The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 174 Creating Contrast

Chapter 174 Creating Contrast

Sam Raimi is observing Anson.

Sam's standards have always been very simple. In his opinion, "Spider-Man" is not a work that pursues art and explores philosophy. It is a piece of popcorn that you can relax and enjoy. Therefore, the actor's acting skills test is not the primary factor. Personally Charm is the key.

He always believes that compared with the content of the audition, the actor's natural performance when entering the room, leaving the room and outside the audition is the key to see how well it fits the role, what kind of chemical reaction it can bring, whether it is suitable for the big screen, and how well it matches him. What sparks can be created by the collision of the image of Peter Parker in my mind.

Therefore, Sam did not read the actor information. He did not want to have any stereotypes about the actors. There was no need to make judgments in advance. Everything was left to the first meeting at the audition.

Because of this, Sam doesn't like Scott.

It's not that there's anything wrong with Scott, it's that Scott made such a strong impression in the coffee shop this morning, ruined the mystery, and formed a stereotype that the audition just now had no spark at all.

After the audition, Sam was not impressed with Scott.

It's the same thing in front of me.

The moment Anson opened the door, Sam began to observe and size up. The audition had already begun.

As soon as he entered the door, Anson took two steps forward, then stopped and turned back, putting down the huge backpack on his shoulders. From the action of putting it down, it could be seen that in addition to the skateboard, there should be a lot of heavy objects inside.

Sam couldn't help but take another look at the backpack. It was plain and ordinary, but he still wanted to explore and was curious about what was inside.

But Sam didn't rush to speak.

When Anson came to the center of the room, producer Ian Bryce had already spoken first.

It can be seen that Ian is looking forward to Anson very much. After waiting and waiting, it is finally Anson's turn. The whole person is relatively positive, which can be seen from the details of his body leaning forward slightly.

Audition, not audition, just casual chat.

Name, age, hometown, weather.

During some casual chats, Ian always looked carefully with a spirit of research, and finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, "Are you very near-sighted?"

Anson smiled and said, "Oh, these glasses have no prescription."

Ian: ...I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that it was just a disguise, but why? Ian couldn't understand Anson's choice, "Can you take off your glasses?"

"Of course." Anson took off his glasses simply.

"Oh! It's him!" Ian's eyes suddenly brightened, and he exclaimed, looking around at other colleagues, "This is the young man I saw."

Not only Ian, but several other people also let out low exclamations. It was not that they were making a fuss, but that after Anson revealed his blue eyes, his temperament changed subtly, and the whole gap caused an impact.

Instantly, stunning.

There are seven people in charge of the audition today.

The person sitting slightly behind and half a step away is probably the agent of the Screen Actors Guild. He does not participate in the discussions and auditions and is only responsible for supervision.

In addition to Ian and Sam, there were four other people, three men and one woman, but they had no intention of introducing themselves and were busy with their own things.

Then, the woman said, "Others want to show off their charm, but you do the opposite. Is there any reason for this?"

——He knows this question.

Here, Anson talked freely, discussed his views on Peter Parker, showed the appearance of an ordinary high school student, and emphasized that as a superhero, Peter Parker's psychological changes are the most interesting part, and it also makes him and other The key to differentiating superheroes.

With those eloquent words, the initiative fell into Anson's hands quietly.

The slightly fat lady with golden eyes showed a meaningful expression, "So, you are so confident in your appearance and don't think you are like a high school student, so you need these disguises?"

Slightly edgy. Anson's face was calm, "I'm not here because I look like an ordinary high school student, right?"

A rhetorical question and a clever answer.

Ian burst out laughing, "Indeed, if you were an ordinary high school student, you wouldn't get an audition call."

As he said that, Ian tilted his head and looked at the lady, "Next, you won't be like Sam who dislikes him for being too handsome, right? Sometimes he is disliked for being too handsome, and sometimes he is disliked for not being handsome enough. I think these actors are quite pitiful. "

Obviously, this is a rant.

The lady seemed very calm, "The essence of disgust is still because it is inappropriate. Naturally, it is not pleasing to the eye. But you are right, Sam? You are very quiet. Although you have always been quiet, you are especially quiet this time..."

All eyes were directed towards Sam.

But unexpectedly, Sam said without warning, "It's you!"

Everyone:? ? ?
Anson:? ? ?
Sam sat up straight, his eyes that always seemed sleepy were fully opened, revealing a glimmer of light, and he felt a rare surge of emotion.

He kept looking and observing, vaguely feeling that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar, but he still couldn't grasp the key point, and then finally an idea flashed through him.

Sam was a little excited.

"In the morning, coffee shop, you..."

Sam was clumsy and got stuck when he opened his mouth. He didn't know how to describe it, and then he became even more anxious when he saw the confused expression on Anson's face.

The verbal description was unclear, so Sam simply stood up and used body language——

He raised his right foot, spread his right hand, and made a lifting motion with his left hand. He looked at Anson with wide eyes, trying to awaken Anson's memories.

Before Anson could speak, Ian leaned back on the chair, spread out the left side of his body, and said jokingly in a lazy sunbathing posture, "Sam, are you performing some kind of performance art? Is this rumba or tango?" "

Sam ignored Ian and just looked at Anson.

Anson finally remembered, "Coffee shop? But, how did you know?"

Sam showed a satisfied smile and said, "Me too."

Anson suddenly realized.

Ian looked around and said, "What riddle are you talking about? Don't you want us to listen to it together?"

Sam had sat down again and showed no intention of explaining. This job could only be left to Anson, with all his eyes falling on Anson's shoulder.

Anson smiled and explained simply, "This morning in a coffee shop, I reached out to a lady to do a small favor."

The fat lady didn't believe this understatement, not a word of it, "A small favor? A small favor is not enough to make Sam so excited. I have been with Sam for a week, and this is the first time I have seen him show off Make that gesture."

As she said this, the lady herself laughed.

Originally, this was a joke, but Sam nodded gently with a serious face and responded with a rare response, "Indeed. Just like kung fu."

"I feel a little bit like Spider-Man. Maybe, you should let Anson reenact the action."

As soon as the words came out, Sam himself was stunned——

Thinking carefully about the scene that happened in the coffee shop in the morning, Sam was completely unaware that an inspiration had taken root in his brain and grown rapidly.

 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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