Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 102 Assist from Lucia

Chapter 102 Assist from Lucia

At this time, Lucia quietly raised her head and glanced at Renault.

Although she couldn't see the adult's expression, Lucia guessed that the other person was not in a good mood.

At the same time, a trace of bad taste arose in her heart. What would be the reaction if these people from the Victory Team knew Lord Renault's true identity?

I’m really looking forward to it!

At this moment, Renault fell into silence. With so many people touching his hands, he almost couldn't help but shoot out a ray of light.

But I still told myself over and over again in my heart that I couldn't scare away my prey.

He had already sensed something was wrong around him, and it was undoubtedly unwise to expose himself at this moment.

As a person from another dimension, if Jilanbo wanted to escape, even he himself would not be able to catch him, so the best way would be to imprison him.

Renault glanced down at Lucia, what on earth was this woman thinking? Why do emotions change so much?

Sometimes angry and then slightly happy, just like a little hamster hiding in a corner to eat.

But at this moment, Renault has no time to pay attention to Lucia, because his target has already appeared!
In the corner of the amusement park, an old witch in black robes walked out shakily, with dozens of huge lollipops in her hands.

As soon as the children saw each other, they immediately gathered around them.

"What a big candy. Give me candy quickly, or else you'll cause trouble!"

"That's right, or else I'll cause trouble."

Faced with the "outrage", the old witch just smiled and agreed, and distributed the lollipops in her hand to the children one after another.

"It's okay, it's okay, we have everything, no one will be left behind!"

At this time, the old witch gave Renault the feeling of an old girl picking mushrooms, as if she would take the mushrooms back to her crucible for cooking in the next moment.


The moment she saw the old witch, Lucia's eyes also lit up.

Although Lucia is an alien, she is still a woman, and as we all know, most women cannot resist sweets.

Lucia glanced at Renault, and when she found that the other party had no objection, she ran over happily.

At the same time, Lina, a member of the winning team, also discovered the old witch, or more precisely, the giant lollipop in the opponent's hand.

The two women came to the old witch one after another, took the lollipop with a hint of disgust in the old witch's voice, and started licking it happily.

"Huh? Are you the Muzhen star next to Jayden?!"

Lina was a little surprised, but she didn't expect that this was also a woman.

However, the light was too dim, and Lucia deliberately blocked it. Lina only felt that the other person looked familiar, as if she had seen her before, but she did not recognize Lucia's identity.

The two women chatted affectionately.

Reno on the other side looked at Lina and Lucia getting together, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He was not worried that Lucia would reveal their identities. This woman had gone through so many hardships and she understood many things very well, otherwise he would not have kept her with him.

What Renault didn't expect was that Lucia actually ate the old witch's lollipop, which made him not know what to say.

He was originally thinking about how to find the old witch if she disappeared, but now it seems that there is no need to worry.

Lucia solved the problem by accident.

It's just that the other party is afraid that he will suffer a little.

When Lucia returned to Renault again, her mood seemed very happy.

Looking at Lucia who looked good, Renault suddenly said telepathically: "Is the lollipop delicious?" "Huh?"

Although she didn't know why Master Renault would ask such a question, Lucia still answered honestly: "It's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more. It's all up to you tonight."


Lucia looked confused, what does this mean?
Just when she wanted to ask something, she found that Renault was already far away.

Lucia had no choice but to follow quickly.

It gets even darker at night.

Renault, who was standing on the overpass, looked at the amusement park below, waiting for the time to come.

He needed to lock down Gillanbo's position before he could take action against him, otherwise it would be difficult to find him after he let him run away.

And this depends on Lucia.

Renault glanced at Lucia beside him.

After working hard all night, Lucia was also very sleepy.

Lying on the railing and falling asleep, as the moon peeked out from the clouds, Lucia finally couldn't hold back her sleepiness and fell asleep on the railing.

Even as an alien, good sleep is a prerequisite for a day's activities, but the rest time is shorter than that of humans on Earth.

The full moon cast its cool light over the amusement park.

Suddenly, Renault felt that the energy around him seemed to have changed.

Looking up again, Lucia had climbed up from the railing, fell into a state of sleepwalking, and unconsciously walked towards the amusement park below.

At the same time, more children gathered around.

No doubt they all ate the old witch's sweets.

For Gillanbo, what he wants most is the dreams of these children. Their dreams are more innocent and colorful, while the dreams of adults are dull and gloomy.

Adults with complicated minds like Lucia and Lina are completely excluded by it, but the medicinal effect contained in the lollipop attacks indiscriminately.
It is estimated that Ji Lanbo, a person from another dimension, is also extremely confused at this moment.

To eat or not to eat?
If you eat it, it will be disgusting; if you don't eat it, it will pollute other dreams.

Looking at Lucia walking away, Renault disappeared and followed quietly. He wanted to use this to find Gillanbo's hiding place.

And Jilanbo never thought that there was a Lao Liu behind all this.

It is constantly absorbing the children's dreams at this moment, in which the colorful energy is absorbed from the children's bodies, and then submerged into its body to provide it with energy.

The children who had been sucked into their dreams became sluggish and pale, as if they were manipulated puppets.

"Oh hehehe~"

The old witch who had transformed from Jilambo held her old face and laughed.

The human world is better.

Since coming to this world, she has gained much more energy than before.

“If only every day were Halloween.”

The extremely greedy extradimensional man Jilanbo thought that once Halloween passed, his harvest would undoubtedly be much less, which he couldn't accept.

(End of this chapter)

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