Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 128 2 Superposition of Hyperspace

Chapter 128 Two Superposed Hyperspaces
The other Ultra warriors, including Absolut's warriors, were in a similar mood at this time.

Although they did not urge him like Zero, the curiosity in their eyes could not be concealed.

After all, Hikali had calculated a lot so excitedly just now, so he must have calculated something.

And the result of this calculation is very likely to be related to this investigation mission, so everyone's eyes are now focused on Hikali.

Seeing this, Hikali didn't show off, and he began to explain slowly.

"If I tell you too specific principles, you won't understand. I'll just explain it briefly."

"What Yinghe said just now, that black mist is like something that does not exist in this dimension, is what reminded me."

"Then I started to make a bold calculation using the known cosmic coordinates of the multiverse and some space-time formulas."

"Then I calculated the results. No matter which dimension we observe from, it actually proves that the multiverse hyperspace we are in is not the only one."

Hikali paused here, as if he wanted everyone to temporarily digest the information he said.

As expected, everyone looked very shocked, because this was the first time they had heard of this theory.

After seeing that everyone had almost digested the information just now, Hikali continued to explain.

"All the base numbers of matter that I just calculated are even numbers. This is actually abnormal, because we can usually only see and feel the universe composed of odd numbers of matter."

"If this is the case in one or two universes, I won't say anything. But I just calculated that the material base of more than 10 universes has this result."

"In other words, this is not a coincidence, but an established fact, or the real basic rule of the universe."

"And it is the fundamental law of matter in the universe that has always been hidden, so based on this theory, I can make a bold hypothesis."

"The multiverse hyperspace we are in is not the only one, but has two sides of the same body, with two multiverse hyperspaces."

"The most important thing is that these two multiverse hyperspaces are not arranged in parallel, but overlap with each other."

Hikali has explained it very simply and easily, and even some smart warriors already know what Hikali wants to say.

The Kingdom of Tartarus, who has done a lot of research on time and space, stood up and said directly at this time.

"According to you, the black fog covering the surface of the plasma spark is the projection of another multiverse hyperspace image for some reason?"

"That's why there is this phenomenon that does not affect each other but can be observed, because the black fog we see is an overlapping picture of another multiverse hyperspace."

People who were a little confused at first understood the meaning immediately after hearing what Kingdom Tartarus said.

Then everyone looked at Hikali for confirmation, and Hikali nodded seriously at this time.

"Yes, Tartarus is right, that's what I want to express."

After hearing that Hikali agreed, everyone probably understood what this meant.

To put it simply, in any space that everyone is in now, there is another super multiverse space that overlaps and hides.

I have to say that this is undoubtedly a quite bold speculation. If confirmed, it will definitely be something that can subvert everyone's worldview.

At this time, everyone understood why Hikali just said that this matter may subvert the universe and the world. This is indeed a great discovery. "According to Hikari's intention, it is very likely that the Ultra King and Regedo will pass through some method."

"We went together to this hyperspace that overlaps with our hyperspace, so that's why they lost contact?"

After understanding the history, Zero was no longer anxious. Instead, he asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is very possible, and the two overlapping hyperspaces do not have the technology to communicate directly, so we cannot contact them."

Hikali also nodded seriously. After hearing his words, all the Ultra warriors present actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this means that the Ultra King and Regedo did not encounter an accident or fall, but simply lost contact and disappeared.

This is much more acceptable to them than the terrible consequences of their wild guesses before.

"But there is another most important question. How do we find or enter the hyperspace that overlaps with ours?"

After thinking for a long time, Nyx raised her head and said something, but her eyes did fall on Hikari when she spoke.

After all, Hikali discovered this thing first. If you have any questions, you must ask him first. If he says there is a way, then the subsequent matters will be much easier to handle.

When everyone saw this, they all turned their attention to Hikali, hoping that he, the superman Aguang, the chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light, could create miracles again.

But Hikali did shake his head helplessly.

"I can calculate these formulas based on the black fog, and deduce that the existence of such an overlapping hyperspace is already the limit. If I want to go to that place, I really have no choice."

After hearing Xikali's words, everyone said that they were not disappointed, but that was a lie, because their investigation was in trouble again.

But what everyone didn't know at this time was that the entire process of their conversation was clearly heard by Wu Xunfeng who was sitting in Absolut.

After listening to Xikali's theory, Wu Xunfeng also began to analyze the basic material composition of hyperspace along the material structure he mentioned.

To be honest, Wu Xunfeng had never thought of analyzing this thing before, because no one would doubt the material basis of hyperspace.

Because if you even doubt this, and even the most basic material basis is wrong, then the entire world should not exist.

This question has even risen to a philosophical level. Anyone who doubts this is doubting his own existence.

And Hikali is indeed a genius. Not only did he make such a bold assumption, he also calculated a basic framework based on it.

Therefore, at this time, Wu Xunfeng began to analyze based on the theoretical framework proposed by Xikali.

Then Wu Xunfeng's eyes paused slightly, and he said with some amazement.

"No, there is actually another hyperspace, and the two hyperspaces do overlap with each other. Hikari, you are really a genius."

If Xikali had just made an empty calculation, Wu Xunfeng was now using his own powerful strength to help him complete the calculation.

This is equivalent to passing the theoretical stage and entering the experimental stage.

Then Wu Xunfeng really discovered another hyperspace, and it overlapped with the current hyperspace of this universe.

(End of this chapter)

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