The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 137 Ask for advice humbly

Chapter 137 Ask for advice humbly
The filming atmosphere of the "Princess Diaries" crew has always been relaxed and pleasant, and the work progress is slightly ahead of schedule. Even at work, they maintain a good mood. Despite this, after Julie Andrews arrived on the set, the entire working atmosphere became more cheerful. Overflowing with happiness.

Anne clearly knew that this was her opportunity, not only because she was the heroine of a movie, but also because she could observe the legend up close and learn from the legend, which became the nourishment for her own growth. She had a hundred reasons. Concentrate and give it your best effort.

Julie especially likes Anne. After three or four filming together, Julie can feel that Anne is eager to learn. Although she is nervous, young, and uneasy, she is always learning. Complete your own growth.

This is very rare.

Julie is not stingy with her own experience. She is like a treasure trove of knowledge, giving Anne details so that Anne can better convey the emotions of the character and the humorous effect Gary hopes to see——

Ultimately, "The Princess Diaries" is a comedy, and if it doesn't make the audience happy, how is it a comedy?

Annie, keep learning.


Anne took a long breath, glanced at Anson, widened her eyes and made a small face, "Wish me good luck, I'm ready to go on stage."

Today's scene is not easy.

Because it's a pure comedy, it even needs to be a little bit weird. If it's not funny, it's not funny. If it's exaggerated, it's a clown. They need to have a sense of proportion.

This is precisely the most difficult part.

Anson waved his fist at Annie and showed a big smile, "There is no need to be nervous, just use the third level of the Ghost Face Competition. I believe you can do it."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Anne laughed three times, turned around and walked towards the spot illuminated by the spotlight. It can be seen from the tight shoulder lines:

Nervousness is inevitable.

In a sense, Anson was even more looking forward to it than Anne.

The opportunity to watch and learn is here again.

Today, he can watch Jolie perform comedy up close, and see how to be funny gracefully but avoid sensationalism, how to cleverly incorporate humor but avoid falling into the trap of being exaggerated and greasy. Such an opportunity does not come around every day.

Generally speaking, when watching a performance, it is the lines that grab attention, because the sound catches the ears and because the lines reflect the content. When the audience judges the performance, the line skills are often mentioned.

Indeed, the silent film era is a very, very distant memory.

Anson is no exception; but the wonderful thing is that when he watched Julie perform, it was not the words that captured his attention - including his eyes and ears.

The first few times, Anson thought, it was because the lines in "Princess Diary" were mainly based on life, without those exaggerated dramatic effects, and the actors needed to be more natural and light when performing.

——How to show the life breath of the lines is also a difficult problem.

Therefore, Anson has been observing Julie's handling of those lines; however, today, Anson finally realized that the focus is not on the lines, but on posture, standing, sitting, form and other body language.

But why?

Watching with your eyes and feeling with your heart, you can indeed taste the performance; but using words to describe it, Anson cannot find the accurate words.

A feeling that is hard to explain but really exists.

Very special.

In the movie, there is a scene where the protagonist is Mia and the stylist responsible for Mia's image overhaul. They stand in front of three floor-length mirrors to examine and observe where to start the transformation.

Obviously, the stylist went out of his way to create fright and fear, highlighting the difficulty of the transformation in this way, creating a comedic effect, and making the audience full of expectations for the transformation results. And what about the queen played by Jolie?
In this scene, she is a supporting role. She and her assistant stand next to the full-length mirror, listening to the stylist's advice. Then the queen receives a confidentiality agreement from the assistant, hoping that the stylist can sign and abide by it.

right here--

Before the Queen spoke, she stood next to Mia and looked at Mia quietly. Although there were five people in the camera, including the stylist's assistant, and the focus was on Mia, Anson could not take his eyes away from the Queen.

No lines, no action, not the focus.

Julie just stood there elegantly, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen, looking at Mia quietly. Her eyes showed some concern but cautiously stopped. There was a sense of vulnerability that she wanted to get closer but didn't know how to get close. , and at the same time, there is also a desire to explore and find.

It felt like... as if I was looking for traces of my son on Mia.

In fact, it seems very complicated to describe, but in fact it only takes less than half a second. It was exactly this half a second that captured my attention.

At first, Anson thought it was the eyes, but then he discovered that it was more than that. The gesture, the look, and the emotions emanating from his body were just different. They just presented a state and left it to the audience's interpretation.

Anson found it interesting and couldn't help but want to play it back——

Obviously, he can't.

This is a filming set, not a short video.

But Anson still couldn't help but recall carefully that there were five people in the camera, the stylist was responsible for the lines, and the focus fell on Anne. However, Julie still firmly grabbed the camera's attention without saying a word.

What is the reason?
It was a very subtle and special feeling that Anson had never noticed before. Now that he is appreciating these scenes after becoming an actor, the entire focus has changed slightly, and a new world has opened up before his eyes.

So, what exactly is going on?

If you don’t understand, just ask. Anson didn’t show any coyness. When the filming was temporarily over at noon, he looked at Julie and Anne who were talking and took the initiative to come forward and patiently looked for opportunities to intervene in the topic.

"Hey, Anson."

Julie noticed Anson, turned around, and said hello with a smile.

Anson showed his neat white teeth and said, "Ms. Andrews."

Julie was amused by such a title. Although Julie rarely sings now due to throat surgery, she has no problem speaking in daily life. She just needs to pay attention to protection. Her expression was completely relaxed. "Calling me Madam, this is Does that mean you have something to ask?"

Anson's face was full of sincerity, "It's the same even if there is nothing to ask for help. After all, we have been taught since childhood that we need to use the correct address."

This is... a joke.

In "Mary Poppins" and "The Sound of Music", the roles played by Julie are responsible for educating children, so in the minds of the audience, her image has always been that of a "governess", and her words are full of respect.

Julie immediately heard the subtext in Anson's words, chuckled, and turned to look at Anne, "No wonder Anne said you are the mood maker of the crew."

Anson spread his hands and said calmly, "It seems that my attempt worked."

Julie's eyebrows were full of smiles, "Tell me, what's your problem? I'm ready."

After receiving permission, Anson was not shy and immediately expressed his thoughts.

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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