Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 44 The Contact between the Gua Empire and Reblondo

Chapter 44 The Contact between the Gua Empire and Reblondo
In the next few days, what Wu Xunfeng did was a relatively standard process template.

The victory of the army was broadcast live to the whole country, and all the soldiers were rewarded. By the way, some Baltans were also rewarded.

Although Wu Xunfeng adopted the Baltan people as dogs, even if the dogs did good things, they still had to be rewarded with a bone.

Although there is a system to ensure the loyalty of the Baltans and ensure that they will not betray.

But the system will not guarantee their positive work attitude, so Wu Xunfeng needs to operate it himself.

This battle with Wu Xunfeng was not to achieve any earth-shattering feats, nor was its purpose to expand Absolut's territory.

After all, even if Absolut wants to expand now, the population is not enough. Large areas of territory on the home planet are empty, and many places are uninhabited.

Expanding now will directly disperse the power of the entire empire. That is the most unwise choice.

It is wise to wait until the population is sufficient before expanding.

Wu Xunfeng's purpose in launching this war was to give Absolut a long period of development time, so that he could get away with one punch and avoid hundreds of punches.

To prevent others from causing trouble again, Absolut can take advantage of this opportunity.

Develop your own science and technology, improve people's livelihood, and increase your troops.

Otherwise, under the temptation of the powerful energy of Cascade's light.

Today this alien civilization comes and wants to invade Absolut, and tomorrow comes that bullshit empire.

This kind of going on makes Absolut uneasy and unable to develop with peace of mind.

That's why Wu Xunfeng launched this war and taught the Reblondo Empire a lesson.

Facts have proved that Wu Xunfeng's choice was extremely correct.

Because after this battle, most civilizations with interstellar navigation capabilities knew about it.

Recently, the Reblondo Empire, which is expanding crazily in the universe, has suffered a heavy blow.

They were beaten all over by a golden planet, a civilization named Absolut.

Even if the capital planet was bombed, they didn't dare to take revenge, so they could only run to the colonial galaxy in despair to hide from the limelight.

And Absolut's unabashed violent energy is often scanned by some intermediate and advanced civilizations in the universe.

If it had been before, those guys with ideas would have come over to take a look, or even worse, they would have sent a detection spacecraft over to take a look.

But now after scanning Absolut, these guys have a clear idea.

Everyone knows that this place is the Absolut civilization that was in great glory during this period, which avoids a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Absolut has also entered a stage of rapid development at this time, and everything is moving in a good direction.

However, nothing in this world remains unchanged. The trees want to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Absolut doesn't want to stir up trouble, but that doesn't mean that other powerful civilizations lurking in the universe won't stir up trouble.


Two star cycles after that battle, in a galaxy colonized by Reblondo.

A spaceship with a weird shape, like a twisted octopus, is heading towards the center of the galaxy, the new capital of the Reblondo Empire.

"Stop the visitor and explain your intention."

Reblondo's monster battleship stopped the spacecraft and sent a communication to the other party.

"We are the envoys of the Gua Empire. We are here to meet with King Lebrondo to discuss cooperation matters under the orders of the Emperor of the Universe Zeuda."

The Lebrondo star in the monster battleship was stunned for a moment after hearing what the other party said, and then he instantly remembered the other party's background.

The Gua Empire is an evil legion that was born countless years ago. They use Gua Star as the center of their rule and have many planets as strongholds in the universe.

As a new great empire that is about to rise, Reblondo naturally knows the details of the other party.

This is an old cosmic empire that has always wanted to rule the universe, but has failed.

It's just that the place where the Gu'a Empire is located is far away from Lebrondo, which is the North and South Poles of the universe, which means it's so far apart that it can't be reached with eight poles.

Only after Reblondo has ruled half of the universe will it be possible to have a head-on collision with the Gua Empire. "Allow me to make an announcement."

Therefore, after knowing the other party's background, the Lebrondo star in the battleship did not refuse directly, but reported to the superior.

About ten minutes later, another message came from the monster battleship.

"Let's jump according to this coordinate space. His Majesty agrees to see you."

After saying this, the monster battleship also retreated to the side, leaving a channel for the opponent to jump through space.


A few hours later, the envoy from the Gua Empire successfully met King Rebrando, who had returned to his peak after rebirth.

King Rebrando looked at the messenger of the Gua Empire below who was wearing simple armor, and said somewhat casually.

"What do you want from me?"

When the envoy from the Gua Empire, who was the only one qualified to meet King Reblondo, heard this, he explained in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Dear King Lebrondo, Emperor Zeuda wants to form an alliance with you, so he sent us as envoys to discuss it in detail."

When King Rebrando heard the words of the ancient Russian Empire envoy, he sneered disdainfully.

"Oh, your Gu'a Empire has fought three major wars since its founding, but has never won a single one. How do you have the nerve to seek alliance with me?"

"I can't see any benefit from joining forces with you. You should go back and think carefully about how to deal with the Andrew Empire and Ultra Star."

King Rebrando's words contained so much information that if you didn't know a little about the history of the universe, you wouldn't be able to understand what he was talking about.

And what he said was actually poking the Gua Empire's sore feet and exposing its scars.

As for understanding what King Reblondo said, we have to start from 4 million years ago, which is roughly equivalent to the history of the earth.

And here is an additional explanation: before the collective evolution, the Kingdom of Light was not called the Kingdom of Light, but the Ultra Star.

Legend has it that 400 million years ago, due to a bug-like error in the universe, an extremely evil demon king was born. This demon king was called Gua.

Gu'a split into three powerful beings, namely: Universe Emperor Zeuda, Universe Queen Gina, and Universe King Morde.

The three men joined forces to form the Gua Empire, and then began their path to dominate the universe.

As a result, before they could even fight out a few galaxies, they encountered extremely strong resistance.

A powerful civilization called the Andrew Empire appeared in the galaxy on the left.

An Ultra Star appears on the right that is very technologically advanced and belongs to the advanced civilization of the universe.

Yes, even the Kingdom of Light, which has no collective evolution, still has a very high level of civilization.

The scientists from the Kingdom of Light really relied on hard power to develop the Diafaleta light, and their technology has reached this level.

The scientists at Absolut studied the Cascade light, and there really was an element of chance in it.

That’s why one of these two energies is controllable and the other is uncontrollable.

Let’s not talk about the intensity of the follow-up. Let’s talk about the starting points before the evolution of civilizations on both sides. They are completely different.

I won’t go into the specific details of the war. To put it simply, the Gua Empire was defeated three times by the Andrew Empire and Ultra Star.

It can be said that they were treated obediently, but Zhouda and the three of them also possess extremely powerful immortality. Even if they are killed, they can be resurrected after a while.

Every time Andrew Empire and Ultra Star basically killed them in a real sense.

As a result, these three people would be resurrected within a few years and re-establish the Gua Empire.

After all, the Gua Empire is also called the Empire of the Undead, so these guys are the real undead in the universe.

If you count the time, the newly emerged Gua Empire has been defeated three times.

But if Wu Xunfeng heard their conversation here, he would start to be confused again.

(End of this chapter)

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