The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 125 A new beginning

Chapter 125 A new beginning

In his previous life, he was used to being alone.

As long as he can make money, he will do anything. He has no choice and no breathing space. Even in the dead of night, he does not dare to break down alone because he has to get up and keep running tomorrow.

He can't stop.

Once you stop, the last bit of strength you have been struggling to support may collapse, and then you will never be able to stand up or hold on.

If he falls, what will the mother do? How should they continue to live?

ten years. fifteen years.

The days when I kept moving forward in the darkness were really too long. I was just running numbly, just using the inertia of continuous advancement to barely maintain the status quo of life, so that time lost its meaning, so that the previous life seemed like a world away. As for forgetting those glorious days and forgetting the taste of happiness——

I cannot and dare not be happy.

Everything, press the pause button.

So much so that he was stunned when he heard Lucas's natural words.

He didn't even know how to respond.

At a loss.

Lucas noticed his brother's silence, looked over subconsciously, his expressionless face showed some concern, and called out.


Anson was stunned, and just looked at the voice reflexively, "Huh?"

Lucas' eyebrows frowned slightly, "Have you been wronged in any way? If you don't want to do it, it's okay to give up. Go back to school and continue studying."


All of that is really too far away, as if it has happened in the past life——

Yes, it is indeed a previous life.

He had a second chance, a chance for a fresh start.

This time, he wanted to take advantage of it.

He raised his gaze and looked at Lucas. The expressionless face showed some worry, and he looked over quietly. Although Anson was still not comfortable with it, he could feel the bond deep in his soul, and he could feel When I receive sincere care, my mentality can't help but change a little bit.

Maybe, he didn't need to face the Wood family with a coping attitude.

"You know what? The director praised me very much today and gave me more scenes." In his mind, Anson should say it in a proud and arrogant way, slightly exaggerated to create a comedic effect, but When he actually said it, he seemed much more plain and simple.

Lucas was a little uncomfortable with it, "Isn't this a matter of course? As long as you really put your mind to anything, you can always do your best."

There was no surprise in the matter-of-fact expression on his face. He changed the subject and said, "But I am serious. If you don't like it, there is no need to continue to force yourself."

The simple words revealed 100% support. This time, Anson did not continue to joke or avoid, but gently nodded.

"it is good."

He said.

Maybe, happiness is not difficult, at least not as difficult as he imagined——

Sometimes it's just a bag of potato chips; sometimes it's just a visit; sometimes it's just a word of support.

That's enough.

The corners of Anson's mouth raised slightly, and then he stuffed two potato chips into his mouth to cover up the light curve. He still needed some time to adapt. He glanced at Lucas out of the corner of his eyes and changed the topic stiffly, " Where are you? Is everything going well at work?"

Lucas was a little surprised and looked at Anson quietly.

Ansen was puzzled, and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he had exposed himself and said something he shouldn't have said?
Lucas said in a calm tone, "Ah, Anson has grown up and actually knows how to care about others." "If mom knew this, she would definitely have tears in her eyes, and then give you a big hug, sighing that our Anson finally When we grow up, if people say that our little guy is not doing his job properly, my mother will roll up her sleeves and hit her right back."

Ridicule, obviously, this is ridicule.


He glanced at Lucas with a speechless face. After the short-term emotional ups and downs, he now regained some sense and immediately launched a counterattack, "There is no way, a certain wooden person who doesn't understand the style will not cooperate with my mother's performance at all. If I If this is the case, my mother would be so pitiful."


Anson tilted his head slightly and looked over, "How about it, do you want to take a professional course on how to act like a spoiled child in front of your mother?"

Lucas: Kill me.

"Haha." Anson didn't give any face, and laughed at Lucas mercilessly. He could not stop thinking about the scene of Lucas acting coquettishly.

But Anson is a smart man, and it is very clear that he should give up when things are good. Before Lucas exploded, he quickly changed the subject, "I'm serious, how is your work going? I think, maybe I should start learning to invest." After all, it would be a waste to have those remuneration lying in the bank."

Anson is indeed serious——

After experiencing the life of a working man in his previous life, Anson truly understood the truth that if you only rely on banks, savings and savings, you will never get rich; the real way to make money is to use money to make money and money to make money, investment, stocks, financial management , entrepreneurship, and so on and so on.

Of course, for ordinary people, there are risks involved. After all, the stock market is a meat grinder, with a narrow escape from death.

But Anson was different.

In fact, Anson's understanding of investment and financial management in his previous life was limited. At first, he didn't need to understand it, but later he didn't need to understand it. Even if he was reborn, he would not be able to become an investment master all of a sudden.

But the big events in the wave of the times should not be missed. Even if you know nothing about investment and finance, you should know that you should not miss technology giants, social networks, new energy, streaming media, etc. Virtual currencies should be missed, the real estate bubble of 2008 should not be forgotten, etc.

He doesn't need to take risks.

But the problem is that he is a liberal arts student who has never studied investment or management. Although he has a treasure trove of information to "predict the future" in his mind, he doesn't know how to use it. He needs a real professional to help him knowledge into bank account numbers.

There is a suitable candidate right in front of you.


Anson was not prepared to act too hastily, otherwise he would accidentally reveal his "alien" identity; nor was he prepared to make a desperate move. There was still plenty of time for him to plan step by step in the future.

What's more, the "Princess Diaries" remuneration has not yet arrived, and he currently has limited liquidity on hand, so there is no need to rush to get it all in one go.

Let’s start with primitive accumulation.

Today, I just plant some seeds first.


Even if it was just some seeds, it was still an accident to Lucas, a real accident——

This time, he looked at Anson carefully for a while, without concealing the inquiry in his eyes.

Anson, who grew up with his own temper, seems to have really grown up.

Lucas was a little relieved, but also a little sad at the same time.

It seems that Anson did learn some things in Hollywood, but he doesn't know what grievances he experienced. After all, it was a vanity fair that ate people without spitting out their bones.

Lucas' eyes flashed slightly, "If I didn't say anything, I would have thought you were a different person, your body was taken over by aliens, and you completely changed your appearance."

Anson: ...Help.

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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