Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 140: Footed insect, dead but not stiff

Chapter 140 Centipede, dead but not stiff

However, when Wu Xunfeng came back to his senses, he realized that he was clashing with the energy of Dark Lucifer.

It turned out that an extremely exaggerated huge no-man's land was created directly in the hyperspace on both sides.

The distance in this uninhabited land cannot be described in terms of light years, because even the unit of light years looks so pale and insignificant in front of it.

However, the recovery power of hyperspace is very powerful. Soon, this huge and ugly wound began to be repaired quickly under the joint recovery effect of the two hyperspaces.

It is estimated that it will take less than a few minutes to completely recover as before, but it is almost impossible for a person who was swallowed by that kind of destructive void just now to come back.

Because the essence of that kind of nothingness is the ultimate destruction. The power of destruction is so powerful that it can completely destroy even the concept of existence. Isn’t that nothingness?
But you can't say it too absolutely. If you are strong enough, you can withstand it.

But the strong person who can withstand this kind of damage is at least the fourth level of God, but it is obvious that there is no strong person of this level in the place that was affected just now.

Therefore, neither the universe nor life swallowed by this void can survive.

After Wu Xunfeng briefly recovered, he quickly went to other battlefields. He had won the battle here, but other places were still lagging behind.

Saka also stopped attacking at this time, and the five of them surrounded the King of Darkness in the middle.

"That's great."

At this time, the King of Darkness actually felt weak and helpless. He had no choice but to play in this situation.

Then the three of them didn't stop and started a snowballing fight, and soon they found the King of Despair.

"Well, although there was a little big commotion, Dark Lucifer is dead."

When the Dark King saw Wu Xunfeng, Lei Jieduo, Ao Wang, and Noah appearing together, his whole body went numb.

At this time, the King of Darkness could figure it out with his butt, and his three comrades were probably dead.

And in a four-on-one fight with Reggio, the King of Despair was defeated directly in just three moves. Now he was really desperate.

"Is it over with you?"

In order to fight quickly, Wu Xunfeng immediately came to Noah and King Ao, who were fighting against the King of Destruction at this time.

The price paid for this was countless destruction of the universe, and even the second eternal core was taken away by Wu Xunfeng.

Neither of them wants to accidentally injure other people in the universe, because both of them have friendly forces here.

Although both of them were in poor condition, they were still able to overwhelm the King of Destruction together.

Noah was a little surprised when he saw Wu Xunfeng's return. After Wu Xunfeng nodded and confirmed, he directly joined the battle, and the three of them began to besiege the King of Destruction together.

After taking care of the King of Despair, everyone also headed to the universe where the Kingdom of Darkness was located.

Noah obviously still doesn't understand what Wu Xunfeng calls the big news. If he knew, he would probably feel distressed for a long time.

The King of Destruction here could not stop the three people's joint attack. After Wu Xunfeng joined the battle.

"I see, have you all taken care of them? Well, you don't need to do anything, I'll go by myself!"

At this time, the King of Darkness had already started fighting with Saka, but both of them fought more restrainedly.

At this time, the King of Darkness is more desperate than the King of Despair. What a shame.

The two sides only took a dozen moves, and the King of Destruction was completely killed by the three of them.

The King of Darkness became hardened after seeing such an unsolvable situation, because he had clearly seen the current situation.

It's all a matter of death anyway. Instead of letting the other side do it to you, you might as well walk in a more dignified way.

So after the King of Darkness said this, he slapped himself on the head! Uh-huh!
As a burst of energy fluctuations flashed by, the King of Darkness shattered his dark core, and he turned into countless dark particles and dissipated on the spot.

At this moment, the four kings of darkness in this dark hyperspace have all surrendered.

Of course, these kings of darkness are not really dead. As mentioned before, when their strength reaches their level, it is difficult to die.

They only dissipated temporarily, although according to the traditional definition of human beings, they were completely dead, and even their souls were gone.

But as long as the dark hyperspace still exists, they will return sooner or later with the help of the dark power of the dark hyperspace.

This principle can also be applied to the mysterious Siao, who also possess this level of immortality.

This is also the reason why the King of Darkness killed himself so decisively, because he knew that he would come back after a few years.

It's an unseemly death now, and he will become a laughing stock when he is resurrected in the future.

For strong men of their level, face is still very important.

Because they can't die completely and have to hang around in hyperspace from now on, it's not okay to have a bad reputation.

Their situation can be described in one sentence: a centipede is dead but not stiff.

And this sentence will soon be deeply understood by everyone in an even more incredible way.

Because at this time, in the void area where Dark Lucifer and Wu Xunfeng fought, some abnormal changes were taking place.

In the center of the void area that was about to heal, an undetectable crack in time and space briefly appeared.

One of the dark forces wrapped in the remaining soul fragments of Dark Lucifer was sucked into it by the super-time rift.

But this happened very briefly. After these things happened, the void area happened to be completely repaired by the self-healing ability of hyperspace.

No one noticed anything unusual there, not even Wu Xunfeng or the others were alert at all, because it was really hard for anyone to pay attention to such a small thing.

"Then what should we do with these people from the Kingdom of Darkness?"

After the King of Darkness completely gave himself a decent treatment, Wu Xunfeng said inquiringly.

In fact, he didn't show much murderous intention, he just asked casually.

Then three of the mysterious Four set their sights on Noah, wanting to see his opinion.

It can be seen from here that Noah is indeed the eldest brother among the God Four at this time. It is not surprising that this situation would occur.

After Noah thought for a moment, he also shook his head and said.

"Now that the culprit has been eliminated, there is no need to do anything to them. Let's go back directly."

Noah obviously also has the noble virtue of tolerance as an Ultra Warrior, and the Kingdom of Darkness can only be regarded as a pawn in this incident, so Noah did not pursue their faults.

Wu Xunfeng was not surprised by this. To be honest, he really didn't care too much whether the Kingdom of Darkness was destroyed or not.

So just like that, Wu Xunfeng and the others returned to the hyperspace of the main universe.

And when everyone saw that there was an obvious large blank in a certain part of the hyperspace of the main world, they realized it.

They couldn't even imagine how fierce Wu Xunfeng's previous battle with Dark Lucifer was.

What kind of fierce fighting could cause such destruction?

(End of this chapter)

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