Chapter 93 Three Monsters
Lucia hurriedly accepted Masaki Keigo's gift.

After the two exchanged greetings, Masaki Keigo left the place on the pretext of having something to do.

Lucia's face turned cold after Masaki Keigo left.

As a cosmic being, she has the ability to obtain certain information by looking at others. She just obtained the information she wanted from Masaki Keigo's eyes.

"I didn't expect that someone would discover where you are."

Lucia's face looked a little ugly, and she did not expect that the other party's target was not her, but Lord Renault.

If the other party had malicious intent, she would definitely get rid of him as soon as possible, but what made her more irritated was that she did not detect any malicious intent from the other party.

It was as if the other party was here to visit a new neighbor.

"Forget it, it's not my turn to make the decision on this kind of thing. I'll just tell him when he comes back."

Lucia muttered to herself, and then started cleaning again.

She has integrated into this environment, and has also taken on all the affairs at home. The purpose is to make her mother-in-law and adults relax a little. This is the only thing she can do.

"If I remember correctly, that woman should have appeared in the Muzhen Planet incident not long ago. I didn't expect that she would appear here."

After Masaki Keigo left, his expression became serious.

But think about it, at the moment when this woman was about to be killed, that man appeared and killed the monster. It is not surprising that there is a relationship between the two.

But Masaki Keigo still felt a little regretful that he didn't see that person this time.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as there will be a chance here."

With that person's powerful strength, Masaki Keigo didn't dare to have any strange thoughts.

You don't even dare to take out the prototype of the mechanical beast you created, because you never know what kind of strength that person has.

In addition, in Masaki Keigo's heart, that person represents the path he pursues, the endless evolution!
That is the ability that you have to gain even if you sacrifice everything.

Thinking of this, Masaki Keigo felt a little hot in his heart.

But what Masaki Keigo never expected was that his purpose was discovered the first time he visited.

While Renault was sleeping, several monsters or cosmic beings appeared one after another.

The first is the Lebbusters who look like crows. These guys are very weak. As spacemen, they are not even as good as the well-trained members of the Victory Team.

However, the shrinking gun in his hand is very troublesome. It can shrink a creature to less than the size of a thumb and then put it in a special container.

According to them, there is a creature similar to humans living on their home planet, but they are used as slaves.

But this abuse also caused the number of slaves to decrease sharply and was on the verge of extinction.

Under this circumstance, the Lebix accidentally discovered the existence of humans on Earth, and even discovered that humans could serve as substitutes for slaves, so they began to capture humans on a large scale.

The victory team was very angry after learning the news.

There is not much deviation from the original work. The Victory Team cooperated with Tiga and finally eliminated all these Lebian nemesis and solved the human trafficking crisis.

In addition, there is a local monster named Obik.

If Renault knew about it, he would definitely regret it.

He had been searching for this monster for a long time, but he had never found its exact location. The various abilities possessed by Obik are quite powerful, and can even be said to control the monsters of the night.

Unfortunately, Renault, who was sleeping in the magma, had no way of knowing.

At the same time, like Kakuma, this is another monster that has lost its habitat due to the expansion of human society.

Because the area around Hikoye Street and nearby areas are about to be developed into commercial districts and health centers, the village where Obik is located will disappear.

In order to protect his homeland, Obik decided to resist.

At first, Obik's plan was to spread rumors to force humans to abandon the development plan. After discovering that it didn't work, he used shadow magic to tease a young man.

But this seemed to have stirred up a hornet's nest. After receiving the order, the victory team came directly to the scene for investigation, and finally found traces of Obik.

The victorious team used a strategy to force out Obik.

It is similar to the original work. After discovering that the village had really disappeared, Obike gave up the idea of ​​​​survival and deliberately pretended to attack Diga. He was hit by the light sword from Diga's hand and died. He returned to his own life through death. An ideal place.

It turned into light particles and disappeared into the sky under the dark night.

In the night, everyone in the victory team remained silent for a long time.

"Are we really going to fight the monster to the death?"

Lina's eyes were full of tears, "It is clear that some of them have no desire to attack humans, and even humans are the first to attack them. Isn't this too cruel for them?"

"Do humans really want to exterminate all monsters that threaten themselves? Isn't this a bit too selfish?"

"You know, some monsters are life forms that exist on this planet just like humans -"

Faced with Lina's questioning, everyone was speechless.

Zong Fangcheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he lowered his head.

He admits that he is very biased when it comes to facing monsters, and he naturally wants to eliminate all creatures that are harmful to humans.

But I didn't expect that the monsters did not cause harm to human life. On the contrary, humans posed a great threat to the monsters.

"I will seriously consider it."

Zong Fangcheng said dullly.

He was in a very complicated mood at the moment, and Obik's demise made him reflect on what he had done during this period.

However, what happened next shocked everyone even more.

A monster named Silas, a monster that makes people cry.

It was originally just a little girl's pet, but due to an experimental error by the girl's father, the extremely dangerous chemical Zilda gas leaked, causing a huge explosion.

Silla's owner also died in the explosion, but Silla escaped the disaster because of her flying ability and grew in size.

But Silla, who survived, hated the Zilda gas that took away its owner. Twenty years later, after discovering traces of Zilda gas, she desperately wanted to get rid of these dangerous items.

The Victory Team, who mistakenly thought that Syrah's target was Zilda Gas, desperately blocked it, but found that things were completely opposite to what they thought.

After watching Tiga send Silla into the universe, everyone in the victory team became extremely depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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