The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 184 Creating a Chance Encounter

Chapter 184 Creating a Chance Encounter

Sam Remy sat there in a reserved and awkward manner, waiting patiently for the waiter to come and ask questions. His extremely introverted personality did not dare to speak at all——

For fear of disturbing other people's work.


He has been sitting here for fifteen minutes without even being able to drink a sip of water. The waiters coming and going mistakenly thought that the orders had been taken here, and even if they occasionally saw a gap here, they did not take the initiative to come forward. The evening rush hour, which started early, was so busy that it was impossible to stop.

Sitting there nervously and pitifully, but not daring to look directly at anyone, he just carefully looked at the crowds of people in front of him with his peripheral vision. His shoulders were curled together, and he actually had the illusion of shivering, like on a rainy day. A stray dog ​​that got wet.

"Good evening, are there any seats here?"

A voice asked politely from the front.

Sam was overjoyed: Finally! Has the waiter finally come to take your order?

Raising his head slightly, Sam saw two unexpected faces: Anson, and a stranger. Anyway, not a waiter.

Sam was stunned. His brain, which was unable to function due to lack of blood sugar, did not react for a moment, and he reflexively felt wary——

Sloth Lightning is online again.

Anson was not surprised, but the situation now was different from that in the morning. He smiled and said, "Wait a minute, director, or is there actually someone here?"

Only Sam can see it but no one else?

Sam was stunned and followed Anson's eyes to look beside him. It took him a moment to realize what Anson's joke was about.


The corners of his mouth rose, and Sam looked at Anson again, swallowing, not sure whether he should speak, but finally hesitantly spoke, "Why are you here?"

Anson responded with a smile, "If I said it was a coincidence, the director wouldn't believe it, right?"

Sam was noncommittal——

In the afternoon, Ian Bryce called him and invited him to have dinner and meet the promising candidates.

Sam refused.

Sam doesn't like or even reject these social interactions outside the workplace. He believes that all the information he needs has been obtained during the audition process, and other meetings are really unnecessary.

Although Ian didn't say who the actor was, Sam didn't think it was a coincidence that he met Anson here now.

The answer, isn't it obvious?

Anson didn't mind either, "We saw the director, so we thought we'd come over and say hello. If the director minds, we won't disturb the director's meal. Oh, by the way, director, you should try the boiled beef here, I I believe it can bring some surprises.”

After saying that, Anson patted Edgar on the shoulder, without any intention of introducing Edgar, without stopping or lingering, and turned around and left.

Sam didn't speak, staring at Anson's back——

He really has no nostalgia, and his whole back posture looks particularly chic.

He stopped not far away, called a waiter, and told him that "the guest behind has not ordered yet." The waiter denied it with a look of surprise and surprise, but under Anson's firm eyes, , the waiter swallowed his subsequent words and walked towards Sam.

"Sorry, excuse me, haven't we ordered for you yet?"

at last!

Sam responded subconsciously, "Yeah, not yet."

The voice was like a mosquito, and uninformed people thought it was Sam who had done something wrong. The innocent-looking waiter inexplicably turned into a stepmother who physically punished her children.


Sam's attention was not on the waiter at this time, but on Anson. According to Sam's habit, he will not and should not talk to Anson. It is dinner time, this is his own private time, and work should go away; but the point is, boiled beef, what is that?
Sam swallowed without realizing it.

There was some hesitation, some hesitation, thinking back to this morning's audition and the brush with each other in the morning, all kinds of thoughts were rushing through my mind, and finally I made up my mind.


"Hey, here."

The voice was slightly louder than that of a mosquito. As he spoke, he also observed the looks of other guests around him, lest he disturb others' dining time.

"Anson. If you don't mind, come and join us. I think there is no room left in the restaurant, so there is no need for us to waste other space."

"There's... no one here."

Sam looked at the empty seats next to him and opposite him again. Thinking of what Anson had just said, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

With his back to Sam, Edgar showed an incredible expression and glanced at Anson:
It did!

In the afternoon, Ian conveyed the news that Sam refused to meet for dinner. Originally, Edgar was ready to just go along with the situation and meet Ian, but Ian said it was not necessary.

"I like Anson. Although we still need to discuss it and everyone has their own ideas, I prefer Anson for this role."

"So, you don't need to worry about me, why not think about how to convince others."

"To give you a hint, the director doesn't like hotel food and goes out to find food by himself every night."

"Food, this should be one of the director's biggest interests. He has his own particular emphasis on food and always likes to try different new menus."

A little inside information from Ian, "Don't thank me, I'm just trying to win alliances. Everyone hopes that the movie will develop according to their own vision, and I also hope that the director will be on the same side as me. Very good, continue It’s up to you when you come down.”


They waited patiently at the door of the hotel, followed Sam all the way to Chinatown, and remained patient, staggering the time to create the encounter at this moment.

Sure enough, Sam was a tough guy who couldn't get into anything. Edgar had no chance to speak, but unexpectedly, Anson still created an opportunity.

Edgar glanced at Anson.

Anson gave Edgar a look, and they could feel Sam's vigilance, which also meant that tonight's strategy might need to be adjusted.

If they discussed the character or the performance directly, they might be self-defeating, put Sam on guard again, or even ruin the good impression they had made so far; so, they needed to make an impression, but with more skill.

Turning around, Anson and Edgar came to their seats and sat down opposite Sam.

Anson did not rush to introduce Edgar, but looked at Sam, "Director, do you have any food that you are used to? Or are you willing to try something new?"

Sam hesitated.

He likes new things and he likes to try different foods, but he doesn't want this to become his weakness, so he always hides himself.

For those who are not familiar with Sam, they think that Sam is an "obsessive-compulsive disorder patient" who likes set routines and familiar things.

So, should he continue to stick to his character at this time, or should he take a step forward?

Looking at Anson, with his gentle but bright expression, no aggressive recommendation, but one couldn't help but feel curious, Sam swallowed again.

Sam thought for a moment, "What do you recommend?"

Anson smiled and said, "I know something about Chinese food."

Really, just "a little bit."

 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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