Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 112 Shilbagon and Goldras meet

Chapter 112 Shilbagon and Goldras meet

But it has not yet entered the mature stage, and it can only grow normally by relying on the energy provided by the different-dimensional world.

If the world of another dimension is compared to the mother's body, then Bruton's desire to leave the world of another dimension at this moment is like a baby wanting to cut the umbilical cord connected to the mother's body.

The consequences are quite serious.


Bruton twisted his body, and the next moment, the space in front of it began to ripple, and the two monsters directly penetrated the space and descended into the world of another dimension.


The monster roared, vaguely feeling like it was protecting Bruton behind it.

And these are indeed the two monsters summoned by Bruton to protect his own safety.

After returning to the real world, Renault's eyes widened as soon as he sensed it.

"What happened, and why are there so many monsters in the real world?"

It can be said that the number of monsters that appeared this time is unprecedented, and almost all the monsters that have never appeared in Tiga TV have come to this world.

Every monster is attacking the city, and suddenly the sky bursts into flames, like a real doomsday.

But there was something that surprised Renault.

"What is that? Mechanical Zeton?"

Renault felt a familiar aura from that Jayton's body. There was no doubt that it was what Masaki Keigo had done.

"You really gave me some new tricks."

The mechanical Jayton developed by Masaki Keigo opened Renault's eyes, although he was mentally prepared when he first gave Masaki Keigo the skills from Ligadelon.

But seeing that the other party has such a wild imagination and strong action ability, Masaki Keigo is still a little surprised.

This also means that it is indeed a very correct choice for him to give part of his abilities to Masaki Keigo.

At the same time, Masaki Keigo's persistence in evolution also shocked him.

"Would you rather abandon your human body to transcend yourself? As expected of you, Masaki Keigo."

Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak, so the machine ascends, right?

"In that case, Masaki Keigo, let me see your creativity!"

Masaki Keigo would be completely relieved if he handed those two dinosaur robots over to him.

Anyway, he never got cold to robots or anything like that.

Because he was completely unable to absorb any so-called genes from the robot.

Then Renault turned his attention to other monsters.

"Mei Langzhu and the space steel dragon Guwamu?"

Renault frowned, wondering why none of the latest monsters could absorb genes.

The former is because it is too weak and does not have any powerful skills, while the latter, like those mechanical dinosaurs, is a mechanical weapon created by the people of the universe, and it cannot absorb its genes.

"So my ultimate goal still falls on Silbagon and Goldras."

For gold dragons and silver dragons, their abilities are the most important to them.

Renault's figure disappeared in an instant. He was going to find out if Hillbagon was still in the Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees.

The result was just as Renault expected. Where is the trace of Shirbagong in that place at this moment? "Wait, this breath"

Renault's face flashed, and he felt the aura left by Shilbagon.

At the same time, Renault also found a pile of eaten pieces with only empty shells left.

"Is this Eneng Mina who was defeated by me?"

These fragments clearly come from the monsters that he defeated, but why are they here at the Silver Dragon Silbagon? And also became the other party's food?
However, Renault was not in the mood to think about these issues at the moment. Instead, he followed the aura left by Hillbagon and headed somewhere.

The surrounding extradimensional energy is sometimes rich and sometimes scarce, which means that Shirbagon's stay time is different, as if he is confirming what direction.

City H.

The fluctuations in time and space eventually affected the city.

Soon, a huge fighter plane appeared in the city. Its model looked like it was from the war period of the last century. The outer shell was mottled and showed signs of old age.

This sudden scene scared almost everyone.

I was walking on the street normally, but when I encountered something so dangerous, everyone would be horrified.

However, this is not over yet, it is just the beginning!
A larger freighter appeared on the edge of City H. The paint and mottled marks on it showed that the freighter was also very old.

Some discerning people have already recognized the true identity of the fighter plane and the freighter.

They once disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle, but unexpectedly they reappeared in this era. This is simply incredible!

What a powerful force this is, it can actually bring things from the past into this era.

Not just fighter planes and freighters, but more and more objects from the past appeared in H City.

The asphalt road that was originally bustling with traffic turned directly into a dusty muddy land in the next moment; the high-rise buildings that were originally decorated with incomparable splendor turned into a series of dilapidated small bungalows in the next moment.

This change continues to spread as time goes by.

The city seems to have gone back in time and evolved into a village.

"What the hell happened?"

Countless people watched this scene in despair. Is there anything more painful than having a loved one disappear before their eyes?
Not only that, there are also some strange faces appearing in this era, looking at the sudden high-rise buildings in confusion, loneliness and fear devouring their hearts.


At some point, an extremely unusual thunderstorm appeared in the sky above H City. A huge vortex rotated, and layers of dark clouds pressed down, plunging the city into a more serious panic.

The next second, a ball of shining light exploded, and a monster with golden scales all over its body walked out of it. The two horns on its head bloomed with strange light from time to time.

The long tail hung down on the ground, and the ferocious aura suddenly burst out.


As soon as this monster appeared, it roared, announcing its existence to the world.

At the same time, the barrier wrapped with lightning behind it also began to expand continuously. Everything included in this circle began to weather, and eventually turned into powder and disappeared.

This is the ability that represents time, and the barrier entwined with lightning is called the space-time realm. Anything swallowed by the space-time realm will be quickly eroded under the action of time.


At this moment, another voice came.

That's a silver-white monster, Shirbagon!
(End of this chapter)

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