Chapter 125 Wuhun Palace declares war!
Tiandou Palace.


An impatient call came from outside the door, and all the courtiers followed Dugu Bo's gaze and looked over.

After two or three staggers, the figure knelt on the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty, this is not good!"

The messenger yelled impatiently: "The Wuhun Palace, the Wuhun Palace, is launching a massive attack on the Tiandou Empire!"


Suddenly, the entire palace was boiling.

No one wants to believe that the Wuhun Palace, which was still extremely weak before, now dares to hold high the banner of attack and come to attack the Tiandou Empire.

Isn’t this a naked attempt to seek death?

With the current national strength of the Tiandou Empire, it would not be afraid of the Wuhun Palace's attack at all.

There is even Xue Qinghe, the top combat power, as a guarantee. Is it possible that Bibi Dong hasn't suffered enough yet?
Sitting on the throne, Dugu Bo pondered deeply and was puzzled for a moment.

In the Spirit Hall, Qian Daoliu has been keeping Bibi Dong in check, which is why the Tiandou Empire and the Spirit Hall have been able to live in peace so far.

In addition, Bibi Dong had lost all her soul power and was just a helpless woman. How could she still dare to resist the Tiandou Empire?

Dugu Bo suddenly had a bad premonition in his mind.

Unless Qian Daoliu was no longer able to contain Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong took advantage of it and took control of him.

Otherwise, if the three-month period has not expired and Qian Renxue has not been resurrected, this old guy will definitely not take such a big risk and let Bibi Dong attack.

If Bibi Dong dominates the entire Wuhun Hall now, then Qian Renxue, who still exists in the Wuhun Hall, is already in danger.

Before Dugu Bo could give his order, the messenger said: "Not only that, Wuhun Palace also spread the news to the world."

"They say that Pope Bibi Dong has ascended to the throne and that unifying the continent is an act of God. They ordered the Tiandou Empire not to resist, otherwise no one in the Tiandou Empire will survive."

The impact of becoming a god is greater than the attack of Wuhun Palace.

Even Dugu Bo couldn't believe that Bibi Dong, whose cultivation had been destroyed and poisoned by Xue Qinghe, could still become a god.

If Bibi Dong really becomes a god, how long can the Tiandou Empire hold on?
Whether he can hold on until Xue Qinghe comes back is still unknown.

The ministers' voices throughout the court began to discuss. This kind of thing can completely change the world pattern of the mainland.

It is absolutely impossible for the Tiandou Empire to be afraid just because Bibi Dong became a god.

After all, no one thought or was afraid that Xue Qinghe would fail.

Even though the other party has become a god, there are still ministers below who stand up and ask for instructions: "The Wuhun Palace is becoming more and more rampant. Apparently the scars have healed and the pain has been forgotten."

"The Tiandou Empire now occupies the high ground of the world. It will definitely not let this cruel and vicious woman do whatever she wants. I also hope that Your Majesty can send troops to conquer!"

"Destroy all those Spirit Halls and restore peace and prosperity to the Tiandou Empire!"

When one person petitions, more people will naturally ask for instructions.

Everyone's eyes were looking forward to Dugu Bo sitting on the high platform, waiting for the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire to give orders.

With just one word, everyone in the court would come out in full force to fight to the death with Wuhun Palace.

Facing so many people's expectations, Dugu Bo broke out in a cold sweat. After all, he was not really Xue Qinghe, and he was not as strong or courageous as Xue Qinghe.

If they really issued an order to conquer Wuhun Palace, the Tiandou Empire would probably be defeated without the ability of this top-level combat force to keep up.

Once the collapse comes down, it can no longer be stopped. The series of effects make Dugubo simply unable to bear the price. He sat quietly on the throne, although he was very anxious, his expression was still pretending to be calm.

Dugu Bo could only think, standing in Xue Qinghe's position, what would he choose if Xue Qinghe had come back.

But after a while, Dugu Bo's mind seemed to have already given the answer.

If Xue Qinghe was here, even if Xue Qinghe wouldn't take action, he would never be cowardly.

Since Wuhun Palace wants to take action against the Tiandou Empire?
Then fight!
Let’s see how much strength Wuhundian still has after losing an unknown amount of strength.

Dugu Bo pondered for a moment and then said: "Snake Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo obeyed the order and led three thousand Poison God Army soldiers to block the Spirit Hall army from the front and slow down the speed."

"This will create time for the rear troops. At the same time, since Wuhun Palace wants to attack the Tiandou Empire, Jialing Pass is the point they must conquer."

"All the remaining titled Douluo will obey the order and guard Jialing Pass. They will definitely shut out the Wuhun Palace!"


Seeing that the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire had decided to go to war with the Wuhun Palace, everyone was naturally furious.

The current Tiandou Empire is not the Tiandou Empire of the past, which can allow Wuhun Palace to interfere.

Since Wuhun Palace wants to launch a war against the Tiandou Empire, it will inevitably pay a heavy price.

When the court meeting dispersed, Dugu Bo left Ning Fengzhi and the others from Qibao Liuli behind.

Ning Fengzhi and the others were flattered when they heard that they were named. They looked at Dugu Bo on the stage and said, "Emperor Qinghe, what are you entrusting me with?"

Being able to be called out by Xue Qinghe meant that there would be something very important to do.

If it can be done well, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect may even be able to become the Protector Sect of the Tiandou Empire in the future. By then, as long as the Tiandou Empire is immortal, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect will exist forever.

Dugu Bo pondered for a moment: "I do need you to do something."

"Your Majesty, it's okay to say it. Feng Zhi will definitely put his heart and soul into it!" Ning Fengzhi glanced at Chen Xin and Gu Rong, who were standing aside, and said confidently.

As long as they are not allowed to fight head-on with the gods, there is almost nothing on the continent that they cannot accomplish.

Dugu Bo immediately said: "You need to go to the Wuhun Hall to protect Qian Renxue and prevent her from being disturbed by any outside interference before she really wakes up."

"That's all."

Now that Bibi Dong can fully control the actions of Wuhun Palace, it means that the whereabouts of Qian Daoliu, who was originally guarding Qian Renxue, is currently unknown.

The most likely possibility is death.

Then, Qian Renxue existing in the enshrinement hall will fall into the most dangerous situation.

Dugu Bo knew that Xue Qinghe would not be able to return for the time being, but he was even more unwilling to see Qian Renxue die.

Therefore, Qian Renxue's life must be guaranteed.

Right now, Ning Fengzhi and the others are the best candidates.

Its own combat power is already close to its peak, coupled with Gu Rong's ability to move space at any time.

No matter what happens, Qian Renxue cannot be allowed to fall into Bibi Dong's hands as a way to blackmail Xue Qinghe.

In this case, everything will come to its worst state.

(End of this chapter)

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