and looked in the mirror again. She had completely changed. Yan Qiqi, who looked beautiful but always had a touch of sadness in her eyebrows, disappeared and was replaced by an elegant, noble and feminine woman.

She walked out of the room and Shang Hui was already waiting outside. When he saw Yan Qiqi, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He walked up to Yan Qiqi, looked him up and down, and then nodded.

"It's beautiful."

Shang Hui paused, half-smiling: "However, a master-level haute couture dress has been altered by you so that it is worthless. Miss Yan is really good at it."

Yan Qiqi frowned, thinking of something, with a faint smile on her face.

"Mr. Shang is joking. This dress is made for people to wear. If the person wearing it is not satisfied, then the dress is just a decoration no matter how beautiful it is."

Shang Hui made a move, and his eyes became more interested.

"Miss Yan is really eloquent."

"Each each other."

Shang Hui stretched out his hand, as if hinting at something.

Yan Qiqi understood that there was no point in pretending to be stupid at this time. She pursed her lips, stretched out her hand, and clasped her hands.

...At the same time, on the other side.

While the front desk was not paying attention, a certain kid quickly ran towards the elevator.

The next second, he heard scolding from behind. At the same time, Yan Yinuo also hit a hard object, which seemed to be a wall. The pain made him burst into tears.

However, he knew that if he stopped at this time, he would definitely be caught by the receptionist behind him. However, before he could continue running forward, he was directly grabbed by a pair of big hands.

Yan Yinuo hurriedly shook him off, but the hand that grabbed him couldn't shake him off no matter how hard he tried to break free.

"Mr. Huo..."

Huo Jinzhou's eyes fell on the little man in front of him, and the corners of his lips slightly raised an inconspicuous arc.

"Go down."

Hearing this, a look of confusion flashed across the front desk's face and he turned to leave.

"Bad uncle!" Yan Yinuo heard the voice and raised his eyes with excitement on his face.

Huo Jinzhou's face suddenly turned dark.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me bad uncle?"

Yan Yinuo pursed his lips, feeling a little aggrieved.

"But you are a bad uncle. You were mean to me last time."

Huo Jinzhou held his forehead, a little helpless. He was indeed a little cruel to this little guy last time, but it was only because the other person sneaked over and wanted to teach him a lesson.

But looking at the little man in front of him, Huo Jinzhou felt soft in his heart for no reason.

"Okay, I apologize to you, and I won't be cruel to you again." Huo Jinzhou squatted down and tried to sound gentler. Even he didn't notice that the corners of his lips raised a curve.

Although it's not obvious, if other people in the company see it, they will just feel like they have seen a ghost.

The CEO of the company, who looks like an Antarctic glacier, actually smiles at an unrelated child!
Yan Yinuo blinked, as if judging whether Huo Jinzhou's words were sincere.


"Of course." Huo Jinzhou nodded, then took Yan Yinuo's hand, "But where is your mommy?"

Yan Yinuo suddenly became alert: "What do you want to do with my mommy?"

Huo Jinzhou narrowed his eyes and spoke calmly.

"Of course I want to hand you over to your mommy so that you don't have to run around anymore."

Yan Yinuo pursed his lips and asked suddenly.

"Uncle Bad, are you awesome?"

"Why did you ask so?"

Yan Yinuo didn't hide anything, and spoke: "Mom was taken away by another bad uncle, and they talked about some kind of deal... cooperation."

Yan Yinuo could barely think of these in his small mind.

Huo Jinzhou seemed to understand something when he heard this, his eyes flashed with cold light.

"of course."

"That's great! Bad uncle, take me to mommy!"

Huo Jinzhou didn't care about the title of a certain kid this time, and directly took the kid into the car.

In the car, Yan Yinuo sat in the passenger seat and Huo Jinzhou sat in the driver's seat. He looked at the scenery outside through the car window without saying a word.

Yan Yinuo held his little hand nervously. He didn't know what he would face next, but he believed in this bad uncle because he seemed very powerful and might be able to help him find his mother.

After driving for a while, the car finally reached its destination.

Yan Yinuo was a little surprised when he saw the building in front of him. He didn't expect his mother to be here.

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