Chapter 217 The Last Battle

As long as you grasp the opponent's weakness, then defeat the opponent completely in one go, only in this way can you ensure the final victory.

And he did, and the kingdom of Tartarus won this fateful battle.

The Empire. Tartarus failed because of one thing, and that was that it was too young.

Not enough hard power, not enough combat experience, and too dependent on his own cosmic beast boxing skills.

That's why he was suppressed during the actual battle, and even had his flaws forced out, and was ultimately defeated.

"Alas, I still lack experience. I lost, but sooner or later I will surpass you."

Empire Tartarus also admitted his failure very generously.

"Want to defeat me? To paraphrase some annoying guy, you're still twenty thousand years too early."

Kingdom Tartarus was in a pretty good mood at this time, and even made a little joke.

That is to say, the two of them were talking in the vacuum of the universe at this time, using telepathy.

The live broadcast equipment cannot record this kind of sound, otherwise Zero might be a little embarrassed if he sees it.

After the battle between the two ended, it was the turn of the other ultimate life forms.

As expected by Wu Xunfeng, the Ampera people were not interested in this kind of activity at all.

And given the character of the Ampera star, even if Wu Xunfeng wanted to reform him, the latter would probably not be willing.

Therefore, Wu Xunfeng would not force him, and then the other generals and marshals of the empire would compete against each other.

The format of the selection battle is very strange. There is no ranking, everyone only needs to play one game.

In the eyes of everyone, this is more of an exhibition match than a selection match.

It's very much like an exhibition match for other big worlds to show off their muscles, but no matter what the reason is, the ultimate life forms will do it.

After all, the real purpose of this selection battle is just to measure data.

The battles with other ultimate life forms also ended very quickly.

Among the remaining imperial admirals, Hephaistos and Dionysus fought.

Zeus and Hades, one of the three marshals, fought.

Then Hermes, who had a bye among the generals, naturally faced off against Poseidon, who also had a bye among the three marshals.

Needless to say, the result is that even if both sides use no skills, the gap in combat power between the marshal and the general is not easily smoothed out.

So Hermes deservedly suffered a disastrous defeat, which was truly bad luck.

Then the strongest and third strongest ultimate life forms in the empire, Nyx and Uranus, were left in the field.

The two were assigned to fight in a group, but without using their abilities, it was really not certain who would win.

After all, more than 90% of Nyx's combat power relies on ability, which is actually not a good thing.

"If I really use my full strength, I will definitely not be able to beat you, but I am still very confident in close combat because I exercise every day."

Ouranos is relatively confident when facing Nyx, after all, although he also relies on his ability to survive.

But the extremely self-disciplined military life has kept Ouranos from giving up training in close combat.

It's not that he looked down on Nyx, but Ouranos felt that he should still be able to compete with the opponent, or even be better than the opponent.

"Really, let's give it a try."

Nyx replied noncommittally, and she had no additional mood swings.

He looked very calm, or he had absolute confidence in himself.

In the next second, the totems of the Cosmic Beast Fist lit up on both of them.

To be honest, when Absolute and the Space Fantasy Beast clan reached cooperation.

The Cosmic Beast Fist, which was originally cherished in the universe, seems to be in ruins.

The slightly more powerful Absolute warriors all have the totems of the cosmic beasts on their bodies.

This is more likely to cause misunderstandings. For example: Absolut has a lot of people who like tattoos.

Prejudices and rumors like this will spread from time to time.

After all, outsiders don't know what the Cosmic Beast Fist is, they can only see the tattoo totem. The Cosmic Beast that Nix contracted is one of the top-level beasts of the Cosmic Beast Clan: Phoenix.

That's right, it's the phoenix among phoenixes. Phoenix is ​​not an individual creature, but a collective name.

A phoenix is ​​a phoenix, a phoenix is ​​a phoenix, a phoenix is ​​a male, a phoenix is ​​a female, and the one that Nyx contracted is the phoenix among phoenixes.

However, the cosmic mythical beast that Uranus contracted was a bit unexpected.

The cosmic fantasy beast he contracted with was Xuanwu, one of the four holy beasts.

This actually doesn't quite match Uranus's own fighting style and personality.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Ouranos' fighting style is extremely aggressive and domineering.

Not to mention contracting a blue dragon or a white tiger, but it's not like contracting a Xuanwu who is good at defense.

This was also the first time that Nyx and Ouranos showed off their cosmic beasts in front of outsiders.

In other words, it was the first time that he used his cosmic beast fist in public.

In the previous battles, the ultimate life forms did not encounter any close combat situations, so the frequency of use of the Space Fantasy Beast Fist was very low.

However, they did not relax in honing this skill.

Therefore, even if it is the first time for the ultimate life forms to use this melee skill in front of outsiders, it will still attract everyone's attention and sighs.

At this time, the battle between Nyx and Ouranos officially started.

In the starry sky of the universe, two phantoms of cosmic phantom beasts with boundless momentum emerged.

This battle is definitely a real visual feast, the Phoenix among the Phoenix versus the Xuanwu among the Four Sacred Beasts.

Compared with the previous marshals and generals, the strength of the two men has improved to a big level.

The most intuitive picture that everyone can see at this time is that the giant flaming bird and a big black turtle are constantly colliding in the starry sky.

Only powerful people can see clearly the specific details of the fight between Nyx and Ouranos.

The rest of the people could only see the phantoms of the cosmic beasts colliding, just like the real beasts fighting in the starry sky. It looked quite spectacular.

But this is enough, most people just watch the fun.

More than 90% of the people present had never seen the details of the battle between the two sides clearly since the battle between the ultimate life forms began.

But at this time, Nyx and Ouranos were fighting fiercely.

With his abilities fully activated, Nyx indeed possesses crushing power.

But when it comes to fighting ability, Ouranos even has the upper hand.

Because Ouranos uses defensive counterattack tactics, while Nyx needs to keep attacking in order to find loopholes.

The battle is a game between the two sides, passing by minute by second.

After about four or five minutes, the battle situation finally ushered in a new change.

Just when Huang, who was covered in fiery red, attacked Xuanwu, the snake body that had been hidden by him suddenly launched a sneak attack!

Huang was caught off guard and was bitten hard by Xuanwu's snake body.

As shown in the specific battle between the two, Ouranos suddenly kicked Nyx in the abdomen from an extremely weird angle.

As we all know, Xuanwu is a mythical beast composed of a turtle body and a snake body.

Just now Ouranos has been hiding the snake body that hides Xuanwu, which means he has left some more destructive tricks unused.

He waited for a long time and finally found this opportunity to use the killing moves that he had hidden.

Nyx had relatively little experience in melee combat. After she was suddenly attacked, she was a little confused for a while.

Then she was suppressed by Ouranos' sudden counterattack, unable to raise her head, and could only defend passively.

This is basically considered a loss. After all, in battles between masters, sometimes one or two moves can determine the outcome.

This was indeed the case, Uranus hit Nyx in the back with a heavy punch and another sneak attack.

Nicks suddenly flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

However, Ouranos did not pursue him. He just stared at Nyx quietly, which was considered as preserving the last dignity for the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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