Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 124 The second passer of the Cosmic Trial Tower

Chapter 124 The second passer of the Cosmic Trial Tower


"Is this Absolut from another universe? It's so majestic and prosperous."

In the spaceport outside the empire's home planet, a group of Ultra warriors stepped off a spaceship.

Along with them were many scientists from the Kingdom of Light, including Hikari, the strongest scientist from the Kingdom of Light, who was called Superman Aguang by netizens.

At this time, many new-generation Ultra warriors were curiously looking at the golden and bright planet below.

"Please come with us, Your Majesty and the ministers are already waiting for you."

Just as the Ultra Warriors from the Main Universe were looking around curiously, an Imperial Forbidden Army soldier came up very politely and sat down to take over the work.

Then these Ultra warriors followed the Forbidden Army warrior and boarded the spaceship that welcomed the foreign guests and headed towards the surface.

In the space port at this time, there were still many Absolut warriors receiving material compensation from Dracion.

Next, Wu Xunfeng and the ministers of the empire met with the Ultra warriors from the main universe.

Of course, those are just politeness and etiquette, and outsiders cannot be allowed to say that Absolut has no manners.

As for the necessary procedures, Wu Xunfeng didn't care much about the visiting Ultra warriors.

Naturally, there will be specialized personnel to handle the next various things, while Wu Xunfeng himself goes to do what he should do.

"Although I am a little reluctant, I still feel that this Absolut is much stronger than the Kingdom of Light, especially their national basic strength."

A group of dozens of people were walking on the spacious street, and Severn suddenly said something with emotion.

"Yes, the atmosphere in Absolut is very unique. The entire civilization is full of positivity."

Leo also nodded in agreement when he heard this. The conversation of several people naturally made the Absolute soldiers who were responsible for leading the tour very proud.

Therefore, a soldier from Absolut who was in a good mood also spoke to several people at this time.

"This must be your first time coming to Absolut, so do you want to try the Cosmic Trial Tower?"

"This is the rigid standard for judging strength in our universe. Those who can penetrate the universe trial tower are truly strong, and they are also geniuses."

After hearing the words of this Absolute warrior, the Ultra warriors who were visiting the surrounding street scene suddenly became interested, and Zero was the first to ask.

"Then who has passed through the Cosmic Trial Tower?"

"Currently, only Commander Tartarus has overcome it. Other ultimate life forms do not need to rely on this to prove their strength."

"In our empire, being able to break through the Cosmic Trial Tower is the real criterion for promotion. As long as you can break through the Cosmic Trial Tower, you will be able to rise rapidly and be promoted to a higher position."

The Absolute warrior explained very seriously. After hearing his words, the Ultra warriors' eyes lit up and they became interested.

Because they probably also understand what this cosmic trial tower is, it is similar to a proof of strength.

Being able to penetrate the Cosmic Trial Tower proves your strength. If you have strength, you will receive corresponding treatment.

This rule can be said to fully implement the concept of the strong first.

But this is actually quite in line with the appetite of Ultra Warriors, although they may not necessarily agree with this concept.

But he also felt that this kind of device that could test strength was very interesting. After hearing this, Zero asked even more interestedly.

"Are there any requirements for beating this cosmic trial tower? Can we try it too?"

"Of course. You are officially received foreign guests. You can definitely try it." "Other civilizations in our universe also often come to challenge, but they need to pay some resources as tickets."

The Absolute warrior answered without hesitation, and then all the Ultra warriors found this very interesting and decided to go and have a look.

In a short time, everyone arrived in front of the Universe Trial Tower.

"What a magnificent tower. Is it 100 floors? I'll try it first!"

After seeing the Cosmic Trial Tower passing by, Zero couldn't help but be the first to rush forward.

The soldiers of Absolut also gave them the green light and even opened a channel for them to watch the live broadcast.

Allowing Ultra warriors to see what their companions are going through inside.

So when Zero entered, all the Ultra Warriors stared at the virtual screen in front of them, watching what happened to him inside.

However, the Ultra Warriors present looked at the live broadcast, and the more they looked at it, the more familiar it seemed.

Because the simulated opponents that Zero encountered were all kinds of monsters, and most of these monsters were taken from various Ultra Warrior TV shows by Wu Xunfeng.

The Cosmic Trial Tower itself is a mashup of monsters from many Ultra TVs, but in the last few floors, Wu Xunfeng really couldn't find any opponents.

So Mimic Noah was simply put in, but before that, most of the enemies encountered by the tower invaders were monsters, and some were aliens or Dark Ultraman.

At this time, in the eyes of all the Ultra Warriors, Zero seemed to be unparalleled. He almost passed the first 50 levels with an instant kill.

The enemies in the first fifty levels didn't even let Zero use other forms. He relied on his most basic form to defeat them.

However, after level 50, the enemies that appear have obviously made a qualitative leap.

The more Zero fought, the more difficult he felt. Finally, he began to change forms. In order to adapt to different environments, he would choose to transform into a corona or moon god form.

When these two forms cannot be solved, Zero will transform into the form of Wild Awakening.

In the end, Zero's ultimate form and glorious form were forced out, but when he reached the last level, he was a little confused.

"Are you kidding? Why is it Ultraman Nexus?"

Zeta, who was watching the battle, said in surprise that after all, Zero was his teacher, so it was normal for him to be worried.

But what surprised them was yet to come. As expected, Nexus was successfully suppressed by Zero.

Finally, the Mimic Nexus inside lit up with white light and transformed directly into the Mimic Noah. The sudden punch almost stunned Zero.

But Zero reacted quickly. He immediately used his last trump card and used his strongest power to transform into the ultimate glorious form.

In this form, Zero undoubtedly possesses a strength that exceeds the combat power of ordinary ultimate life forms.

So the mimic Noah in front of him is no match for Zero.

Because even Empire Tartarus, who has just reached the standard of the ultimate life form, can defeat Mimic Noah.

So there is no reason why Zero, who has transformed into his ultimate glorious form, should lose.

After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, Zero blasted this Mimic Noah with his own killing light!
The moment Mimic Noah was defeated, this news instantly occupied all the virtual screens outside the Cosmic Trial Tower.

There is also a battle replay of how Zero passed the last level. It can be said that the queue is full.

Because Zero is the second person to pass the level since the establishment of the Universe Trial Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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