Chapter 235 The flower-picking female thief
[Host, are you not attracted to this Pei Zhang? The Pei Zhang in this world just happens to have the same name and is not the Pei Zhang you met in the previous world. Don't be confused by him. 】

The system was still worried and came out again.

"Then give me the Soul-Containing Wood where Pei Zhang is now. I want to take a look."

[No, you cannot open the backpack during the mission. 】The system directly rejected it without thinking.

Xie Yun stopped and gave it two words: "Fart!"

What the system said was completely treating her like a three-year-old child. If it really couldn't be taken out, then why could she use points to exchange for things in the previous mission world?
What can't be done is just an excuse.

She suddenly thought of Xuanwu's gift - the love thread.

What did Xuanwu say at that time?

Yes, it is the love thread that binds their souls together, and the power of their souls can be shared.

There was one thing the system had never told her, and she had deduced it herself.

The more tasks she completes, the stronger the power of the soul becomes. After all, after traveling many times, without a strong soul, her will would have collapsed long ago.

So, has her soul power been shared with Pei Zhang long ago?

With this thought, Xie Yunting was so excited that he almost trembled.

She found that she was coming into contact with the hidden rules of the system more and more.

Many previous perceptions have also been shattered.

For example, whether the mission world she entered was chosen by the system for her, or by herself.

It may be confusing to say this, but in other words, the rules of the mission world are not directly determined by the system, but by her situation. At least, the decision-making power does not entirely lie with the system.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the energy of the two mission worlds she entered successively after the four divine beasts was weaker than the last.

Is it because her soul is so weak that she cannot enter high-latitude planes?

For now, this is the most reasonable guess.

This discovery made Xie Yunting almost ecstatic.

She doesn't mind sharing the power of the soul with her lover at all. If after sharing, Pei Zhang can appear in front of her again, she will be very happy to share even more.

[Host, don’t think too much. The most important thing is to complete the task quickly. 】The system urged uneasily.

For some reason, Xie Yunting this time made him a little scared.

It seems to be losing more and more control over its host.

"Yuxuanzhi, right? I understand." The arc of Xie Yunting's mouth continued to expand. She was smiling, but the system felt that this smile was more terrifying than when Xie Yunting was not smiling.

It couldn't guess what Xie Yunting was thinking at this time, and could only ask tentatively: [Host, Yuxuanzhi will come to Nancheng soon. It's time for you to take action. Get pregnant with Yuxuanzhi's child as soon as possible and give birth to him. Children, we can complete the mission and go to the next dimension. Don’t you still want to see Pei Zhang again? After completing the task, I can show you the Soul Containing Wood. 】

"Really? Thank you very much for that."

[We are partners, sharing the host's worries is what I should do. 】

"It better be so."

Xie Yunting smiled coldly. The system could keep telling her lies, and she could also tell lies to deal with it.

Yuxuanzhi, since he came to Nancheng, he should wait to die.

If you sell longevity pills without any personal emotion, you should be damned!

Pei Zhang woke up from a splitting headache. When he woke up, he found that he looked like he had just been fished out of the water. His whole body was wet with sweat and very sticky.

Pushing the scattered hair away from his face, his star-like eyes were dim and unreadable.

The events of last night came to his mind little by little. His last memory was that he wanted to forcefully have sex with Xie Yunting, and then he lost consciousness.

No matter how he looked at the method of losing consciousness, he never thought it was Xie Yunting. Women are very powerful, and he has fully experienced them these days, but this power is not enough compared to the method of making people suddenly fall into coma.

He was very sure that Xie Yunting didn't do anything to him at that time. He was completely controlled by a mysterious force and passed out.

Yun Ting, Yun Ting, how many secrets do you still have in you?

Deng Deng Deng

As soon as Xie Yunting opened the door, he saw Pei Zhang, neatly dressed and washed.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, can I come in, Yun Ting." Pei Zhang smiled gently and did not look dangerous at all, but Xie Yun Ting would not forget this guy's aggressive behavior last night.

She didn't plan to let the person in, even though it would be impossible for Pei Zhang to force him in.

"Let's talk here, I have something to go out for later."

"Yun Ting, I'm sorry last night. I didn't know my drinking capacity would be so bad, but I really like you!"

Pei Zhang's sudden expression made Xie Yunting stunned.

It took her a long time to put her hand down on the door frame.

This way of hitting a straight ball is really not like Pei Zhang.

She quickly ran through the memories in her mind. Did Pei Zhang take the initiative to confess to her?
It seems that no, in every world, she is more proactive.

She has clearly never taken the initiative in this world, and the initiative she took before traveling through time cannot be counted on her.

But Pei Zhang actually took the initiative to confess his feelings.

Xie Yunting felt that he might need to calm down alone.

Even if you judge in your mind that there is an 80% chance that this Pei Zhang is that Pei Zhang, there is still a 20% chance that he is not.

She couldn't accept this confession hastily. Her heart could move, but she only wanted to move it for her lover.

"You go back first."

For the first time in his life, Xie Yunting almost ran away.

With a bang, Xie Yunting closed the door.

Facing the closed door, Pei Zhang smiled.

She clearly had feelings for him, otherwise why wouldn't she dare to continue facing him.

Escape, Yun Ting, you can't escape.

Pei Zhang did not continue to pester outside the door and turned back to his guest room.

On the way, he thought of a question again. Xie Yunting had been looking at someone through him.

This person is undoubtedly very similar to him, otherwise Xie Yunting would not unconsciously look at him in a daze over and over again.

This feeling is very unpleasant.

He must replace that person! Pei Zhang's eyes were filled with ambition.

After locking herself back in her room, Xie Yunting blushed. She actually did such a thing as escaping. It was so embarrassing.

However, although escaping is shameful, it is useful.

She hasn't figured out how to get along with Pei Zhang in this state yet.

Those little sparks of joy in her heart, she was not very sure would eventually turn into a raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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