Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 19 Radiation of Cascade Light

Chapter 19 Radiation of Cascade Light

At this time, the entire people of Absolut saw the light, the light of hope, the light of the future, and the light of civilization and prosperity.

A month after the successful trial operation of the first Adurava Tower, the empire began to build Adurava Towers in various cities.

As time went by, one Adurava tower after another stood in the major cities of the empire.

In just five years, all the cities in Absolut had their own Adurawatta towers.

The entire empire is no longer dark and cold but warm and stable, and the four seasons are like spring, ushering in its true peak moment.

Because Adurava Tower is not just a tall tower that emits light on the surface, but inside it there are energy pipelines one after another that supply energy to the city.

Aduravatar is both a small sun and an existence similar to a nuclear power plant.

At this time, Aduravata has completely become the heart of one city after another, and also the heart of the entire Absolut.

It can be said that as long as Aduravata is there, Absolut can really become the legendary utopia of infinite energy.

But it was only five years, and the amount of radiation was not enough to cause the residents of Absolut to begin to change.

This energy fluctuation caused by radiation is something that no Absolut scientist has discovered so far.

Although the radiation has not yet begun to reach the point where all members have evolved, the residents of Absolut are gradually feeling that something is wrong.

However, this kind of abnormality is in a good direction, because the people feel that their physical fitness is getting stronger and stronger, even several times higher than before.

This change is very large, so it is easy to detect.

But the residents did not delve into this change. They just thought it was a good thing, and the empire strictly prohibited anyone from studying this change.

At this time, Wu Xunfeng stood on the observation deck at the highest point of the palace, looking at the dazzling Adurava Tower in the center of the royal capital, smiling and saying to himself.

"Yes, the day of evolution will come soon. Evolution cannot be completed in an instant."

"Evolution is accumulated over many years. This is consistent with common sense. It is called mutation if it is completed in an instant."

Wu Xunfeng naturally understood very well what these changes were. This was actually a subtle evolution.

When this evolution accumulates to a certain critical point, the residents of Absolut will begin their final evolution.

Those with good talents are likely to become the ultimate life form.

Those with poor talent are at the level of ordinary Ultra warriors.

All in all, no matter what kind of strong men appear in civilization, Wu Xunfeng is the biggest winner.

Their power and special abilities will all converge on Wu Xunfeng, so Wu Xunfeng is looking forward to this day more than anyone else.

However, according to Wu Xunfeng's calculation, it will take at least another five years to wait for this day.

So at this time, Wu Xunfeng also opened the system panel and began to check the status of his civilization.

[Civilization: Absolut]
[Civilization Level: Level 2]
[Civilization upgrade progress bar: 49%]

[Civilization points: 47]
[To unlock technologies: "Pacific Rim Fourth Generation Mecha Manufacturing Technology", "Space Battleship Manufacturing Technology", "Energy Efficient Conversion Technology"...]
[Unlockable technologies: <Click to enter the mall to view details>]
That's right, after developing and deploying Aduravata, Absolut's civilization level has also successfully entered the second level.

Because now Absolut has really reached the standard of a second-level civilization.

The most important hard indicator in the system-defined secondary civilization standards: complete control and utilization of the energy of a star.

This indicator has been achieved by Absolut because the energy of the Cascade light far exceeds that of ordinary stars.

Absolut built so many Edurava towers on the surface of the planet, and the total energy exploded was as large as several stars, so this target was naturally easily achieved. And now Absolute has built a spaceship and even a space battleship based on the information given by Wu Xunfeng.

So no matter which aspect it is evaluated from, Absolut is now a proper second-level civilization.

After so many years of development, Absolut's population has reached more than 5000 million.

You must know that when Wu Xunfeng first came here, the total population of Absolut was only about 600 million, which was considered a qualitative breakthrough.

This not only brought Wu Xunfeng more powerful power, but also brought Wu Xunfeng a large number of civilization point rewards.

Although Wu Xunfeng only has 47 civilization points left, this is based on the fact that he spent a lot of civilization points before.

dong dong dong...

"Please come in."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of Wu Xunfeng's office. Hearing the sound, Wu Xunfeng felt a little headache, but he still let the other person in.

Sure enough, when the office door was pushed open.

A man with gray hair and a serious face who looked like a stereotyped old scholar walked in.

Strictly speaking, this person was considered an imperial master. He was the teacher of Wu Xunfeng's body before he traveled through time. He was also a professor at the highest university in the empire.

It can be said that others may be afraid of Wu Xunfeng, but this old man is really not afraid. In the past few years, Wu Xunfeng has grown older.

Within the civil service group, the voices about marrying Wu Xunfeng and taking concubines became louder and louder.

After all, in such a huge empire, there has been no queen or prince for nearly 20 years.

This is not a matter of ancestral rule of law, it is a matter of the future of the empire.

After all, the current Absolut has not yet completed the evolution of all members, so people's ideas still remain there.

Human life is limited, even for emperors, so the empire must have a queen and a prince.

When the saint king Wu Xunfeng passes a hundred years in the future, the empire will have a successor, otherwise civil strife is very likely to occur.

But Wu Xunfeng knew that once evolved, Absolut's average lifespan was ridiculously high, and you didn't need the existence of a queen or prince.

But Guangwu Xunfeng knew it was useless, and he didn't dare to say these things now.

Therefore, the imperial civil service group pushed out the emperor's master and kept urging Wu Xunfeng to get married.

Moreover, the frequency of urging marriages has become higher and higher recently, and Wu Xunfeng is urged to do so every three days.

This made Wu Xunfeng a little annoyed, but he couldn't get angry. After all, the other party had no ill intentions and what he did was in line with common sense.

If Wu Xunfeng acted too aggressively, it would appear that he was petty.

Moreover, Wu Xunfeng's own attitude towards marriage is actually not too eager or strong.

He feels that this kind of thing should be allowed to take its course. If you don't meet the one you love, don't get married. If you do, it's a different matter.

And to be honest, Wu Xunfeng felt that there were not many people of the opposite sex in the world who could match him and make it to the end.

At least you can't find a few in the Ultra Universe. After all, reality is not a fairy tale.

(End of this chapter)

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