Chapter 157 Top-heavy
It was a clear morning, and the summer sunshine was still dragging long shadows under the California sky. There was no sign of autumn at all; but the golden light falling lightly on the treetops no longer had the heat and restlessness of midsummer, and the air seemed He also became a little calmer and couldn't help but slow down.

Brad Renfro had just ended a crazy night. His whole body was floating in the air, and even his steps were fluttering like a hydrogen balloon.

The City of Angels is busy and the city is showing unprecedented vitality, but he is going home, preparing to end today - or yesterday.

There was only one thought in his mind right now, and that was to get into bed and sleep in darkness.

Fumbling around in confusion, he pushed open the door, only to find that it was pitch black inside. This made Brad slightly startled. He took a step back and went back outside. The morning sun was still bright. He took a step forward and entered the room, but there was no sunlight. There was no light, only a vague halo of light rotating in Gulu.

Well, what's going on?

My brain was so mushy that it couldn't move. Just when I was hesitating whether I had entered the hell through the wrong door, the halo gradually became brighter.

It turns out that it is light and shadow.

Only then did Brad realize that someone closed all the curtains and put down the projector to create a theater effect at home.


After getting used to the light in the room a little, and using the halo of the big screen to look at the silhouette of the figure curled up on the sofa, Brad called out with some uncertainty.

Then I saw clearly that Anson, that big man with long hands and long legs, was huddled up pitifully and completely immersed in the movie, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Anson looked back and said, "Hey, good morning."

Brad walked over slowly, his voice uncertain, "Is it morning now?"

Anson chuckled, "I'm not sure. You're the one who just came back from outside. Shouldn't you be the one to tell me?"

Brad's footsteps stopped behind the sofa, not planning to stay, "How do I know? The daytime in Los Angeles is the same. It's hard to tell the difference between eight o'clock and eight o'clock."

Anson nodded repeatedly, "Let me correct you, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening."

The relaxed and humorous tone made Brad couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth. Originally, he wanted to go back to the room and lie down directly, and he could hardly open his eyes; but when he saw the projection in front of him, he couldn't help but smile. Couldn't help but stop.

Maybe he just didn't have the strength to go back to his room.

"Kieslowski?" Brad asked.

Anson, "Hmm. 'Red'."

Polish director Krzysztof-Kieslowski’s famous “Blue, White, and Red Trilogy”, of which “Blue” won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival and “White” won the Winner of the Berlin Film Festival's Best Director Award, "Red" was shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival's main competition and won two Oscar nominations for Best Director and Best Foreign Language Film.

There is no doubt that this is a very, very famous work.

It can be easily identified just from the image language and picture texture. Brad can see it immediately, but the situation in front of him is slightly different.

Anson wasn't rewatching the movie, but watching the same clip over and over again.

After Brad appeared on the stage, Anson had already watched it again. Brad was not sure whether his appearance had disturbed Anson's viewing, so Anson chose to go back and watch it again, but soon Brad realized , Anson did it on purpose, and actually went back for the third time.

What Anson is watching is the most famous scene in the movie, the scene where the heroine stands in front of the red curtain and blows bubble gum. Even if you haven't watched the movie, you should have seen screenshots or pictures.

again and again.

Anson watched very carefully and immersedly, seeming to be completely absorbed in the picture.

Brad and Brad also became attentive and stood there quietly admiring it. Due to sleepiness, they could hardly open their eyelids. The whole room was shrouded in a halo of light, like a dream, and they fell into a trance.

The whole look and feel is also different.

It's obviously the same episode, but the feelings are different every time. Brad couldn't hold it back after all, "What are you doing?"

Anson's eyes were still on the screen, "No, I simply like her eyes and expressions. I can taste different emotions in the flashing pictures. This is a feeling that words cannot describe."

Brad did not speak again, but became as fascinated as Anson. He sat down on the sofa unknowingly, completely relaxed his whole body, and fell into a dream in a world of blush and darkness.

Sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

Sometimes pure, sometimes complex.

As Anson said, this is indeed a subtle movie-watching experience. The world constructed by the movie exudes a strange and vivid charm, which has nothing to do with the plot, but only has to do with the picture. The link between oneself and the picture is as if Able to touch the essence of a certain soul.

Brad was really sleepy, his eyelids were fighting, so much so that he couldn't tell the line between reality and fiction, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

He was a little top-heavy, and the thoughts in his mind broke free.



"Tell me, can I still get a chance?"

"of course can."

"You know what I mean, it's not just any acting opportunity, it's an opportunity to reopen the door and truly become a great actor."

In the silence, Anson could taste the sadness and uneasiness in Brad's words.

This is not difficult to understand.

Hayden joined the crew of "Star Wars Prequels", James got the opportunity to audition for "Spider-Man", Chris and Anson also opened up their own situations, but only Brad seemed to be standing still.

It’s not that Brad couldn’t get roles, but that he couldn’t see any opportunities for breakthroughs or hope for the future. It seemed like everything was just like this. He just starred in some insignificant roles and some independent films that couldn’t enter the theaters. production, completely forgotten by the mainstream Hollywood market.

If Brad was already sixty years old and his career had entered a semi-retirement state, then it would be a pity, but there was nothing he could do about it; but Brad was not yet twenty years old and his life had just started, and it seemed that he had stopped moving forward.

No wonder Brad has been wandering around in a state of intoxication and confusion.

He had his chance and he blew it, so that's the end of it?

Brad has always had his own struggles. He and Anson are different, but they are also trapped in the noise and nothingness of Vanity Fair. They only accidentally reveal their vulnerability in the dead of night.

Anson was able to capture Brad's carefully leaked regrets but concealed them anxiously.

He understands, completely.

Because in his previous life, he had experienced countless days and nights of tossing and turning, and he did not dare to relax even in his sleep. He tightened his heart string tightly, fearing that showing any vulnerability would become a flaw and eventually lead to the collapse of his entire world. start.

Life, is there a right answer?

Even after two lifetimes, Anson still didn't have the answers Brad needed.

Perhaps, the only thing Anson has is faith, which has always been the case until now.

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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