Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 120 The truth behind the kingdom’s disaster

Chapter 120 The truth behind the kingdom’s disaster

So far, this major crisis that may have worsened has been prevented.

Then Regedo also left with Dracion, and King Ao also returned to the Kingdom of Light with the Austrians from the Kingdom of Light.

They all went back to prepare for the compensation this time, but Wu Xunfeng was not in a hurry to leave because he still had one thing to do.

"Since I promised to help you, I will never break my promise. Let me see what is wrong with you."

Wu Xunfeng said this to Tartarus, and after he said this, he led everyone back to the kingdom.

Before, Wu Xunfeng couldn't see clearly across many universes, but now he could clearly see the current situation of the kingdom.

Wu Xunfeng just took a serious look and saw clearly the current situation of the kingdom.

There are many small Aduravata towers on the surface of the kingdom, but these Aduravata towers are not real ones, they are just fake ones.

They only have the appearance of Aduravata and do not have functions. The energy source that makes them shine is in the star core of the kingdom.

Countless Cascade energy coming from the depths of the kingdom's star core lit up the Adurava Tower on the surface of the kingdom.

The opportunity has not been mentioned before. In fact, the empire has completely solved the problem of Cascade's excessive energy.

Because unlike the unsuspecting kingdom, the empire had been studying how to control Cascade energy when it erected the Edurava Tower.

The energy on the kingdom's side was about to get out of control, and the planet was about to explode before they reacted. After even thinking about it, they couldn't find a solution, and it was already too late.

Moreover, Wu Xunfeng had already gotten out some information with just a few simple questions.

According to Kingdom Tartarus, there was a large-scale turmoil in the history of the kingdom.

That incident caused the kingdom to lose a lot of scientific information, and even the scientist who developed Aduravatar lost his life in that incident.

This put the kingdom in a very awkward position, as they had only one Adurava Tower to use.

In order to ensure the normal energy supply of the entire planet, their original Aduravata was established in the center of the earth.

After the kingdom's scientists died due to that incident, the kingdom had lost the ability to re-establish the Aduravata, let alone subsequent maintenance and improvements.

Therefore, the kingdom can only watch helplessly as the energy of the only core Eduravata deep in the earth's core grows day by day, approaching the edge of going berserk and out of control.

And they had no choice. Kingdom Tartarus tried to travel through time and space and go back to the past to find the scientist.

As a result, the Kingdom of Tartarus discovered with some horror that the great scientist who was clearly recorded in their history did not exist in the time and space of history at all.

No matter how Kingdom Tartarus traveled through time or searched, it could not find the scientist.

Even Kingdom Tartarus witnessed the turmoil with his own eyes, but he still could not find the great and mysterious scientist.

It was as if the scientist had never existed, completely dead in time and space.

As for the Kingdom, why doesn't Tartarus look for other relevant scientists or find relevant information?

In this way, a scientist who understands Aduravata can also be artificially cultivated.

But that's not possible, because the Aduravata on the kingdom's side was developed by that scientist.

All the information is in his hands, and outsiders have no idea how this thing was developed.

This becomes an endless loop and a space-time paradox. Because if that scientist does not appear in the history of the kingdom, the subsequent history of the kingdom will be completely rewritten.

But in fact it doesn't, which is very strange.

This is also the first time that Kingdom Tartarus has encountered such a thing.

So now he is still sweating a little when he thinks about it, and he is very scared when he thinks about it, not knowing what is going on.

After understanding these situations, Wu Xunfeng realized that there were so many details hidden in the plot full of flaws in the original work.

This can also explain why Kingdom Tartarus has always been obsessed with the plasma spark of the Kingdom of Light.

Why doesn't the kingdom abandon its home planet and re-establish a new Aduravata to form a brand new planet?

After all, that's what the empire did. It turned out that it was technically unfeasible and all the ways they could think of were blocked.

So the only way the Kingdom can think of is to rob the Kingdom of Light. Although the energy of the plasma spark is a little weaker, it is still useful.

"I see. It seems that your kingdom has provoked an incredible person. He can actually erase people from time and space. It is really powerful."

After Wu Xunfeng understood all the information, he also said thoughtfully.

He probably understood that method, that method of completely erasing an existence from time and space. Wu Xunfeng could barely do it now.

This way of erasing the opponent is to prevent the opponent from suddenly resurrecting his corpse or something like that.

However, there are still some loopholes in this approach, because there are more powerful supreme beings who can resurrect the target through the memories of outsiders or even a few words of legend.

This kind of idealistic level of power is the same as the setting in Kamen Rider. After all, the setting of Kamen Rider is.

As long as there are still people who remember Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider will not die completely.

Of course, the Ultra Warriors also have similar settings, but Wu Xunfeng is more curious about them.

This scientist doesn't seem to be a protagonist, so how could he be erased from time and space?
Who on earth did such a thing, and the person who could do such a thing must not be weak.

There are only a handful of people in the Ultra Universe who can do such a thing, so there is still a very big unsolved mystery.

No one around him could understand what Wu Xunfeng said, but Wu Xunfeng didn't need them to understand. Wu Xunfeng was just sorting out information.

After understanding the situation at the scene, Wu Xunfeng also said to Kingdom Tartarus.

"It's not difficult to solve the crisis in your kingdom. I can ask the empire's engineering troops to come over and help you choose a new planet, and then create a controllable Aduravata."

"This way your kingdom can abandon this home planet and live on a new planet, and there will never be such an explosion crisis again."

Wu Xunfeng gave his own solution, as to why he didn't ask people from the empire to come over and repair the kingdom's Adurava Tower.

That's because the Adurava Tower in the Kingdom is indeed on the verge of going berserk. It can't be repaired at all and will explode in a few years.

So no matter which direction you look at it, the best choice is for the empire to send people to help the kingdom build a new home star.

Kingdom Tartarus didn't have any objections when he heard Wu Xunfeng's words, but he still had one most important thing in mind.

"Your Majesty, I have one more thing to ask of you. Our king has been sleeping. I would like to ask you to help wake him up."

(End of this chapter)

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