The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 127 True reaction

Chapter 127 True reaction
"it is good."

Lucas said.

One word, concise and clear.

However, behind this sentence, there was intricate thinking and pulling and pulling, and it was not until the end that the decision came out.

The moment the words came out of his mouth, Lucas no longer hesitated. His calm and stern face showed a sharpness and decisiveness.

"But we need to wait."

Anson's mind, which had just been relaxed, became tense again because of Lucas's next words, but this time, he did not panic.


Lucas continued, "The stock market has not yet reached its lowest point, so it is not the best time to buy."

"In the next few months, the entire stock market will continue to hit bottom, and the negative impact of the technology stock bubble has not yet been released."

"The OS-X operating system should be released in March next year; judging from the current market situation, I recommend waiting until November to start buying it."

Professionals are still different after all.

Although Anson was throwing out an idea temporarily, Lucas had already completed his judgment and decision-making in the blink of an eye and gave professional advice.

Anson nodded gently and said, "I'll leave the specific matters to you anyway."

Looking at Anson, who looked like he was throwing away the shopkeeper, he returned to his familiar look. He could only be serious for three seconds, but Lucas became more accustomed to it.

A faint smile appeared in Lucas's eyes, "You should not invest all your money. If my understanding of Hollywood is correct, investing in yourself is also a very important part of Hollywood."

"I heard that there are some occasions, not to mention whether you can enter the venue smoothly, even if you enter, those snobs will use their eyes to classify clothing, jewelry, shoes, accessories, etc., if they are found to have flaws. , then you may be sentenced to death in social situations, and you will not be allowed to go anywhere."

"I don't know the specific situation. But I believe Uncle Darren should be able to give you some advice."

Being unprofessional doesn't mean you are ignorant.

Apparently, Lucas also knows some Vanity Fair rules.

But Anson didn't care, "Luka, are you worried that others will look down on me for judging others by their appearance? Only those losers with low self-esteem will tirelessly pursue luxury brands, hoping to use layers of money to make themselves invulnerable. Armor, but little did he know that this colorful armor had already exposed itself."

"Those clothes, before people give them a soul, are just some fabrics."

After saying that, Anson looked down at himself and looked up and down with his eyes. The confidence and calmness conveyed from the inside out could not be more obvious.

Lucas understood immediately, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised slightly, "Mom, don't worry, you are still the same as before."

Calm words, a silent complaint.

Anson didn't mind, and accepted the inspection with a calm face——

He used to care about other people's eyes, but it was only after he reached rock bottom that he realized that behind the fact that "people depend on their clothes", there is also the truth that temperament comes from upbringing. Words and deeds often reflect the color of the soul, no matter how glamorous it is. Clothes cannot hide the scent of the soul.

Perhaps, the confidence and calmness shown are the same, but the original owner's confidence comes from the support of his family, and his self-confidence comes from the indifference of going through hardships.

Similar, but different.


A timid voice grabbed the gap and cut in from the side, "Excuse me..."

The faint smile on the corner of Lucas's mouth disappeared in an instant, and a cold and piercing eye knife flew past, freezing the air instantly.

From the corner of his vision, he could see the footsteps that were about to approach but took half a step back.

Ansen also looked over——

The stiff mummy who pulled away a little was clearly the young woman who reminded her to pay attention to Lucas and released her kindness.

She never left.

He kept watching carefully from the side, and after hesitating and struggling, he finally came over, but he didn't expect to be scared away by Lucas's look. For a moment, hold your breath.

Anson showed a warm smile, letting the ice in the air calm down again, and asked with gentle eyes, "How can I help?"

The young woman saw the look in Anson's eyes. Even though Lucas' gaze was like a glare on her back, she still mustered up the courage to move forward, which was half a hand's distance away.

Take a deep breath.

Take another deep breath.

"Excuse me, are you the Paul actor who guest-starred on 'Friends' not long ago?"


The sentences are not smooth.

Even the most basic grammar is wrong. The adjectives and adverbs are completely out of order. It’s like the system is out of order. It’s a complete mess, but what is 100% certain is this:

The young woman's voice was trembling slightly.

I couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement for a moment.

However, Anson still understood, and the corners of his mouth turned upward completely, "Yes, I am that Paul."


The young woman covered her mouth and let out a short but excited exclamation, her eyes brimming with excitement.

It can be seen from the feet that can't help but want to jump, like Dorothy wearing red dancing shoes, that excitement should have defeated fear.

But all the words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even utter a sigh. He wanted to get closer but was deterred by Lucas's eager eyes.

Anson wanted to laugh a little. He glanced at Lucas, who exuded the aura of keeping away from others, and mouthed silently, "She recognized me."

Lucas didn't buy it at all, "She can't even say your name."

Anson laughed dumbly——

Having said that, this was the first time since "Friends" that someone recognized him, even if they couldn't pronounce his name.

Just like after "Harry Potter" was released, people still saw the three leading actors calling out the names of their characters in the movie until many years later.

At least their faces were recognized.

This is a beginning.

Anson ignored Lucas, but stood up, stretched out his right hand, and showed a smile.

The young woman glanced at Lucas, held Anson's right hand tremblingly, and then slowly closed her fingertips. Although the sweat on her palm was slightly cold, her fingertips were particularly hard, as if she was using all her strength to feel and experience. Completely immersed in the beauty of this moment.

"Wood. Anson-Wood."

The young woman nodded vigorously, her eyes firmly locked on Anson's face, and even Lucas was temporarily forgotten.


Accidentally, an exclamation escaped the corner of her mouth. The young woman quickly covered her mouth with her left hand, but refused to let go of her right hand. As a result, she still couldn't control it.

"Ah, ah ah. Wow, I, I really like you. God, you are so handsome. You are a hundred times more handsome than you look on TV."

Lucas: Eye roll.

He couldn't understand, not at all, what was going on in this scene?

Anson is Anson, his brother, an ordinary person, with two eyes, a nose and a mouth like everyone else. Why would someone scream at Anson? Why would anyone tremble because they could shake Anson's hand?
I would like to ask, are there any experts here who can explain to him what the principle is?

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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