Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 200 The Ultimate Life Form of the Empire VS the Gods of Olympus

Chapter 200 The Ultimate Life Form of the Empire VS the Gods of Olympus
It's no wonder that Zeus and the others think this way. Normal people would think this way with a slightly more normal logic.

After all, both parties have the same name. If there is no connection, who would believe it?

At this time, I have finished recording the ultimate life forms I introduced, and the light on my body is gradually fading.

They also ended up posing in various pretty cool poses when they first appeared.

"Why is your name the same as ours? What is the relationship between your empire and our Olympus?"

After the self-introductions of the ultimate life forms ended, Zeus, who was full of questions, spoke at this time.

"You false gods dare to impersonate the name of our ultimate life form, you simply don't know how to live or die."

Ouranos, who valued his orders the most, stood up and scolded him very rarely at this moment.

Although among the Greek gods opposite, there is no one with the same name as Uranus.

But Ouranos had a vague feeling that there should be someone corresponding to him in the opponent's camp.

That's why he seemed particularly angry at this time, which is worth mentioning.

Ouranos would rather believe that the person facing him was a false god with stolen names, and did not doubt where Wu Xunfeng's names came from.

Uranus's words made Zeus even more confused. He couldn't understand how he could become a fake.

"Why waste so much talk with them? His Majesty asked us to deal with them, so let's act quickly."

At this time, Nyx also stood up and took the lead in speaking, because she was the strongest present and her status was actually the highest among the ultimate life forms.

Therefore, Nyx is fully qualified to say such things, and Ouranos will listen. Naturally, there is no need for the other ultimate life forms to say more.

Then all the ultimate life forms assumed fighting postures at the same time, the atmosphere instantly became extremely tense, and the war was about to break out.

"Forget it, I'll just ask you slowly after I defeat you. We, the gods of Olympus, are not soft persimmons."

Zeus also showed a tough attitude at this time, and now he looked like a god king.

Just when both parties were ready, a bright golden light cut through the starry sky and headed straight towards Zeus!

That was the killing light shot by the Ampera star. This young man also had a habit.

As long as there is a chance, he will definitely make the first move, just like when the two sides were talking just now.

The Ampera star has never been idle. He has been accumulating strength in an extremely secretive way, and then struck a very fatal blow when neither party expected it.

Zeus was caught off guard and responded hurriedly. He released a large amount of thunder and lightning in his hands to resist the light attack from the Ampera star.

However, he still overestimated his own power and underestimated the power of the Ampera people.

In this case, he should just run away. Although he will suffer some scratches and will be very embarrassed, it will not be fatal.

Zeus might be used to being arrogant, or he might be too fond of deciding the outcome head-on. Anyway, he just withstood this move.

And the result is obvious. The light of the Ampera people easily penetrated the thunder and lightning attack from Zeus.

Then this ray of light hit Zeus's chest head-on, sending him flying backwards.

Zeus was severely injured in an instant, and his chest was directly penetrated by this light while flying upside down.

In fact, this also shows that Zeus still has some skills, because the attack of the Ampera star did not penetrate his body immediately, but pierced through it after a stalemate for a moment. The strength of the Ampera star was originally on par with Zeus, and it was normal that Zeus could not withstand such a fatal ray when he suddenly attacked.

Although this is a bit disgraceful, it is very effective. The opponent's strongest combat power was crippled by the Ampera star's sneak attack at this moment.

As for the remaining gods of Olympus? Then there's probably nothing left to do.

The attack of the Ambelans was like a starting gun, completely kicking off the war.

In fact, it is said to be a war, but the current situation is more like a one-sided crushing.

Because even if Zeus was not seriously injured by the sneak attack, it is impossible for the gods of Olympus to defeat the ultimate life forms of the empire in a head-on confrontation.

At this time, the five generals and the three marshals who had the same name as the opponent couldn't wait to find their corresponding Olympus god to fight.

It's just that Absolute's Apollo can't find a corresponding opponent, because the Apollo of Olympus has been defeated by the Amperans.

So Absolute Apollo went directly to find Athena as his opponent.

Ouranos also performed very fiercely, and the Olympus god who faced him was injured in just a few moves.

At this time, Nyx wanted to take action, only to realize that he seemed to have no opponent.

The hosts on the field all had opponents, and even Zeus, who was seriously injured, was snatched away by the Ampera aliens, and the two sides continued to fight fiercely together.

So Nicks, who was about to take action for a while, stopped at this time, and then quietly looked at the scene of the battle on the field.

Nyx personally doesn't like fighting very much, so she is happy to watch the battle at this time.

It's a bit funny to say that the person who dislikes fighting the least among the ultimate life forms in the empire has the strongest combat power among all the ultimate life forms.

This may have something to do with gender. Compared to male ultimate life forms, female ultimate life forms should have less bellicose elements.

The situation on the battlefield at this time is that the empire has the upper hand, as I said before.

Regardless of top combat power or average combat power, the empire is far above Olympus.

Although the two sides were fighting lively, the entire starry sky was trembling, and the extremely violent energy swept in all directions, deeply shocking everyone watching the battle.

But if you look closely, you will find that the empire's ultimate life form has the upper hand from beginning to end and is attacking fiercely.

The gods of Olympus can only barely resist and defend, but it will take some time before the war is truly over.

But Nyx, who had been watching the battle, became a little impatient because the battle lasted for several minutes and was not completely over yet.

It was obvious that the ultimate life form of the empire was enjoying the battle, and everyone was not in a hurry to kill these main gods of Olympus.

So after a moment of silence, Nyx slowly spoke to everyone.

"There is no need to waste time. As far as the battle is concerned, it has been dragged on for too long. Your Majesty will doubt our ability."

"So this battle should be over. Don't blame me for stealing your enemies. It's because you are too playful."

What Nyx said was a bit of a scolding, and after she said this, she slowly opened her hands, and then waved forward casually.

The next moment, a terrifying gravitational fluctuation that ordinary people could not imagine and could not resist instantly attacked all the Greek gods in the starry sky battlefield ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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