The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 154 Great Opportunity

Chapter 154 Great Opportunity
Brain-Swardstorm, only 38 years old, started out as an actor and producer, but his career was not successful and a series of works were lackluster. However, after switching to the agent industry, he became a big success. Shine.

In just a few years, he became one of William Morris' top agents, including Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Waiting for an A-list star, and the client in his hand won three Emmy Awards last year, there is no doubt that he is the most popular person at the moment.

Starting this year, Brian became one of the senior partners of William Morris. Although he is not the CEO for the time being, he is indeed responsible for many businesses, including organizing partner meetings.

At William Morris, which is based on seniority, some people originally thought that Brian, who was not very senior, might face controversy and challenges, but in fact, Brian, who is good at dancing and has good relationships with other partners, has managed the relationship well.

Without being condescending or aggressive, and moving easily between different forces, Bryan is indeed playing the role of "Switzerland", skillfully uniting the top management of William Morris.

Time was precious, and Brian was not prepared to make a long speech, so he went straight to the topic.

"Whose client is this?"

Brian held up a photo, looked around the room, and showed it to everyone; but the cut was too fast. The veterans in the conference room were still busy with their own affairs, and their attention was not focused immediately, and their responses were slightly scattered.

Brian was not surprised——

The Hollywood agent industry is like this. Actors often follow agents rather than agencies. What does this mean?
In other words, if Brian now switches jobs to other agencies, the actors in his hands will probably switch jobs with him.

This gives brokers tremendous power, and their relationship with the company is relatively delicate.

Of course, there are exceptions. In addition to Leonardo DiCaprio, who keeps changing agents in order to work with Martin Scorsese, there are also actors who are dissatisfied with their agents and switch companies.

The most famous example is Halle-Berry. She was originally affiliated with the Creative Agency, and it was here that they helped Halle win the Oscar for Best Actress. However, after winning the Oscar in 2003, , Harley was not satisfied with the company's attitude and plan, so she switched to William Morris in 2005 without an agent.

Later, Halle returned to Creative Artists after more than a decade at William Morris, hoping to reshape her career.

In short, the relationship between agents, agencies, and actors is not that simple.

These agents in front of him are all powerful people with powerful resources, and Brian must make a big move to grab their attention.

Brian did not panic. He put the photo on the table and motioned for everyone to circulate it. His words did not pause, getting to the point of this impromptu meeting.

"This casting of 'Spider-Man' should be our chance to turn things around."

"Sony Columbia is not limited to any one agency in selecting actors, and Sam Raimi is willing to open up all possibilities."

"We all know that innovative artists will definitely try their best to seize the opportunity, but I hope we can seize it, because from what I heard, Sony Columbia is preparing to make a sequel, and they are very determined."

In just a few words, he caught everyone's attention and focused their attention.

Brian doesn't need to explain, the veterans here all understand what this means.

In the current movie market, it is not unusual for sequel movies to be everywhere. However, it is 2000, and it is not popular to package and produce sequel movies together. It is often a matter of taking one step at a time.

In the future, when a project is initiated, the specifications of a trilogy will be planned from the beginning, and the three movies will form a series, and the layout of the trilogy will even be completed from the creative level. This is mainly due to the linkage of the "Marvel Universe".

Now, not so much. Shooting a movie is a project, and it may not even leave a tail at the end of the movie to bury the sequel. Only when the movie is a box office hit will a sequel be arranged.

Moreover, directors are not keen on making sequels. The most typical one is the "Alien" series, which has gained both word-of-mouth and box office success. However, the connection between three films and three directors is also very weak.


Bryan said that Sony Columbia planned to shoot a sequel in the preparation stage, which is indeed a big deal.

First, it shows Sony Columbia’s determination that they will definitely invest more effort in movies.

Secondly, the sequel was already on the table before the first one was filmed. It was very rare in 2000 and there was no precedent. This meant that the agent could get more pay for the actors. After all, Sony, Columbia did not want the sequel to be successful after the first one. In the sequel, the lead actor will be changed. Thirdly, maybe they can use this as a bargaining chip to package more jobs for supporting roles.

Finally, and most importantly, they are in a life-and-death competition with innovative artists.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere in the conference room changed subtly.

Brian was not surprised by the effect he created, and his expression remained calm.

"Yesterday, the first batch of actors arrived in New York for auditions. Sam Raimi and producers from Sony, Columbia and Marvel will all attend the official auditions."

Specifications, grand.

“But there wasn’t a single client we represented there.”

There was a faint agitation in the conference room, "Brian, we submitted a list according to Sony Columbia's requirements, including thirty-six young actors. We have done our best."

Brian looked at the source of the sound and responded lightly, "But it's obviously not enough."

Brian leaned forward slightly, "Hey, we are discussing a $100 million project. Although the final investment cost figure is not yet certain, it is almost certain that this is the largest project since 'Titanic' and we need to do it." Gotta be better than 'The Thirty-Six Actors.'"

They looked at each other in complete silence.

Brian didn't continue to be aggressive and just stopped.

The conversation turned.

"Ian-Bryce called me this morning and gave me a name. I hope the actor will be in New York today and I don't want to let him down."

Ian Bryce is a very, very important name in Hollywood. He is the producer of movies such as "Saving Private Ryan", "Speed", "Batman Returns", etc. In addition, he later also produced " The first part of the "Transformers" series.

This time, his name also appears on the "Spider-Man" producer list.

"But I have a question, whose client is this?"

Brian's eyes looked at the photo again, returning to the opening topic.

Brush brush.

All eyes are focused on it, and the concentration at this time is completely different.

Harry Smith happened to see the photo, "Wait a minute..." He almost choked on his own spit, "I know him." His eyes widened——

Wait, what's his name?


Before Harry could find a clue, a voice came from the back of the conference room like a cave, which instantly overturned the balance of the entire space and stirred up a storm.

Like thunder.

"it's me!"

 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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