The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 111 Character Imagination

Chapter 111 Character Imagination
In "Princess Diaries", Michael's total appearance time is less than ten minutes. Not to mention the character arc, even some simple descriptions are limited. He is purely "responsible for secretly falling in love with Mia" and then "becoming Mia's dance partner" , which basically covers the entire plot.

So, does such a vase require any acting skills or settings?

The actor only needs to show up, act handsome, and then the check for $250,000 before tax will arrive smoothly.


Of course, Anson could finish the movie lying down like this.

But Anson didn't want to.

Even if it's not for "Princess Diaries", he should study it carefully so that he can star in more movies and earn more money in the future.

What's more, Anson has a different understanding of vases.

A vase is indeed a vase, but whether the vase is an ancient Babylonian vase or an ancient Egyptian vase, a noble vase or a civilian vase, a decorative vase or a vase that hides clues in an escape room, these are all very important and can even change the movie. tone.

People's impressions of characters have always been limited.

Nowadays, it is generally believed that plots, lines and even conflicts are needed to show the edges and corners of the characters. Therefore, the audience likes to watch "explosive plots" and watch actors "supercharge their acting skills". Only when they really "supercharge" can they see the acting skills.

However, professionals who understand acting have a different view. Acting skills that can be soaring are relatively simple and superficial; listening to thunder in a silent place is an advanced performance.

At this point, let’s not talk about the difficulty of acting skills for the time being, but simply discuss the impression of the character. It can be seen from the last discussion with Deborah about the appearance of Paul’s character——

When a character appears on the stage, the impression has already been formed.

A simple example.

Star-Lord's appearance in "Guardians of the Galaxy", leather jacket, Walkman, and constantly playing retro hits. These details have already foreshadowed the character's emotional weakness, family background, and personality traits. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the United States. Captain and Iron Man are different characters.

Lines? plot? conflict?

Characters already have their own colors before they are used.

My eyes returned to "Princess Diary".

Precisely because Michael has so few scenes, less than ten minutes, Anson needs to seize every minute, every second and every appearance to add some patterns, lines and colors to the vase, so as to make the character fuller. Eventually it becomes part of the plot.

There are also excellent tool people and mediocre tool people.

In his previous life, the original Michael was not bad, he was just average and successfully completed basic tasks, but other than that, he was completely lackluster.

When the audience watches the movie, no one will remember Michael.

This time, it's Anson's turn. He wants to change the situation. If he wants to use this role to open up the situation and get more opportunities for himself in the future, he needs to learn from Sandra Oh. Just like in "Grey's Anatomy", in the limited role Create your own space in the space and make the characters come alive.

So, Anson started research, and based on Marcia’s suggestion that day——

Hairstyles, Beatles, Jarhead.

In this case, then Michael is a fan of British rock in the 1960s, or in other words, he is not limited to British rock, but also likes the band culture, the atmosphere of the 1960s, and even the entire cultural trend at that time. Thoughts on life and society.

For example, The-Beach-Boys, a band from California, could rival or even surpass the Beatles at their peak. For example, Bob Dylan (Bob-Dylan), the legendary folk singer created an era. His lyrics have profound symbolic meaning and influenced the Beatles' later creative style.

For example, The Grateful Dead, a live rock band from San Francisco, are recognized by fans almost entirely for their live albums from live improvisational performances, which laid the foundation for later psychedelic rock.

For example, The-Kinks, whose thinking about social phenomena and experimentation with different sound effects have always been a shining light for British rock in that era.

"Like the Beatles", this is a very rough setting:
Why do you like the Beatles? What period of The Beatles do you like? Which Beatles album is your favorite? Which Beatles album don't you like?
These details are what give the character life. Based on the Beatles, we continue to develop associations, like the Beach Boys and the Grateful Dead, who were born in California. The former represents music that is as popular as the Beatles, and the latter represents innovation that unleashes imagination based on the existing foundation.

Then I started imagining from the Grateful Dead. I like Bob Dylan and the Kinks, their preference for music, and the way they think about life through music, including the changes in society at that time.

Clues converge towards "Michael" from different directions.

Although he is only fifteen years old, he has a mature soul, thinking about philosophy, life, and value; maybe he is too young to find the answer for the time being, and he still has a childish side, but the way he looks at the world Different from other children.

It is precisely because of this that he likes Mia.

He liked Mia when Mia was not a princess, before Mia had a major transformation, and when Mia was still a transparent person.

Not because of appearance, but because he saw Mia's kindness, sincerity, bravery and beauty.

These are the patterns and lines of the vase.

In the movie script, the screenwriter did not mention at all why Michael liked Mia, or in other words, why Michael liked Mia, the ugly duckling——

The object of Mia's crush is a handsome boy and a man of great influence.

This is a no-brainer, because in middle school, everyone had a crush at one point or another on the popular guy or cheerleader in school.

But what about Michael?
Of course, the screenwriter did not have the space and space to complete this part of the plot. The script was written that Michael had a crush on Mia, so Michael had a crush on Mia.

Typical tool man.

Now, Anson gives Michael a reason; and no additional plot space is needed.

Michael's favorite music, CDs, Walkmans, T-shirts, badges on backpacks.

In addition to music, Michael likes books. He always carries books in his hand, including books on philosophy, history, architecture, psychology, etc.

From the shape to the belongings, a Michael is truly "generated" from the inside out, filling the paper man with color, flesh and blood, and giving life to it.

It doesn’t need to be too complicated or too profound. A vase is a vase, just simple and intuitive. But such details can make an essential difference.

During the period after the successful audition, apart from growing his hair, Anson did not do nothing. He has been collecting information from the 1960s, truly understanding and deepening it, and slowly awakening "Michael" in his body.

However, this is not difficult. It is just a matter of collecting information, and what is finally presented is only the "appearance"; the real difficulty lies in the "inside"——

A question, when did Mia fall in love with Michael?

 Second update. Additional updates in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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