The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 190 Changing temperament

Chapter 190 Changing temperament
In Hollywood, it is common for actresses to choose outfits for award ceremonies and test thirty or fifty outfits. Preparations for attending the Oscars often start four or five months in advance, and go through a long and arduous process because they need to Stand out among the competition.

But obviously, men’s options are much simpler:
Suit. Suit. Or, a suit?

Just now, Eve has been asking Anson to change suits of different styles and styles, not to be picky, but to observe, while her brain is running at high speed.

At this time, when she enters the working state, she can feel Eve's clear thinking and clear goals in her vigorous and resolute work, which truly shows her professionalism.

"Generally speaking, newcomers have an image and a label. This is the first step. We need to continue to deepen this impression and take the lead in opening up the situation."

"Same goes for Anson."

"So far, every time Anson has made an official appearance in public, his performance has been perfect, and the image of a handsome guy has been formed. If there are no surprises, this time at the Emmy Awards is a good opportunity to further deepen the impression. We can easily attract countless people. A woman’s gaze.”


"Things are different now. Anson is vying for a big role..."

Eve noticed the busy staff around her. Regardless of whether they stretched their ears or not, she was careful not to say "Spider-Man".

"You also said that the current director thinks Anson is too handsome and does not meet the requirements of the role."

"The problem is that we can't let Anson act ugly. Maybe it's popular for actresses to act ugly to win the Oscar, but for male actors, this doesn't work."

"And we shouldn't be like this. It will destroy the image label Anson has created so far, and we cannot let our previous efforts go to waste."

"So, the key is to show different temperaments."

"We need directors to see that Anson is a malleable actor. Even if he is a handsome guy, he is not a handsome guy like Matthew McConaughey or Hugh Grant who only suits one role and one style. He has different temperaments and looks. , he is able to adapt to the requirements of different roles and images."

Edgar finally interjected, "Even this new image doesn't meet the requirements of the role?"

Eve nodded, "Yes, even this new image does not meet the requirements of the role."

“Look, our job is to show Anson’s plasticity, but it’s left to the director to figure out how to shape it and in what direction.”

"So, we now need to create a new and different image, which is far different from the image so far, or even a complete contrast, and then let the director see it and tell the crew in this way, hey, idiots, if you miss Anson , you will definitely regret it.”

The pace is very fast.

Eve poured out the information like a machine gun fire.

Edgar was able to keep up, his mind racing, "But, how do we make sure the director and crew can see it? After all, this is the Emmys."

It’s not that I look down on the Emmy Awards, but in 2000, the gap between the film and television industries was still relatively obvious.

For those working in the film industry, they like and respect television but do not pay attention to it. Even if film actors occasionally guest star on television or star in mini-series, in the eyes of the film industry, it is just fun or vacation. Otherwise, it is the film industry. prospects have dimmed.

To some extent, they have a condescending perspective.

So, do Emmys matter?


But will movie people be paying attention to the Emmys?

will not.

The thing is that simple.

Eve rolled her eyes and looked at Edgar with her peripheral vision, "This is our job, what do you mean? Even if they don't care at all and can't see it, we have to let them see that you have yours." I have my majors, but I believe we can get them to see the news.”

Edgar was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his lips could not help but rise slightly, "You are right. This is our job."

Edgar was a little eager to give it a try. Eve retracted her gaze, looked forward again, and said lightly, "I'm always right. Always."


The curtains were opened again, and Anson, who had changed into a brand new suit, appeared in front of him again——

Silence fell.

There was no sound at all, no praise, no criticism, not even a breath.

Anson didn't know why. He looked down at his clothes and then turned to look at the mirror. "What's wrong? I think this outfit is good. It's a style I haven't tried before, but it's quite interesting."

Anson ignored Eve and Edgar and looked at the clerk, "What is this?"

The clerk was not tired at all and had already adapted to such intensity. He smiled and said, "Dior."

Anson was very surprised, "I've never tried Dior." Then he turned around and looked at the two people in front of him, "What do you think?"

Edgar was not unresponsive, but his eyes lit up. Even though he thought he was very familiar with Anson, he still saw a new side of Anson again.

And, amazed by it.

Edgar turned to look at Eve.

Eve stared at Anson quietly for a long, long time, and then the smile on her lips rose little by little, and her eyes were full of light and grace, "Perfect."

At this time, Eve looked at Edgar and said, "This is the Anson I have never seen before."

Edgar, "I haven't seen it either."

Eve's eyes flickered with satisfaction, and she couldn't help but look at Anson again, "Now, we need the director to see it too."

Anson looked up and down at his clothes, "So, this is it?"

Eve nodded slightly, "Yes, this is it. Oh, God, I love my job, and I can't wait for the director to see this look."

Edgar added, "And Anna Wintour."

Eve turned to look at Edgar, winked and winked, "Yes, and Anna Wintour. Yes, your reaction was quick enough, you deserve praise."

Edgar:? ? ? Even if it’s praise, it’s not your turn, right?
But Eve had already retracted her gaze and clapped her hands, "Very good, next is the accessories."

Just like clothing, accessories also need sponsorship. Women’s jewelry is often worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, but it is not owned by them. It all comes from sponsorship. The same goes for men’s watches, jewelry, accessories, etc., which are not People will prepare these out of their own pockets.

Naturally, big brand sponsors are more willing to sponsor superstars; as for newcomers, often without sponsorship, the cost of attending the award ceremony can make them go into debt and bankrupt. But if they have the help of a top agent or a top public relations company, it is another story. thing.

Eve, "Edgar, what age group is Anson's challenge for this character? Although we need to show different temperaments, we can't be too outrageous and we still need to be close to the character."

"Eighteen? Twenty at most." Edgar gave an answer.

Eve laughed directly, "Hoho, luckily I asked, then Rolex is out. We don't want Anson to look like a forty-year-old Wall Street elite. Although his temperament is completely different, mature women will definitely fall for him. Screaming, but the director probably wouldn’t be interested.”


While chanting, Eve strode forward and got busy again. The excitement in her eyes was not concealed at all, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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