Chapter 120 Focus Shift
In fact, Gary doesn't like to modify the script on the spot, because he knows that it will disrupt the shooting plan and may even require the screenwriter to rework. He himself was a TV drama screenwriter and hates such things.

But it is precisely because Gary himself has experienced the period of revising scripts at the last minute of TV dramas and creating them on the spot. He also knows the importance of inspiration to artistic creation, and it can occasionally subvert the overall situation.

Right before his eyes, Gary had such a premonition.

Michael's two appearances so far have all brought surprises; to be more precise, from the day of the audition when he was excited for Anson's arrival, everything in front of him continued to prove Gary's intuition and judgment.

Perhaps, he should be bolder and take a small step forward.

Gary looked at Anson, calmly and calmly, with a firm light in his eyes. He couldn't help but look directly into Anson's eyes. The temperament exuded from the inside made all the last remaining hesitations in his heart disappear.

Just do it.

Gary spoke, "Last time you said you knew how to play guitar?"

Anson nodded.

Gary continued, "Remember, Michael had his own rock band and invited Mia to watch the band perform. Fifteen or sixteen-year-old kids who like rock music have basically tried to form their own garage band."

"Of course, whether you have talent or not is another matter."

Anson nodded slightly, but did not interrupt Gary.

"Now, I have an idea. The garage of the garage is the practice room of Michael and the band. When Mia came to ask about the progress of the Mustang repair, Michael and the others were practicing and showing off their charm."

"Perhaps, you can play a tune of your own composition."


This is no longer just a performance, it is a cross-border performance.

So, should remuneration be increased?
But if you think about it seriously, no wonder when Andrew asked for a salary of US$250,000, the "Princess Diaries" simply nodded in agreement! Now it seems that Gary has expected this scene.

Gary noticed Anson's strange expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't get me wrong, hehe, I just, hehe, you don't need to think too much. Middle school students' garage bands, they all create some music, maybe it's not that outstanding, but they still insist on creating."

Gary himself couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm going to arrange for some girls to sit here and enjoy the band's performance, and then all their eyes will fall on Michael. Maybe Michael is inconspicuous in school, but in the band, he is the one who shines the most."

Anson raised his chin slightly to express his understanding——

Indeed, in the movie, Mia has a transformation part, so the female transformation becomes a highlight; but Michael does not.

If Michael had been low-key and restrained, like a little transparent, Mia and Michael finally came together, it would be more like guilt and gratitude.

Michael also needs his own "transformation", and the band is indeed the right platform.

However, there is an important point here as well.

"So, is the focus of this scene to show Michael's charm, or is it to show once again that Michael can only see Mia in his eyes?" Anson immediately grasped the key point and put forward his own point of view.

Gary didn't understand, "Why not have both?"

Anson shook his head, "It's not about choosing one of the two, but which of the two highlights?"

Gary frowned slightly——

If these words had come from other actors, or from Anson before filming started, Gary would not have paid attention at all. But now that he has witnessed the surprises Anson brought twice, Gary also knows that Anson has ideas and will not act blindly.

"What do you mean?" Gary asked casually, showing an expression of listening carefully. Anson didn't speak immediately. The incident happened suddenly. He just had an idea and sorted out his thoughts for a while before explaining his thoughts.

"Director, the first two times Michael appeared, Michael was a supporting character in the picture, and he revolved around Mia. So this scene changes the angle, with Michael as the protagonist, and others revolve around him. What do you think?"

Gary raised his eyebrows, but did not interrupt Anson.

"You see, Michael has always played the role of a crush on Mia, and in this scene, you also realized that Michael needs to show his charm and other eyes are looking at Michael, so why don't we go one step further?"

"Michael was practicing in a garage band, and the band played one of their own numbers, and Michael showed off his charm, and the girls were talking about Michael."

"Michael borrowed this song and carefully spoke out loud about his feelings for Mia. On the surface, he was using his charm to attract other girls, but in fact, he was testing whether Mia could hear it."

In the existing script, there is no such part, and Mia still does not look directly at Michael.

But now, Anson is creating an emotional development context, following the interaction between Michael and Mia in music class, further making Mia aware of Michael's existence, especially when other girls are present, Mia realizes-

Maybe, in her and Lily's eyes, Michael is a "little brother", but in the eyes of other girls, Michael is indeed an attractive boy.

One step, another step, laying the groundwork step by step.

Then, "Venation" came out.

"Mia noticed Michael's music and was attracted to the music. She also enjoyed it, but she didn't realize that the song was written for her."

In other words, Mia's emotions have sprouted a little bit, but they haven't been noticed yet.

"This is the first time that Michael has shown his charm, and it is also the first time that Michael has taken the initiative and tried it carefully. So I just asked you, what is the point of this scene? In my opinion, it needs both, but the focus should be It’s the former, and the heart of this scene is Michael.”

Anson’s point of view is not complicated——

Love should be two-way. Only when both characters become full and three-dimensional can the chemical reaction make the audience's hearts beat.

Gary understands this, and "Pretty Woman" is a prime example of this.

And now, Anson is fighting for Michael to have room to stretch out his hands and feet; in fact, there is no added plot, but a slight change in the focus of the narrative on the existing plot section, and there is no need to even modify the lines. The director only needs to switch the absolute protagonist of the shot. Just for Michael.

Then, out of nowhere, Michael had his own color.

Gary was deep in thought.

He must admit that Anson is very smart, even smarter than he thought. Not only does he have a clear grasp of the characters, but also the plot of the entire movie. He uses every opportunity to develop flesh and blood on the existing plot framework, which is not only not cumbersome. , and it’s a stroke of genius.

Anson's idea perfectly matched Gary's idea, and even enriched and extended Gary's imperfect and slightly simple idea.


Gary looked at Anson again.

He believes that Anne Hathaway will win the hearts of audiences after the movie is released; but now, he thinks Anson can shine of his own.

Thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, brainstorming and inspiration colliding. Gary was also a little eager to try, looking forward to Anson's performance.

But on the surface, Gary still maintained a serious expression, frowning slightly, and gave Anson a meaningful look. His unhurried tone naturally carried a domineering air of no anger and self-power, and his eyes revealed the power accumulated over the years. Pressure, rushing towards Anson in a mighty manner.

"So...are you trying to get the camera for yourself? Huh?"

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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