The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 182 Take the initiative

Chapter 182 Take the initiative
"Haha, hard work."

Seeing Anson's figure, Edgar put the cell phone he had been staring at into his pocket, stood up, showed a smile, and greeted Anson with a natural and relaxed expression, without appearing anxious or worried, as if Anson had just been chatting with his friends. Just small talk.

"I've made a reservation for lunch. How about it? Do you have any plans for the afternoon? I mean, if not, I have two Knicks tickets."

While chatting, he naturally walked towards the elevator.

Others might not notice it, but Anson could see Edgar winking secretly at him, and he knew at a glance that he was asking Anson to cooperate in the performance.

Obviously, Edgar did not want to appear too eager or too nervous, and tried to present a casual and relaxed state to end the audition——

The formal audition has ended, but after it is over, the actor's demeanor and performance, the agent's posture and movements, etc. are all under the surveillance of the onlookers. The slightest disturbance may be transmitted to the ears of the producers, and further Affects the impression left by an actor.

Will this affect the outcome of the audition?
Generally not.

But Hollywood is a palm-sized circle, and whether actors or agents, their image, reputation, rumors, etc. are slowly pieced together from these trivial details, especially audition opportunities such as "Spider-Man". The speed of spread is beyond imagination.

Therefore, Edgar is also performing. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

Until the elevator door closes.

Anson looked at Edgar with a smile on his face. He didn't speak, but asked with his eyes.

Edgar relaxed a little, but still wasn't completely back to his original state, "Hey, we're still at Sony Columbia."

Seeing Edgar who was so vigilant and fully alert, Anson laughed and said, "Why, are they still watching the elevator monitor?"

Edgar shrugged lightly, "There have been rumors that Disney will watch the elevator monitors. Although there is no evidence, we tend to believe it."

Anson did not hide his surprise, "For what?"

There's really no need for studios to pay attention to actors, agents, or directors, right?
"Power." Edgar said one word, but it seemed to have a profound meaning.

Anson thought about it carefully and realized that there should be factional struggles within these large film companies. The success or failure of each film project may affect the direction of interests and power. Naturally, these film workers who shoulder the fate of the project will become them. chess piece.

The "Spider-Man" project had a troubled life, but Sony Columbia still decided to give it a budget of more than 100 million US dollars, which can be said to be a desperate move.

Everything happens for a reason.

In 1997, Sony Columbia won the North American box office championship for the whole year with "Men in Black" and occupied three seats in the top ten at the year-end box office rankings, which was an outstanding performance.

But in 1998 and 1999, it hit a trough. For two consecutive years, only one movie's North American box office exceeded million US dollars. This year is even more bleak. The summer season has ended, and Sony Columbia still has not had any North American movie cross the million threshold. , the best-performing "Transparent" currently has a cumulative box office of only million US dollars.

Sony Columbia needs to cheer up or it will fall behind the competition among the top players.

"Spider-Man" is this ambitious work.

Because of this, the conflict between interest factions behind this project is beyond imagination.

Edgar's caution was not without reason.

It wasn't until they left the building and took a taxi to merge into the busy traffic of New York that Edgar relaxed, revealing his tension and anxiety——

At this time, you can see his youth and vitality. Although he lacks experience, his focus and ambition for his work are fully revealed.

"So, how about it?" Edgar looked at Anson expectantly.

Anson thought about it seriously, "It felt good. The whole audition process was full of laughter and went off track several times, but I think it's a good thing to break the rules." Edgar, "Expand in detail."

Anson didn't hold anything back and told Edgar all the ins and outs of the audition. Then Edgar frowned and immediately grasped the key points.

"Laura? Ian calls her Laura?"

Anson nodded, "Why, you also think she might be a key figure?"

Throughout the audition process, Sam's surprise and Ian's control were all expected, but the performance of the fat lady was eye-catching.

Most of the time, she acts as a bystander, but she can grasp the key points every time she speaks. Not only Ian, but others will also show their attentive listening attitude when she speaks. If she holds key voting rights, characters, this scene can be explained.

Edgar awakens the memory in his brain based on Anson's description——

It's an essential skill for an agent to master Hollywood's intricate web of connections and remember its countless important names.

"Laura Ziskin, a veteran producer who is as recent as 'as good as it gets,' had seven Oscar nominations the year before last, including for Jack Nicholson and Helen Henton. Helen-Hunt finally won the Oscars for Best Actor and Best Actress."

"She... is very low-key, but very professional. She has a very close relationship with producers, directors and big-name actors, and film companies are willing to refer to her ideas."

"By the way, Perfection's willingness to use Helen Hunt is her opinion."

"You know, Helen entered the industry at the age of nine. She has been working in Hollywood for more than 20 years and has never entered the mainstream. She was told more than a hundred times, 'You are not beautiful enough to play the leading role', but Laura took it at first sight. He convinced Jack personally to use Helen."

In other words, Laura Ziskin does have a say, especially in the choice of actors.

After thinking carefully, Edgar looked at Anson, "Did she say anything at the end?"

Anson shrugged lightly, "That's the interesting part, she didn't say anything in the end."

Edgar raised his chin slightly, which often meant that the person had an idea, but only the person involved knew what the specific idea was.

Thoughts are surging in my mind.


Edgar's eyes lit up, "Do you know what was Laura's first film that really made Hollywood realize her abilities?"

"'pretty Woman'."

Anson raised his eyebrows slightly, "Pretty Woman" by Gary Marshall?

Edgar did not pause, "You said that you and Gary Marshall were very happy to cooperate? Then, we need to connect Laura and Gary. We need Laura to ask Gary herself, rather than Gary taking the initiative. Calling Laura to recommend you would be too deliberate and obvious.”

On the contrary, it may be counterproductive.

But how were they supposed to get Laura to have an idea of ​​her own and then ask Gary about it?

They cannot sit back and wait passively to be beaten. It is conceivable that other agents must be working at full strength. For a movie of the level of "Spider-Man", auditions must be a very important link, but beyond this, there are invisible swords and swords. Often it can influence the development of things.

They need to take the initiative.

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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