Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 96 Ouranos defeated at the speed of light

Chapter 96 Ouranos defeated at the speed of light
During this process, Wu Xunfeng also briefly asked Kane and Beria about the Kingdom of Light.

Of course, Wu Xunfeng didn't really want to ask this question, he was just curious about Ultra's father and Beria when he was young.

After all, these two people can be said to be close friends now. How could they turn against each other later and fight to the death?

At this time, Kane and Beria were extremely honest after seeing Wu Xunfeng.

He almost answered every question, just like a child in front of adults.

However, regardless of age or status, Kane and Beria were really children or even infants in front of Wu Xunfeng.

Soon, a huge projection appeared in the middle of the conference room. This was a real-time synchronized picture transmitted back from the Universe Network.

After the current cosmic network has been upgraded and transformed, it is now possible to obtain on-site sounds.

In the past, the original version of the Cosmic Net could only capture images, but in this battlefield of cosmic vacuum, the Cosmic Net could not capture any sounds.

At this time, the picture displayed by this projection is exactly the picture of the battlefield outside the Absolut star system.

At this time, there was already a large area of ​​battleship wreckage on the starry sky battlefield.

And they are basically the battleships of the Ampera Dark Universe Empire, the wreckage left after being blown up. After all, I don’t want to think about the firepower of the Absolute Death Star.

The main guns of these main battleships of the Ampera Dark Universe Empire are not as powerful as the secondary guns of the Absolute Death Star, let alone the main guns of the Absolute Death Star.

Absolutely. If the Death Star's main gun does not perform a diffuse light cone coverage strike, it will only condense it into a beam of normal size that is about the same size as the diameter of the gun barrel.

Its power is such that it can easily cut a star in half, and even blast some small black holes with terrifying light.

The power of that thing is greater than the ordinary ultimate ultimate killing light, and it is impossible for these Ampera Dark Universe Empire's battleships to block it.

So what happened at the scene was that the army of the Ampera Dark Universe Empire arrived in a menacing manner.

And now he is being beaten to pieces, which can be said to be a slap in the face quite quickly.

After all, Absolut's current technological level is definitely the strongest in this universe.

Because they have no road ahead, they can only explore on their own and cannot find any civilization that they can learn from.

This is also the reason why Absolute's technology improves so slowly, because there is a blank space ahead, and you have to explore everything by yourself.

After seeing the scene on the battlefield, Kane and Beria also acted very shocked.

Because Absolut's technological level has far exceeded their imagination.

If the fight continues like this, the Ampera Dark Universe Empire's fleet will probably be completely destroyed.

If there is no turnaround at this time, the outcome of the war has actually been decided.

After all, this is a crushing of technological levels. The two sides are engaged in a war. The comparison is based on the overall technological and military strength, and is not affected by the strength of a single unit.

However, nothing is absolute. The combat power of a single target cannot affect the situation of the entire battlefield. It only shows that the combat power of this single target is not strong enough.

It was at this moment that a qualified person appeared. The Ampera man was wearing dark armor and holding a dark trident in his hand.

Suddenly appearing in front of the remaining fleet, the Ampera star just waved the dark trident in his hand gently.

An extremely terrifying energy shock wave spread towards all the Absolute Death Stars on the battlefield.

Although no sound could be heard in the vacuum of the universe, the Absolute warriors in the Absolute Death Star could clearly hear the dull sounds one after another.

Soon, these soldiers discovered something.

That is, there was a burst of dark energy that was directly condensed into a substantial dark crystal.

These dark crystals have assimilated and condensed the barrels of all the main and secondary guns on the Absolute Death Star. If Absolut's soldiers still forcefully launch a bombardment at this time, they will only have the result of exploding the barrel and bombing themselves to death.

Therefore, after these absolute commanders on the Death Star reacted, they immediately stopped their energy output.

In just a moment, the entire battlefield fell silent.

This is the current strength of the Ampera people, and of course there are some tricks in it.

Although it seems that the Ampera star only used one move to achieve this effect.

But in fact, the Amperra people still used a clever trick and did not carry out the most violent destruction. They just made it impossible for the Absolute Death Star to fire.

And the Ampera star's move is indeed quite intimidating and shocking.

The bustling starry sky battlefield just now fell into an eerie calm.

And the people from Abe Rasing also took this opportunity to speak in a very high-profile manner.

"Absolut people, give up resistance, surrender immediately, and throw yourself into the embrace of darkness. Then I can consider recruiting you."

"If you are stubborn and resist, then don't blame me for being ruthless. King of Absolut, you dare to fight me!"

As the Ampera alien spoke, he raised the dark trident in his hand, pointed in the direction of Wu Xunfeng, and activated a large-scale telepathic transmission.

At this time, this spiritual voice can be received throughout the Absolut star system.

This was undoubtedly a naked provocation. At this moment, all Absolut people were angry.

"Crazy guy! How can you insult His Majesty!"

Ouranos couldn't hold it any longer and rushed out at the first moment. The next moment, the realm of heaven instantly covered the whole place!

In a state of anger, Ouranos captured only one Amperaan and took him into the realm of heaven.

The soldiers of Absolut saw this scene through the cosmic network's broadcast, and they also knew that their generalissimo was serious.

After all, they have been together for so many years, and the soldiers of Absolut also know how powerful the realm of heaven is, so they still have great confidence in Uranus.

Because when the Ampera people exploded Ouranos' heavenly realm, only a few warriors saw it, and most people were unaware of it.

At this time, Nyx also came to the place where Uranus disappeared just now and waited.

The next moment, the surrounding starry sky suddenly emitted terrifying space energy fluctuations.

Then Ouranos' figure appeared out of thin air and retreated rapidly toward the rear, as if he had been knocked away by someone.

If you look closely, you can see that Ouranos has a shoe-shaped depression on its abdomen.

With just a quick glance, Nyx roughly guessed that Ouranos must have been knocked out of the sky by an Ampera star, and then kicked out.

Moreover, the opponent deliberately did not kill him, and just one kick caused Uranus to lose his combat effectiveness.

As for why the Ampera people didn't kill him, it was because he felt it.

As long as you defeat the King of Absolut, you can rule Absolut.

Therefore, the high-end combat forces in Absolut are all his future subordinates. Wouldn't it be a waste to kill them now?

To be honest, even Ouranos himself didn't expect that the guy opposite could be so powerful.

He was defeated at the speed of light without even reacting. He was really defeated with a kick.

(End of this chapter)

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