Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 114 Dracion’s true face

Chapter 114 Dracion’s true face
At this time, Ouranos and the others also took two steps back very cautiously.

Because they did feel an extremely dangerous signal from the guy in front of them.

At this time, not to mention Absolut's side was shocked, even the Ultra Warriors' camp heard a series of exclamations.

Because they didn't expect that they would actually see the legendary Ultra Warrior: Regedo today.

However, someone soon discovered the anomaly. Gauss and Justis were the first to see the clues, and Justis even asked tentatively.

"Lord Dracion, is that you?"

It should be mentioned here that Jestis is not an Ultra warrior affiliated with the Kingdom of Light.

She is Dracion's direct subordinate. If anyone among the Ultra Warriors present has the highest probability of having seen Dracion's true form.

Then there is no one else except Jestis, and no one else is really qualified to see Dracion.

The reason why Justice said this was because she felt Dracion's aura in the Ultra warrior who looked like Regedo in front of her.

"No, even though it looks similar, it's not actually Ultraman Regedo."

Gauss also discovered something was wrong at this time. As Regedo's fusion material, he was actually the one who summoned Regedo's key. He was definitely more familiar with Regedo than other Ultraman.

Gauss also realized now that although the Ultra warrior in front of him looked very similar to Reggio, his temperament was completely different.

Moreover, the patterns on its body are not quite right, and some places are distorted.

Although it is not an evil twist, it still distinguishes it from Reggio's appearance.

Ultra warriors who are not familiar with Regedo may not be able to tell it at first, but Gauss can detect something is wrong.

After looking at it several times, Gauss was almost certain that the Ultra Warrior in front of him was not Regedo.

After hearing what the two said, the reactions of both parties changed. The Ultra Warrior was more curious.

Absolut was just a little relieved, because they had also heard about Regedo's deeds and knew that he was an extremely powerful Ultra warrior.

At this time, Wu Xunfeng, who was observing secretly across a universe, also saw some clues.

"I see, I should have figured this out a long time ago, the relationship between Reggio and Dracion."

Wu Xunfeng has probably guessed what kind of existence Dracion is by now.

Regedo's setting is the incarnation of the will of the universe, a legendary Ultra Warrior.

He can gather the power of the entire universe at will and hit the most powerful kill: Spark Legend.

The setting of Dracion is the incarnation of the righteous will of the universe, the righteous referee of the universe, the eliminater of threats in the universe, and the creator god of the universe.

Wu Xunfeng had felt that the settings of these two guys were somewhat similar, and even somewhat conflicting.

In particular, Dracion is the creator god of the universe and the incarnation of the will of the universe with Reggie. These two settings are completely in conflict.

It now seems that the Creator God of the Universe should only be his honorific title, rather than Dracion's true origin.

Dracion's true origin setting should be the only incarnation of the will of justice in the universe.

Other titles are honorific titles given by people in the multiverse based on his actions.

This makes sense, and it can also explain why Dracion immediately obeyed as soon as Reggio appeared on the scene.

Because in essence, Dracion is a subordinate of Reggio, but the relationship between the two parties is not absolute superior and subordinate.

To use a layman's metaphor, if Regedo is the speaker of the parliamentary system, then Dracion is the incarnation of the decree responsible for judging trials. Regedo cannot completely command and control Dracion, but he can prevent some of his actions through persuasion.

And Dracion will launch judgments on various dangerous civilizations in the entire multiverse based on his own code of justice.

This also corresponds to the setting of the incarnation of the will of justice in the universe. This setting is actually inferior to the incarnation of the will of the universe.

Because the will of justice is only within narrow rules, Reggio's will of the universe is an all-encompassing existence.

So to sum up, it is impossible for a judge with a narrow destiny like Dracion to have the same level of strength as Regedo.

The path he walks is very narrow, and he will never reach Reggio's level in this life.

This is why the Absolut warriors present only felt danger, but did not feel that overwhelming feeling.

Because if Dracion is really a fourth-level god, the Absolute warriors present will not feel the danger at all.

Instead, you will feel unable to resist, and even have a fatal crisis. It is a crushing level of suppression.

"That's fine. It's not too boring. It just helps me train my generals."

After Wu Xunfeng judged the situation and knew the truth of the matter, he said to himself calmly.

Moreover, these judgments of Wu Xunfeng can also explain why Dracion looks so similar to Reggio, but not exactly the same.

Because in a sense, both parties are of the same origin.

The patterns on its body also distinguish the difference between the complete will of the universe and the will of justice.

"You have good eyesight, Justice. You let me down so much. You should report the situation on the scene to me as soon as possible instead of engaging in this meaningless fight with them."

At this time, Drathion in the field also turned slightly sideways, turned his head and glanced at Jestis and said.

There was no emotion in his tone, just like a cold machine, not like the voice a normal creature should have.

"That's not the case, sir. I just don't think we should launch such a large-scale war. It will hurt innocent people."

Justice tried to argue, but Dracion didn't give her a chance to speak.

He directly interrupted Justice's words, then stared at Ouranos and the others and said.

"That's enough. I don't want to hear such unnecessary explanations. Absolut people from another world, you can't run away this time."

"Before, when you were making trouble in this universe, I turned a blind eye, but what you are doing now has touched my bottom line."

"You actually dare to cross parallel time and space and come here to cause trouble. Today I will completely eliminate you. Without the stopping of your emperor, you will not be able to survive in my hands."

Dracion's words were quite rude, and they were equivalent to declaring war.

However, at this time Ouranos also simply judged all the situations, and he finally came to a conclusion.

That is, although the enemy in front of them looks very strong, it is not that they cannot handle it.

If they play together, they are sure to defeat each other.

So Ouranos has made a decision. He first gave a brief explanation through telepathy and other ultimate life forms, and then stared at Dracion and said.

"You are quite confident in yourself, but you underestimate us too much."

(End of this chapter)

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