Chapter 106: Say Goodbye
Finally, I said it.

Anne Hathaway was relieved. She thought this might be the scariest and worst moment in her eighteen years of life, but after she truly faced it calmly, she found that it didn't seem so scary after all.

Of course, it was still terrifying, my cheeks burned badly, and there was no problem with frying eggs on the spot; but the imagined earth-shattering did not happen.

So, Anne did not avoid it, and mustered up the courage to look at the flight attendant, looked into the other person's astonished eyes, nodded slightly, and confirmed again.

Flight Attendant: ...Huh?

The flight attendant was also a little panicked. She had no idea that the truth was like this. She tried to hide it, but her eyes still betrayed her emotions.

Despite this, her rich experience calmed her down and smiled at Annie, "It's okay, everything will pass."

Withdrawing his gaze, standing up straight, and looking at Anson again, the flight attendant noticed that Anson was in a slightly different situation than he had imagined.

No anger, no anxiety, no ridicule, no ridicule.

I have absolutely no negative emotions after being wrongly accused or misunderstood. I always remain calm and calm, waiting patiently for communication and the truth to come out.

There was no condescension or smugness in the exchange of glances, they were still calm and calm.

The flight attendant could not help but squat down next to Anson with some admiration, and looked at Anson from bottom to top, "Sorry, sir, please forgive my misunderstanding."

Anson waved his hand gently, "You are just performing your duties. Just clarify the misunderstanding."

With a shallow smile and a cool air of waving his sleeves without taking away a single cloud, the flight attendant's gaze that was about to be diverted couldn't help but linger for a moment longer.

Quietly, making eye contact.

Then, the flight attendant gently nodded his head, stood up, turned around, and left, returning to the ranks of his colleagues to prepare for the landing and farewell passengers. The bustling eyes came over to explore the truth of the unexpected situation just now, and they were worried and curious at the same time. Before she could speak, someone noticed the details.

"Ah, why are you smiling so happily? Is there something going on?"

The flight attendant was stunned for a moment and subconsciously raised his hand, trying to touch the corner of his mouth. Only then did he realize that he had smiled inadvertently. He turned around and looked at the man again, with a gleam in his eyes.

Not only the flight attendants, but also the surrounding gossips and inquiring eyes surrounded the two protagonists, trying to figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

Anson didn't mind.

He faced those gazes with a calm face and clear eyes. Not only did he not avoid them, he even took the initiative to look at them, smiling and gesticulating.

Such a gesture is worth a thousand words, this is the best response——

I'm not embarrassed, you are.

Instead, those probing eyes shrank back under Anson's gaze. The scene was like a minesweeper, and the surrounding area quickly became quiet.

"I'm sorry. It's all because of me."

Anne also noticed it, and she knew what was going on without any explanation. Not only was this gentleman not angry, but he also took the initiative to help.

Her voice was filled with annoyance and frustration, and her shoulders slumped again.

Anson withdrew his gaze and turned his head to look over.

Now the girl has finally calmed down. Although she is still embarrassed, even though she has a little baby fat, she cannot find the temperament that will look like Audrey Hepburn in the future, but she can already see the brilliance flowing between her bright eyes, white teeth, and hope. The outline confirmed Anson’s previously vague guess.

This should be Anne Hathaway.

After careful consideration, the crew of "Princess Diaries" finally decided on the heroine - until the sprint stage, everyone on the crew still believed that Liv Taylor would stand out, including Gary Marshall himself who agreed that Liv was "stealing the beauty" The unique charm displayed in this film will undoubtedly bring brilliance to the role of Mia, which is the right choice.

However, Gary could never forget Anne Hathaway. He was deeply impressed by Anne's reaction when she accidentally fell off her chair because she was so nervous during the audition and her cheeks turned red due to shyness. This was completely It's all the Mia that Gary imagined in his head.

So, how to choose?

To everyone's surprise, Gary's granddaughters believed that Anne should be chosen because she had "princess hair", which became the key to changing the situation of the war.

Anne, stood out and won the role in "The Princess Diaries."


Maybe a little.

But in real life, luck is also a part of strength.

So, everything happened.

Prior to this, Anne had been filming a small-budget independent biographical film, "The Other Side of Paradise" in New Zealand. She only played a small supporting role, but precisely because of this, Anne could not just end the work or leave the set, the schedule It must be arranged according to the protagonist and the director.

Until the end of filming.

The filming set was in a remote paradise with inconvenient transportation; and, in 2000, there were no direct flights from the United States to New Zealand.

So, after running all the way, going through many hardships and dangers, Annie finally returned to the civilized world.

If you look at the appearance of the girl in front of you, she is just an ordinary, slightly immature high school student, with no appearance of being able to shine on the big screen in the future; even if she is selected as the protagonist of a mainstream commercial movie, the future is still unknown and impossible to predict. Find out if the movie will be a success.

To be more precise, at this moment, the most important thing for Anne is not the opportunity to perform in "The Princess Diaries", but the most humiliating moment in her life.

Even though he had calmed down, his cheeks were still flaming red.

At first glance, you can tell that you are still young and thin-skinned, and you can't wait to crawl into a hole at the smallest thing. After entering the society for a few years and experiencing various situations, your face will slowly grow thicker, and you will be able to face it calmly.

As a person with experience in society, Ansen seems much more comfortable.

Anson knew that if he took himself too seriously now, it would probably be more embarrassing, so he might as well just joke.

"So, there's no shame now?"

Anne's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her ears, full of innocence and astonishment. She looked at Anson blankly for a moment, and then she caught the smile in Anson's eyes, like moonlight flowing on a trickling stream, narrow and narrow. The teasing flashed by.

Annie was very panicked. She lowered her head and looked away in embarrassment, and patted her head hard. The result was too hard, and she could not help but grin. But she did not dare to cry out that it hurt. She was already embarrassed. There was really no need to add another item, a big mouth. Take a few deep breaths and get control of yourself.

He muttered depressedly.

"Yeah. It's embarrassing. It's so embarrassing. Can't we just pretend that nothing happened just now?"

The corner of Anson's mouth slightly raised, "Then when we waited for the plane to dock, we sat there like wooden figures, avoiding each other's eyes, imitating an old couple who had been married for forty years, being so close but ignoring each other?"

Anne secretly raised her head and glanced at Anson, muttering vaguely, "Yeah, isn't that good? I don't know you, you don't know me, it's best that we never meet again. It's like nothing matters. Never happened."

 Second update. Additional updates in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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