The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 140 Successfully completed

Chapter 140 Successfully completed

Gary didn't know what was going on here, but he knew that for these sixty-year-old guys, three meals a day need to be on time, otherwise, their bodies will protest.

Other things can wait for now.

Julie noticed the way Gary looked at Anson. She took the initiative to wave her hand, grabbed Gary's attention, and helped Anson out. "After living for so many years, I still have some self-care ability such as eating when I'm hungry." of."

The little joke made everyone laugh.

Anson stood up, moved out of the way, and made an inviting gesture. Julie took Anson's arm and stood up smoothly with a little force.

As soon as she took a step forward, Gary was already coming towards her. He raised his right hand like a gentleman. Julie took Gary's arm and walked toward the crew's dining car.

"That little guy is good." Julie didn't explain, but simply praised him.

Gary understood immediately, turned his head and looked over, with a smile in his eyes, "Which one are you talking about?"

Julie glared at Gary, and she knew at a glance that this guy was pretending to be confused, "Both are good."

Gary's smile fell on the corner of his mouth, "Yes, yes, yes."

The two big guys walked in front, and the crew naturally parted ways as if greeting Moses, while the two young men followed behind to put some distance between them.

Anson was half a step behind, looked at Anne, and then saw the frustrated expression on Anne's face, "What's wrong?"

Annie took a deep breath and said, "The amount of information is too much. One moment I feel like I understand it, but the next moment I feel like I don't understand anything."

Anson deeply agrees——

It is not easy to understand it from a theoretical level or from a paper level; let alone digest it all into your own thing and put it into practical operation?


Now, he was just standing at the door of a magnificent world of acting to take a first look at the door. He hadn't even stepped into the threshold yet, but just by taking a peek at some scenes, he already felt interesting and a little excited.

Fortunately, they don't have to worry about becoming fat in one bite.

At least in "Princess Diaries", you don't have to worry about these issues yet.

Whether it's Annie or Anson, it's enough to add a little chemistry on top of their true roles, and there's no need to be too sophisticated.

For now, both of them are doing pretty well.

As for the future, there is still time to delve into it slowly.

Anson looked at Annie, "It's okay, Julie's filming has just started. We still have the opportunity to continue to observe closely and continue to discuss."

“There are so many learning opportunities.”

"Perhaps, the only thing we need to worry about now is that there are too many problems. Julie may not have the patience of Sister Maria. Instead, she may 'punish' us like Mary Poppins. Why not let you handle the problems next time."

Annie, "Me?"

Since when did it become “us”? Don’t today’s problems all come from Anson? Why did the subject suddenly switch?

Anson's face was calm, "Opportunity, this is an opportunity you must seize and show your attitude of being diligent and eager to learn. I am selflessly creating an image for you."

"How about it, are you ready to thank me properly?"

"Actually, there's no need. I don't need any thanks. Just treat me to a big meal. We help each other. What do you think of seafood?"

Annie:? ? ?
Wait, why does it feel weird?

Shooting, all went well.

Smooth sailing!

The positive premonition that started on the first day of joining the crew lasted until the last day. After completing six weeks of filming in San Francisco, the crew returned to Los Angeles and continued filming at Disney's Studio 2 where "Mary Poppins Returns" was filmed. It was announced after three weeks. From new actors such as Anson Anne to senior actors led by Julie; from the creative team led by Gary to temporary staff from different crews in San Francisco and Los Angeles, everyone worked together as one, and no serious problems were encountered along the way, and the atmosphere was cheerful. End all filming.

Annie, it was a little surprise.

The crew now finally understands the reasons why Gary chose Annie as the heroine against all odds. This newcomer, who is starring in the film for the first time, has shown excellent comedy performance skills and can blend elegance and beauty into the role, truly showing The charm of a commoner princess.

Anson, it was a big surprise.

At first, Michael was just an insignificant tool man, but he slowly developed his own flesh and blood. Not only did he interact with Mia, but he also made the main and branch lines of the movie rich and full. This is definitely what people could have expected before the movie started. development direction.

And Julie?
There is no doubt that she is the biggest surprise.


When Gary finished filming for the last time, he raised his arms in the air and cheered.

"Guys, that's it for the job."

The entire No. 2 Studio cheered and was full of joy. Although the working atmosphere of the crew was cheerful and the shooting went very smoothly, what was more enjoyable than working was calling it a day.


According to the plan, Gary planned a shooting period of ten or even eleven weeks, but in the end the film was successfully completed after only nine weeks of shooting.

This also means that the holidays come early——

No one can say no to a holiday.

hoo hoo hoo!
The entire Studio No. 2 was filled with gongs and drums, laughter and joy, and it was extremely lively.

But the celebration only lasted for a while, and the staff did not stay any longer. They left the studio in twos and threes, as if they were off work.

Including Anson.

In his previous life, Anson worked with the crew. When the filming was completed, there was often a celebration banquet, where they would eat and drink together to celebrate. This was originally a good thing, but it often turned into persuading people to drink, and finally evolved into not getting drunk without returning. Socializing quietly became "overtime work" ” even consumes more energy than the work itself.

However, Hollywood does not have such a culture. The completion of the project means the end of the work. There is no need to continue the pleasantries, turn around and return to life. This is all——

Everything is a business relationship.

Of course, there are parties. Putting aside the parties among close members of the crew, when the movie is released, in order to celebrate the movie finally coming out, there will be parties along with the premiere.


After the filming ended, I greeted the crew members one by one, and then Anson left.

Somewhat nothingness.

One second I was working together on a project, and the next second I turned away and returned to daily life. It always felt like there was a missing end.

However, after getting through the slightly uncomfortable stage, I felt completely relaxed, and on the way home from Burbank, I felt a sense of release.

Opening the car window, the golden sunshine mixed with the smell of sea water hits your face. The dry air has a faint salty taste, but it feels like a vast sea and sky. The vast view of Los Angeles spreads out in front of you.

Looking forward, Anson inadvertently captured some information with his peripheral vision. It passed by in the blink of an eye, but Anson caught an inspiration in his mind.

Just do it.

I made a U-turn at the next intersection and instead of going straight home, I stopped at the door of a two-story building and successfully found a parking space.

After getting off the car and standing in front of the building, Anson's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of excitement.

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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