The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 195 Overcoming obstacles

Chapter 195 Overcoming obstacles
Lucifer appeared on the stage, stepping on blood and corpses, fighting all the way up from hell. Although he was at a low position, he lowered his jaw from the high platform and looked up at the gods standing on the high ground, fighting all the way up.


The noise and noise at the entrance of the temple auditorium are still raging, but those who are careful can find that those voices are calming down, quietly, and all attention is directed in the same direction.

tread. tread. tread.

Anson's pace was not fast and he moved forward unhurriedly. He did not wave to the fans on both sides of the red carpet, nor did he stop for the media on the left. However, his unhurried pace naturally revealed a calmness and calmness.

The momentum just accumulated and brewed, gradually releasing an indomitable energy.

Little by little, more and more eyes gathered, and they couldn't help but marvel.

Then, excited——

There is no doubt that Brad Pitt is the hottest man in the United States right now. Although he has not exploded at the box office like Tom Cruise or Leonardo DiCaprio, "Fight" The continuous success of "Club" and "Seven Deadly Sins" still brought him into the public eye, and his sexy and handsome image became a label.

Moreover, because he has reached the top as a good man who made no secret of his love for Jennifer, otherwise "People" magazine would not have made an exception and awarded the same honor to Brad Pitt for the second time. This is ironclad proof.

To use an Internet buzzword, "fans of both appearance and character are all obsessed with CP." As a result, the popularity exploded.

Now, a strange face appears.

If you just randomly look at a strange face, no matter how handsome or good-looking it is, it won't work. After all, there are always differences in aesthetics; but the point is that this strange face appears in a subversive and unconventional fashion image, and the appearance is And the temperament bonus creates even more impact. Even if the aesthetics doesn't buy it, you can still notice the change in the atmosphere.

To put it to the extreme, it's like "Brother Sharp" suddenly stepped onto the red carpet. Even if you don't like his appearance, you still can't help but look at him.


The whole audience was watching.

Moreover, I am excited and looking forward to the head-on encounter between "Lucifer" and Brad. This is definitely an annual carnival for the appearance party, recreating the "Interview with the Vampire" Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. The scene of meeting the king, but now, the man in front of him is much more dangerous than Tom Cruise.


Get closer.

As the footsteps approached, reporters also discovered this scene one after another. Although they missed the opening and did not capture the first scene like Nicholas, the keen intuition of professionals still came into play.


Press the shutter.

Click, click, click...

It broke out in an instant, and the overwhelming silver flashes came down like a waterfall again. Even if you didn't understand what was going on, you pressed the shutter first, and then the whole scene was once again surrounded by a roar.

Brad and Jennifer don't know why.

They didn't notice any movement and were completely immersed in the sweetness of the wedding. Especially Jennifer, who only had Brad in her eyes and brain. She snuggled in her husband's arms, raised her head, and just stared at Brad.

Brad didn't give in too much. Although he was being interviewed and answering questions, he also hugged his wife tightly with both hands, like inseparable conjoined twins.

Shutter sound?
Listening to the noisy shutter sound all the time, I got used to it over time. Who knows what scenes those reporters saw that they thought were worth recording. What seemed normal to Brad and Jennifer might be breaking news in the eyes of reporters. No need to be surprised.

But red carpet host Kate-Baker took notice.

She hesitated.

As a red carpet host, Kate has experienced many battles and will not easily mess up. The part she is hesitating about now is that Brad and Jennifer are still the focus, but the interview with the focus person has lasted for five minutes. Should she switch the focus? ?
And, because of Anson?
Kate naturally knew who Anson was, and after a little surprise and surprise, she successfully recognized the young man.

Originally, Anson was part of the interview plan in the first half, and Kate was willing to sell Eve a small favor so that Anson could appear on ABC's national live broadcast.

But the situation is different now. The unexpected appearance of Brad and Jennifer completely disrupted the situation. Now it is difficult for Kate to take risks for Anson——

ABC is not willing to lose the spotlight on Brad and Jennifer. A little hesitation, a little pulling.

At this moment, Kate saw Anson coming towards him without hesitation.


Actually came?

Kate immediately realized that there was no opportunity to miss. She could kill two birds with one stone, satisfy the needs of the network, and complete Eve's mission at the same time.

Seeing the right moment, Kate stopped asking questions just right, leaving a gap. Brad and Jennifer didn't have time to react, but Anson stepped forward at the right moment, seamlessly entering the camera lens——

Cooperate tacitly.

Kate nodded slightly inwardly, without communicating in advance, but Anson had a quick eye.

"Jennifer! Brad!"

Anson took the initiative to say hello, which was slightly different from his usual impression. Anson did not show a big smile, but just smiled and gestured appropriately, politely but not eagerly, and keeping a gentleman's distance.

Brad's back muscles stiffened.

Jennifer put her arms around Brad and felt it immediately. Although she was a little surprised, she calmly comforted Brad, showed a bright smile, turned around and opened her arms to give Anson a warm hug.

Apart from other things, Anson is a guest on "Friends" and tonight he is representing "Friends". Jennifer must not ruin it.

Not only can’t you, but you need to be friendly.

Jennifer has experience in dealing with such situations. In a flash, she has sorted out her emotions and turned around naturally.


Jennifer was also very, very surprised——

This is...Anson?
Completely unrecognizable.

Because she was so surprised and unexpected, Jennifer's prepared words and movements also paused, and Anson seized this gap just right.

He hugged Jennifer politely and gentlemanly. After a brief contact, he immediately opened his arms and pulled away, and pointed his head at Brad.

"Hey Brad, congratulations on your wedding."

Whether Brad wants to or not, he still has to show a friendly gesture——

Otherwise, the paparazzi will find out why they don't have a good relationship?
That's a Pandora's box that Brad doesn't want anyone to open.

Anson could sense Brad's vigilance and Jennifer's surprise, and the atmosphere of the conversation was slightly stiff, but he was not panicked and his smile rose again.

"It can be seen that the sunbath is very even, and it looks like someone has just enjoyed a relaxing vacation."

It didn't specifically refer to the honeymoon, but there was obviously something behind the words. A quick joke could actually show that they had a good friendship in private.

In a moment, Anson took the commanding heights and laid the foundation for the conversation——


Kate also felt it and smiled, "Ha, it seems that you have a good relationship in private."

Brad: Can't laugh.

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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