Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 94 The Eternal Absolute Scepter

Chapter 94 The Eternal Absolute Scepter

At this time, Kane punched through the door of the teleportation cabin with some grief and anger, and then walked out of it.

After all, what happened in just a few hours was too sudden and the amount of information was too great.

This had a huge impact on Kane, who was still just a teenager at this time.

The impact of various emotions and the oppression of the real situation placed a huge responsibility on Kane.

Even though Kane became sensible very early, he is also very self-reliant and has good abilities.

But this kind of huge pressure without any buffer still made Kane unable to control his emotions.

At this time, Beria also walked out of the teleportation cabin. He patted Kane on the shoulder and said in a calm tone.

"Now is not the time to be sad. According to what those seniors said, if we really want to save the Kingdom of Light, we can only go to Absolut and ask that Lord."

"That is the reinforcements from King Absolut. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Light will be completely finished."

The reason why Beria is still feeling comforted is because his background is relatively complicated, and his parents died early in his life.

Therefore, he has already experienced the pain of losing a loved one, so at the same age, Beria is actually much more mature than Kane and has many more things to think about.

However, sometimes being too precocious is not a good thing, and this is one of the reasons why Beria went astray.

In the original timeline, Beria witnessed the powerful power of the Ampera planet when he was a boy.

A dark seed had been planted in his heart, and this seed finally exploded after a series of things happened.

After hearing Beria's words, Kane calmed down and cheered up again.

"That's right, let's go to Absolut together and ask for their reinforcements no matter what!"

Kane's tone was firm, and his eyes were more decisive and decisive than before.

Sometimes growth really only happens in such a moment, not to mention the ups and downs of Kane who lost his family, his country, and his family.

Some special people can figure out many things even just by sitting in a daze for a while, and their whole person becomes different from before.

Therefore, growth, darkness, and degeneration, these three things that can change life, are actually just things that happen in a moment, in a thought.

Although Kane is now only a teenager in the Kingdom of Light, he already has the consciousness and belief of a warrior of light, and even the future leader of the Kingdom of Light.

Then Kane and Beria controlled the fast shuttle ship and made a space jump in the direction of Absolut.

This is because in recent years, the space jump technology of all civilizations in the universe has evolved significantly.

It used to take more than ten days to get to Absolut from the Kingdom of Light, but now it can be reached in at most ten minutes.

At this time, Absolut was actually quite lively, and there were even some disagreements and quarrels.

Because Wu Xunfeng has entered the realm of heaven from time to time over the years to create his own artifacts.

Therefore, sometimes outsiders cannot find Wu Xunfeng, even Ouranos, who also has the realm of heaven, cannot find him.

Because the realm of heaven is not a shared space similar to the divine space, but a special space created by the user himself.

When the Kingdom of Light was invaded this time, Wu Xunfeng had already entered the realm of heaven for a long time by coincidence. Therefore, even if Absolute discovered that the Kingdom of Light was invaded, he did not immediately send reinforcements to rescue him.

Because this kind of thing was equivalent to launching a national war, even if Wu Xunfeng had authorized it before, Ouranos and Nyx did not dare to make any independent decisions.

After all, if this is not careful, it is very likely that the two of them will become Absolut's eternal sinners.

Therefore, even though Ouranos and Nyx knew that the Kingdom of Light had fallen, they still did not dare to act rashly.

"I think that with His Majesty's character, he will definitely order the dispatch of troops for rescue. After all, after the Ampera people have taken down the Kingdom of Light, their next target will definitely be Absolut."

"We can't let the other party come to us. We must intercept them halfway. I think we should try to send troops to rescue them."

At the highest military meeting in the empire, Uranus thought for a long time before making this proposal that even he himself felt was a bit too bold.

After all, sending troops privately is a taboo for generals. Without the emperor's consent, this kind of behavior actually has the meaning of rebellion.

"I disagree. Although the relationship between the Kingdom of Light and us is relatively friendly, we have not reached any strategic alliance, and we don't even have much contact with each other."

"We have no obligation to help them in the first place, let alone risk angering His Majesty by making good claims like this."

Nyx immediately retorted, and what she said made sense.

After all, with Nyx's identity and position, she should say these words, because she is the commander-in-chief of the Absolute royal family's imperial army.

Nicks' position was to prioritize the royal family, that is, Wu Xunfeng's personal perspective.

Instead of considering things from the interests of the entire empire or even the grand strategic situation of the entire universe like Ouranos did.

Both sides stood on their own side and said what they were supposed to do, so neither of them actually said anything wrong, and they were even very conscientious.

But it was precisely because of this that Absolut found himself in this dilemma.

That is when the real power figures in Absolut were entangled, and Kane and Beria came to ask for help.

In the realm of heaven, Wu Xunfeng was holding a very gorgeous scepter that emitted light as bright as the sun, and it had reached the final stage of smelting.

As long as Wu Xunfeng remains stable for a moment, he can completely complete the fusion of the eternal core and the absolute scepter.

When the time comes, Wu Xunfeng will be able to create an artifact that is unique to Absolut and unique to him.

It has complete eternal core power and an artifact that controls the supreme power of the Absolute clan: the eternal absolute scepter!
As time goes by, the energy fluctuations in the realm of heaven become more and more violent, and the surrounding space seems to be boiling, and it begins to fluctuate continuously.

If Wu Xunfeng hadn't been distracted and used his own energy to stabilize the Heavenly Realm, the Heavenly Realm at this time would have been exploded by this terrifying energy.

Five days later…

At this moment, an extremely bright light illuminated the entire realm of heaven into the purest white.

Most people couldn't open their eyes at all here, but Wu Xunfeng was not affected at all. He still stared closely at the calmed scepter in his hand.

After the light gradually dissipated, revealing the new face of the Absolute Scepter, Wu Xunfeng muttered to himself as if he was relieved.

"It finally happened. It took 50,000 years. It's really difficult to integrate these two things."

(End of this chapter)

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