Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 108 The Kirialodians meeting

Chapter 108 The Kirialodians meeting
The importance of spiritual power is self-evident. This is an extremely mysterious energy that can display various magical powers when practiced to a high level.

At the same time, this energy is also the glue of the body, which can strengthen Renault's control of his various abilities.

In the following time, Renault absorbed human dream energy in various places, whether it was nightmares or sweet dreams, whether good or bad, it was all on his diet.

Of course, dream energy is, after all, a type of brain wave emitted by the human body, and excessive absorption can lead to the death of the human brain.

In order to avoid this, Renault did not do anything like this, but absorbed a little bit every once in a while, and after absorbing it, he would give everyone a [Light of Peace].

Let them sleep peacefully and have a good dream.

Under this hard work, Renault's energy is also growing steadily.

"With my current strength, I should be able to challenge that Shilbagon."

Regardless of whether it is a golden dragon or a silver dragon, the abilities it possesses are very coveted by me.

Space and time capabilities, who doesn’t want this?

However, Renault was a little unsure about the whereabouts of the Silbagon.

The Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees is just a different-dimensional space created by the other party. It will constantly change its position as the other party moves. Shilbagon may not be there now.

"Perhaps I can find the other party's location through the world of another dimension."

After thinking about it, Renault decided to use the extra-dimensional space as a springboard to find the Silbagon, which made it much easier.

At this moment, in the sky above Kyoto City, a huge winged angel suddenly appeared. With a halo above its head and a white body, it attracted everyone's attention.

At the same time, the whole body is constantly emitting brilliant light, making people feel as if they are in a dream.

"Is that an angel?"

"Is it possible that God sent him to save mankind?"

"That's nonsense. There is only one person who can save mankind, and that is the great Demon King of Light, Magajedon. Follow me and believe in the great god!"

"The evil god must be the evil god!"

Although some people are addicted to it, most of them are very repulsive. These people are mainly believers in the Holy Religion of Light.

They disdain the so-called angels and even hate them to the extreme.

"Maybe it's another monster wearing the appearance of an angel."

It's just an illusion, don't try to deceive yourself.

The crowd seemed to be having a good time and then dispersed. Even if there were some good people, they could only find a better angle to take photos.

After experiencing so many monsters, the vision in the sky now simply cannot attract them.

Some people even want to leave here quickly.

The image of the angel appeared for a while and then disappeared into the sky.

But at this moment, somewhere in the extra-dimensional space, groups of blue demonic fires were burning, constantly floating in the surrounding space.

"Damn it, it's that Jayton again!"

The blue demonic fire quickly transformed into a human form and let out a piercing scream, as if it was extremely angry.

"Last time, that Jayton ruined our plan. This time we must not let the other party succeed again."

Countless blue flames echoed around him.

They also did not expect that the angels they created would be ignored by humans. Judging from the current situation of humans, this should not be the case. But that's exactly what happened.

"It must be that Jayton."

A dull voice said, "The other party created something called the 'Holy Religion of Light' to promote itself. Many humans on the earth are his followers."

"No, this is absolutely not allowed. The earth belongs to us Kirialodians!"

The blue flames boiled instantly. How could the Kirialodians, who regarded the humans on earth as their own possessions, allow anyone to touch the cake they had set their sights on?

"Human beings are believers of the great god Kyriarod and will never allow others to contaminate him. How does a biological weapon he created have the right to call himself a god?"

As Kirialodians who can live in different dimensions, they can naturally travel freely through various parallel worlds, so Jayton's identity cannot be hidden from them at all.

In their view, Jayton, who was created and used as a biological weapon, was not qualified to possess the faith of humans on earth.

"That Jayton must be taught a severe lesson!"

The Kirialodians in another dimension said this.

They decided to spend a lot of energy to condense a powerful body, and then completely eliminate the Jayton.

No, not just Jayton, even Tiga is their target.

It was the two of them who had been preventing the arrival of the great god Kyriarod.

After Jayden and Tiga are completely wiped out, that's when the great god Kyriarod comes.

Before the evil gods come to this world, they will save mankind!

In an instant, the surrounding extradimensional space began to fluctuate.

This surprised the blue flames, "Who opened the interdimensional channel?"

Immediately afterwards, a black and white figure instantly appeared surrounded by blue flames.


The moment he entered the world of another dimension, Renault felt something was wrong. There seemed to be many life forms here?
When he took a closer look and realized that they were all Kirialodians, he suddenly understood something.

The next moment of ecstasy!
"You can't find anything after wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. It's better to turn it all into my energy."

He has searched for these guys who intend to infect human faith many times, but he didn't expect that they are all hiding in the world of another dimension. What a surprise!
Renault really couldn't imagine how far his strength would grow if he devoured these Kirialodians.
The Kirialodians who were discussing how to deal with the Zeton in the different dimension world were stunned for a moment after seeing Renault, completely unaware that the Zeton would suddenly break into the different dimension world.


The next moment, he was extremely angry.

"Now that you're here, let's stay completely."

Countless flames rushed directly towards Renault, and the temperature burning on them even caused some changes in the surrounding extradimensional space.

But the moment these flames hit Renault, they were absorbed by his chest and crystal-like claws.

These Kirialodians, who were sent as cannon fodder, died before they could even survive for a second.

However, the remaining Kirialodians just sneered, and then the flames began to gather.

"You have no idea what kind of power the great God of Kyriarod possesses!"

(End of this chapter)

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