Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 115 Goldras, defeated!

Chapter 115 Goldras, defeated!


The high-heat plasma beam pushed Silbagon, who was defenseless and had been seriously injured by Goldras, continuously backwards, and was eventually blasted into a mountain.

And a huge scorch mark was left on the ground.


Renault's body floated to the ground and faced Hillbagon and Goldras at the same time.

With his current strength, even facing two powerful monsters at the same time is no problem.

Goldras roared and climbed up from the ground, looking at the figure who had just arrived, his small eyes full of ferocity.

In an instant, dazzling sparks bloomed from the two horns above its head, and golden thunderbolts shot out from its horns and fell in the direction of Renault.

At the same time, Hilbagon, who was driven into the mountain, climbed out and rushed towards Renault the moment he saw him.

Although Shirbagon has no special abilities, its huge size and hard body are its strongest abilities for survival.

The two giant beasts attacked Renault at the same time.

Facing Goldras' lightning beam, Renault just slowly opened his arms and let the beam containing powerful energy fall on him.

"Zi La~"

The thunder and lightning beat and entwined around Renault's body, but failed to cause any damage. They were eventually absorbed by the light-emitting organ on Renault's chest and converted into his own energy.

The next moment, Renault's arms formed an "L" shape, and the energy in the light energy storage organ in his body continued to surge up to his arms, blooming with dazzling light.


A beam of light erupted that was far more fiery than before.

The beam came to Shilbagon in an instant and fell on him. It lasted for half a minute before stopping.


Renault lowered his hands and looked at Silbagon quietly.

At this moment, when Silbagon discovered that the light penetrated him without any harm, he imitated Renault and raised his arms in an "L" shape.

But no beam appeared.

But its body kept falling.

Finally, it fell heavily to the ground.


There was a violent explosion where Shilbagon fell, and the fragments on his body continued to shoot out in all directions, but in the end they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

In an instant, these fragments were gathered together by the barrier, and instantly turned into bits of golden light and integrated into Renault's body along his chest.

This huge energy continues to improve Renault’s genes.

At the same time, Renault looked at Goldras next to him.

But at this moment, where is the figure of Goldras in the original place?
It turned out that after seeing that his attack had no effect on the enemy, and that his own kin were instantly killed by the opponent, Goldras fled to the time and space realm without any hesitation.

Only there can it feel a little bit safe.

No, it’s not just the realm of time and space, it has to escape even further!

In just a few seconds, Goldras plunged into his own time and space, and the energy around him began to change dramatically.

The thunderstorms in the sky are constantly shrinking amidst the changes in this energy.

"Want to leave?"

Seeing this scene, Renault had an understanding of Goldras' fear of death.

But how could Renault, who had long been interested in Shilbagon and Goldras, let them leave like this?
"Silbagon has become a part of me, and you are next!" At the moment when the time and space realm of Goldras dispersed, Renault's figure disappeared along with it.

Without the influence of the Goldras time and space realm, things that should not have existed in this era disappeared one after another.

The original small village was reduced to ashes, and skyscrapers appeared in its place.

The original freighter corroded instantly, and all that remained was a ruin.

The muddy dirt road turned into a busy asphalt road again, and everything changed back.

But after all, there are some people or things that have been affected, and the past and present have an extremely close connection.


In the different-dimensional world, a golden figure instantly broke through the space-time wall and appeared here.

Looking at the surrounding environment, the golden figure first identified it, and then quickly rushed there as if it had found something.

A few seconds later, another black and white figure appeared here.

"I didn't expect Goldras to escape to another dimension."

And the other party’s route.
Renault paused in his heart. According to the coordinates in his memory, Bruton should be on this route. Could it be that this is the purpose of Goldras coming to the different dimension world?

But think about it, this possibility is very high!

Bruton is the core of another dimension and controls the power of time and space.

But similarly, Goldras also possesses extremely powerful power of time control. It seems to be quite normal for a Bruton who has not yet grown up to be targeted by Goldras.

Maybe in Goldras' view, its ability will increase greatly after swallowing Bruton.

"No, we must not let Goldras succeed."

Renault's heart moved and he quickly followed the golden figure in the distance.

Whether it was Goldras devouring Bruton or other consequences, Renault couldn't accept it.

The two figures moved one behind the other in the different-dimensional world, constantly shuttling back and forth.


The next moment, a dazzling light appeared in Renault's hand, directly hitting the figure in the distance.

After Goldras was hit by Renault, his body instantly fell onto a huge meteorite.


Goldras kept roaring at Renault. It was extremely unwilling in its heart. It was obviously just the last step away.

If you devour that monster, you will definitely usher in a higher level of evolution, and even become the most powerful king among their species - King Goldras!
Goldras' body was constantly filled with the power of time and space, and the surrounding extradimensional energy also boiled under its control.



Roaring sounds continued to sound in this extradimensional space.

I don't know how much time passed, but the battle finally ended.

Looking at the completely lost Goldras at his feet, Renault calmed down the restless energy in his body.

To be honest, in Renault's opinion, King Goldras was much more difficult to deal with than Silbagon.

If the opponent is given enough time to grow, Goldras might be able to fight Gatanje.

Because Goldras has an extremely powerful ability, its strength will continue to increase with the expansion of the time and space world!

(End of this chapter)

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