Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 96 Flowers in bud

Chapter 96 Flowers in bud

The next moment, Renault felt that everything in front of him was empty, and the crystal arm he was digging didn't touch anything.

Pushing aside the last bit of dirt and rocks, Renault looked intently.

What comes into view is a huge bud, with a green outer skin wrapped in bright yellow, and at the bottom of the bud are roots extending in all directions.

The number of these roots is quite large, and many even spread deeper into the ground, constantly absorbing various nutrients and nourishing the bud in the center.

Judging from its appearance, it will probably bloom in just a few months.

At the same time, because the number of roots is too large, the energy is dispersed into the roots, and the energy in the buds is not very large.

This is also why the breath of life that Renault feels is not very strong.

But at the moment it matures, all the energy will eventually converge into the bud. At that time, the life breath of the bud will be completely different from what it is now.

"this is"

Renault looked at the flower bud in front of him that gave him a very familiar feeling, and said with some uncertainty: "Flower of Qijela?"

There seems to be no other flower monsters that appear in the original work except for the Flower of Zijra.

It is said that this is a flower that will bloom only when mankind is destroyed. The super-ancient human civilization perished precisely because of the appearance of the Flower of Qijela.

But in Reno's view, it is not so much that the super-ancient civilization perished because of the Flower of Qijela, but rather that the super-ancient humans chose to destroy themselves.

The pollen of the Flower of Zijra has an effect similar to that of an anesthetic, causing those who inhale the pollen to indulge in a happy dream world, and ultimately allow those who inhale the pollen to die painlessly.

Thirty million years ago, super-ancient humans chose the Qijela dreamland of no war and eternal peace, and gave up resistance and light, believing that humans no longer need the giant of light.

The giants left the super ancient times because they could not interfere with human choices, leaving their bodies behind.

In the end, the helpless human beings were swallowed up by the arrival of the dark ruler Gatanjie, and the super-ancient civilization also perished.

This is clearly a hopeless self-destructive tendency.

But now, the Flower of Qijela is born again on this land, and will come to the world soon, allowing humans to make their own choices like a super-ancient civilization.

Surrender to the current situation, immerse yourself in dreams and wait for the arrival of the evil god, or fight to the death to save a glimmer of hope for the future of mankind?
In the original book, under the stimulation of the Victory Team, mankind chose to unite to face the darkness. But now that Jayden is here, what will be the result?

Immediately afterwards, a pair of crystal arms shining with golden light were inserted directly into the huge bud, and immediately, juice splashed everywhere.

"It's a bad choice. I should enjoy such a good thing first."

The light-emitting organ on Renault's face kept flashing, and the energy-absorbing organ and energy-absorbing claws on his chest were activated at the same time, which was bound to suck up the Zijra Flower completely.

Although the consequences predicted by Qijela are not very good, the ability he possesses is very powerful, not to mention that there is so much high-quality energy contained in his body, which is a great supplement to himself.

Rather than using this energy to create the Flower of Qijela, it would be better to absorb it for yourself.

The buds of the Qijela Flower that was stabbed on the body were trembling in pain, and even the petals had the intention of blooming, while the surrounding roots were caught in a riot.

Suddenly, roots like giant pythons shot up from the ground and attacked Renault directly.

The countless roots felt like they were going to tear Renault completely apart. But the next moment, these "worldly pythons" were blocked by an invisible barrier. No matter how hard they tried, they could not break the seemingly fragile barrier.

After discovering this scene, these roots rioted even more violently.

Countless roots climbed up the rock and continued to shrink inward, eventually wrapping the entire barrier ball in an attempt to crush the barrier, but this was all in vain.


At this moment, the buds of Renault and Qijela's Flower were in a barrier. Renault's two arms and the organs on his chest continued to bloom with light, which were all derived from the energy in Qijera's Flower.

At this time, the buds of Qijela's Flower were trembling painfully, trying to free themselves from the enemy's poisonous hands, but it was impossible to rely solely on the buds.

Perhaps Qijela's Flower didn't expect that one day it would become food for other creatures.

"call out--"

At this moment, Qijela's Flower couldn't bear it any longer and began to contract violently. A thick khaki smoke was spit out,

These are naturally the pollen of the Flower of Qijela, which has extremely powerful hallucinogenic and paralyzing effects.

Logically speaking, the Flower of Qijela that was originally in a bud state would not produce anything like pollen.

But perhaps because it was pushed too hastily by Renault, the Flower of Qijela even sacrificed its own fundamental life energy to forcibly produce these pollen, in order to make Renault give up attacking itself.

From the perspective of the Flower of Zijra, it would be better if the opponent could be completely hallucinated. In that case, the monster in front of him would be completely reduced to his own energy, and he would not only be able to make up for all the lost energy. , and you can get more.

But will things really develop like this?

The pollen spit out from the buds of Qijela's Flower quickly settled and soon filled the entire barrier, completely surrounding Renault.

However, what happened next did not evolve in the direction that Qijela Flower had hoped.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!"

An extremely clear sound came from the thick layer of pollen, and in Qijela's flower's perception, the two needle-like objects inserted into her body not only did not disappear, but went deeper.

Under this situation, the Flower of Qijela could no longer bear it and began to spray out yellow pollen regardless of loss. The amount was so large that it filled most of the barrier space.

But the foreign body feeling in the body is more obvious.


"Pollen is of no use to me."

Only humans who have thoughts of escape and are afraid of a desperate future will fall into the sweet dream created by the Flower of Qijela.

And since Renault came to this world, he has no fear, so what if it is death? Anyway, I have already died once.

I came to this world just to become stronger and see the scenery from higher places.

A person with a firm mind will never be tempted by the flower of Qijela.

(End of this chapter)

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