Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 131 The Kingdom of Darkness

Chapter 131 The Kingdom of Darkness

If there are living creatures living there, it proves that there is definitely civilization there.

Even if that civilization is not the strongest civilization in this dark universe, it is still among the best. You are right to find them.

When Wu Xunfeng and the others were on their way, they didn't stupidly fly directly, because although this was another hyperspace.

But the framework foundation of space is similar to the hyperspace of the main world, which means that technologies such as space jump are still common in this world.

So Wu Xunfeng and the others are jumping through space once and then stopping to observe their surroundings.

Belonging is to investigate the situation of the world itself while moving towards your own goals, and in doing so, you also do so in order not to attract attention.

How do you say that? Don't shoot, just sneak into the village.

For the convenience of understanding, earth time is used to calculate time.

Wu Xunfeng and the others marched slowly for three days before arriving at the outskirts of the huge dark planet they observed.

At this time, Wu Xunfeng and the others were hiding on the outskirts of the star system. Because they did not want to alert the enemy, they chose to observe from a distance.

And when they took a look, they really discovered something extraordinary.

"W-what on earth is this place? Why do the creatures on that dark planet look so similar to Ultra Warriors?"

"No, they look exactly the same, but the color is wrong."

Zeta said in surprise at this time, and everyone else looked at the scene in front of them with some solemnity.

At this time, what everyone saw was a black and gray planet. The reason why it looked like a dark planet from the outside.

It's because on this gray planet, there is a black sun similar to an artificial sun emitting black light.

That's why the surface of the planet looks black, but it won't be too dark if you enter it.

"This, this is simply a replica of the Kingdom of Light..."

Zero said in shock at this time. After observing for a while, they also understood the structure of the black planet.

How should I put it, the situation on this black planet is a bit strange.

Except for the mismatch in energy properties and color, the rest of the place is in line with the Kingdom of Light.

Even the positions of some buildings were not bad. From the perspective of the warriors from the Kingdom of Light, the scene in front of them could be described as outrageous.

"It seems that the place we found is the Kingdom of Light in this dark hyperspace. Perhaps it should be more appropriately called the Kingdom of Darkness."

After observing for a while, Ouranos also gave his own opinion. His view is also the current mainstream view.

Because as Hikali said before, the two hyperspaces actually overlap each other, and the overlap proves that they will influence each other.

Therefore, the emergence of a dark kingdom in this dark hyperspace is not too unacceptable.

"Then what are we going to do next? Capture this place and then press for information? After all, if it is the Kingdom of Darkness, then they will definitely know a lot."

Kingdom Tartarus thought for a long time and suddenly said this, but his words were quickly refuted by Nyx.

"No, if we only deal with the Kingdom of Darkness, we can defeat it with our strength."

"But there is an Ultra King in the Kingdom of Light. Will there be a King of Darkness in the Kingdom of Darkness? This factor must be taken into consideration."

Nyx's words reminded everyone, because if there are four mysterious ones in the hyperspace of the main world, there may not be four dark ones in this dark hyperspace.

Now everyone was in trouble and didn't know what to do for a while.

Wu Xunfeng was also thinking about the next countermeasures at this time. When things have developed to this point, every subsequent choice is crucial and there can be no mistakes. However, sometimes the development of things is not taken for granted and logical, and accidents happen all the time.

Just when Wu Xunfeng and the others were thinking about what to do next, an accident suddenly occurred.

Swish swish!
In just a moment, hundreds of portals suddenly opened in the surrounding space.

Then one after another, dark warriors exuding a powerful dark aura walked out.

Just when Wu Xunfeng and the others were stunned, an extremely cold and murderous voice sounded in their ears.

"I didn't expect that what the adult said was true. There was another light creature from hyperspace entering our world."

"Surrender, don't force us to take action. My action is not serious."

The speaker looked exactly like Ace, but the color was different.

The color of his body surface is composed of light gray and dark gray, and his eyes are shining with a strange red light, which looks wrong at first glance.

"Ultraman Ace?!"

Yinghe shouted in disbelief after seeing this, and then looked back at Ace beside him.

Others were also surprised at this time, because they didn't expect it.

Even if the Kingdom of Darkness appears in this dark hyperspace corresponding to the Kingdom of Light, even the warriors inside look exactly the same.

However, Yinhe's words aroused dissatisfaction from the dark Ace on the opposite side, who pointed at Yinhe and said arrogantly.

"What Ace? Who would call that kind of old-fashioned name? Remember my title, the High Priest of the Kingdom of Darkness: E4!"

"That's right, you ungrateful guys, don't think that just because you look exactly like us, you can just mess with us. I am the Generalissimo of the Kingdom of Darkness: J!"

As E4's dissatisfied voice came out, the father next to him, who was simply a dark version of Ultra, also stood up and said arrogantly.

Then the other warriors of darkness introduced themselves for unknown reasons. They had learned Absolute's habits.

However, it is a good habit to introduce yourself. Now everyone can finally figure out who these guys are and their identities.

Generalissimo of the Kingdom of Darkness: J, = Father of Ultra
General of the Kingdom of Darkness: Z1,=Zo Fei
General of the Kingdom of Darkness: A2, = Ultraman

General of the Kingdom of Darkness: J3, = Jack
High Priest of the Kingdom of Darkness: E4, = Ace
General of the Kingdom of Darkness: T5, =Taylor
General of the Kingdom of Darkness: L6, = Leo

All in all, this is a group of warriors of darkness with completely different painting styles, and who completely correspond to the warriors of light. Their names all start with capital letters and are numbered sequentially.

These dark warriors are definitely not the dark Ultra warriors in this universe who were man-made through various methods.

The strength of these dark warriors from the Kingdom of Darkness is even higher than that of the corresponding warriors of light from the Kingdom of Light.

There is no doubt about this, Wu Xunfeng can feel the energy gap between the two sides.

The energy of these dark warriors is indeed higher than that of the light warriors, but this may also be because they are fighting at home.

But the situation at the scene is actually not optimistic. To be honest, the Ultra Warriors corresponding to these dark warriors are already a little numb now.

"I have to fight now. I don't know if there is a dark version of Absolut. If there is, I can feel more balanced."

Zero looked at the code-named S9 opposite him, and it was still a dark version of himself. He made a helpless joke, and then got ready for battle.

"But this is fine, just have a good fight, and then leave after asking for the news."

Kingdom Tartarus was not afraid of fighting, but he was a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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