The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 188 Cooperate with the performance

Chapter 188 Cooperate with the performance
Edgar is thinking hard and trying his best to create opportunities for Anson as much as possible.

Although they still have not signed a contract, Edgar believes that this is his opportunity and he should seize it, so whether there are suitable public relations resources within William Morris that can be fully utilized, this makes Edgar's brain work at high speed, and then He saw the Bentley.

The golden sunlight slowly outlines the lines of the jet black Bentley's body. The simple atmosphere carries a low-key luxury. At a quick glance, it does not seem to be ostentatious. At least it is not eye-catching at all compared with those luxury sports cars, but the corner of the eye can't help but be attracted by it. That calm luxury attracts you.

As soon as you appear on stage, you can seem to feel that the noise and turbulence coming and going at Los Angeles International Airport slows down, and time stops briefly.


Edgar didn't think much of it. Even though Bentleys weren't that popular in Los Angeles, it wasn't unusual for them to show up occasionally.

However, the driver got out of the car and caught his sight easily——

With short blond hair, the sun is roaring down her straight hair like a waterfall. A bright red bandage skirt perfectly outlines the graceful body curves. She is wearing a pair of six-centimeter stiletto heels with black face and red soles, which is perfect. The lines extend from the instep all the way up the calf.

Sexy and wild.

A pair of wide black sunglasses covered her palm-sized oval face, making it impossible to see her facial features. However, her thin flaming red lips still highlighted her skin, which was as white as snow, and her aura was like a magnet. All the eyes coming and going drifted towards me.


Someone not far away whistled, looking at the beauty with wild and bold eyes.

The woman was not shy, but followed the sound of the whistle, slightly pulled her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, and looked back with the same boldness and boldness.

Then, he showed a disgusted smile and said bluntly, "You are not my type."

The friends around the man burst into laughter, and even the passers-by who were watching the melon eating all smiled.

But the woman didn't care. She looked away with a calm face, glanced around, and naturally noticed Anson. With his height, body shape, and temperament, he could easily stand out even in a huge crowd. She took off her sunglasses and walked carefully on the ground again. Looking down, there is no secret.

Generous, calm, and with an objective appreciation.

This kind of look does not make people feel offended, but can make people feel that they are on an equal footing.

After sizing it up, the woman held up her sunglasses and raised her right hand and waved, "Hey!"

Edgar:? ? ?

Was the woman gesturing to Anson? Could it be Anson's girlfriend?
Edgar tilted his head, not that he was surprised or anything else. Putting aside the detail that the woman in front of him looked to be thirty years old, the point was that he had no idea Anson was dating.

But he is not Anson's agent yet, and there is really no need for Anson to tell him.

So, will Anson's date affect his audition for "Spider-Man"? Or is it just irrelevant news?

In just a short moment, thoughts were surging in his mind, and then Edgar saw the woman walking around the front of the car and walking towards her in high heels.


This is a question.

"Anson Wood?"

He asked, holding out his hand.

"Eve Wilson, West 42, Darren must have mentioned it to you, right?"

Edgar reacted immediately, PR company?
There are currently four top public relations companies in Hollywood, not including West Forty-Two. However, this company, which was founded two years ago, has risen rapidly in a short period of time. It has become famous in the industry for successfully handling many difficult crisis public relations cases. Establish a foothold within the company and gain a large number of top customers.

The biggest advantage of West Forty-Two is that it is located in New York. The company's name comes from West Forty-Second Avenue in New York, and the company is also located on that street. As we all know, in North America, competition between the East Coast and the West Coast is everywhere, including in the arts and culture industry. In the hip-hop and rap circles, there are even murders due to the East-West conflict. This is a microcosm. Likewise, in film and television The industry is no exception and competition is always present.

The four major public relations companies in Hollywood are all in Los Angeles, so the rapid rise of West Forty-Two has filled the vacancy on the East Coast. A large number of artists from New York and Boston have turned to West Forty-Two, and now West Forty-Two has vaguely qualified Impact, or even threaten, the four major public relations capabilities.

It was also the first time for Anson to see Eve Wilson. He responded with a polite smile, "But I didn't expect you to come to pick her up in person."

Eve shrugged nonchalantly and rolled her eyes, "We need to seize the time. We don't have time to wait for you to come to our branch and then exchange polite greetings."

There was a pause, "And since we need to build momentum, we need to start at the airport."

Eve took a small step forward and approached Anson, "Your position, two o'clock direction, there is a reporter hiding there, ready to take photos of you. Come on, handsome guy, show your charm, be natural, don't look Lens, stand tall, and feel the California sunshine.”

After saying this, Eve turned around and put on her sunglasses again, "Get in the car."

"You can't park for too long here at the airport. I've already seen someone ready to come over and give me a ticket. Let's talk about other things after we get in the car."

Act vigorously and resolutely.

Crisp and neat.

Eve turned around, her short blond hair fluttering sharply, and the wind carried her voice, "Smile. Remember to smile."

Eve got on the bus first.

Anson was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It was just a rumor before, but now I have finally seen the style of public relations."

Looking towards two o'clock, Anson saw the cannon barrel this time——

Click. Click, click, click.

No wonder!
Darren told Anson that he had arranged for a publicist to attend the Emmy Awards this time. He asked Anson to cooperate with him first. He only signed a contract for a project this time. If he was not satisfied, he would find other publicists from other companies; But if you are satisfied, you can consider signing a long-term contract.

Darren then reminded Anson that the airport outfit needed some picking.

It turned out to be the case.

Anson raised his right hand towards the camera lens and waved, and unexpectedly saw the photographer also raised his head and responded, as if to say:

A pleasure to work with.

This made Anson smile even wider.


Rolling down the car window, Eve shouted again, "Hey, handsome guy, just leave a few photos. We have the next trip, so hurry up and get in the car."

Without any further hesitation, Anson and Edgar both got into the car. Eve turned the steering wheel and left the parking space, and they merged into the airport traffic.

When passing the photographer, Eve looked out of the car window and raised her middle finger, but the photographer clicked the shutter frantically. The back-and-forth response was also a new greeting model in Hollywood. People can't help but smile.


As soon as the engine revved up, they left the photographer behind.

 The fourth update.

(End of this chapter)

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