The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 25 Divergent Thinking

Chapter 25 Divergent Thinking
No matter who it is, the self-confidence that exudes when discussing their professional field is a unique charm that cannot be replaced.

The same goes for Deborah. One second she looks like an ordinary passerby, and the next second she looks like Queen Elsa who controls the ice and snow kingdom——

You don’t need to wear Prada to still look devilish.

Deborah, "How about it, have you read the script? Do you know what kind of character this is?"

Anson held up the script in his hand, "They told me I should protect it with my life."

"Haha." Deborah laughed directly, "There's no need to be so nervous." But she also understood what Anson meant, and she probably didn't have time to read the script.

It doesn’t matter, Deborah has already read it, and Marta just came to give advice and exchange:

One word covers it all.

Deborah couldn't help but glance at Anson again, "I think you are dressed well today. Is there any reason for that?"

Anson lowered his head and looked at himself, so was Deborah just observing this?
"The morning after a severe hangover, I plan to enjoy a brunch with friends, pretending to be awake and exercising early in the morning, but in fact I am too lazy to move for fifty meters. After brunch is over, I plan to go home to catch up on sleep."

The vivid and vivid picture is not only humorous, but also contains hidden wisdom, which immediately made Deborah's eyes light up.

"Aha, I have an idea!"

Deborah herself didn't notice it, she couldn't help but get excited, she was completely immersed in her profession, and her steps couldn't help but become diligent.

Ignoring Anson completely, he muttered to himself:
Maybe you can tinker with something.

Deborah likes clothing styling for the same reason as she just admired Anson. She believes clothing is an important part of personality.

People who like black and white and people who like color are often two different personalities.

People who like suits and people who like T-shirts often have two different personalities.

Of course, this is not absolute, just relative, but according to different occasions and different situations, everyone's choice of clothing itself reveals their personality.

Flamboyant or low-key? Conservative or bold? Gentleman or dashing?
Even the act of not caring about clothes or styling is part of the character.

Therefore, for Deborah, when creating a character, she likes to start with the costume, and the look is already a background story.

Resolutely, Deborah quickly sorted out four sets of looks, hung them on the gantry in the open space of the room, and then pushed them in front of Anson.

"how do you feel?
Originally, Anson only had a vague concept, but when he saw the clothes, everything became concrete:

The look is part of the character.

Anson just admitted frankly that he has not read the script and knows nothing about his character; moreover, there are nearly 300 episodes in the ten seasons of "Friends". Even if he has watched them all in his previous life, he can't remember the sixth episode for a while. What was played in the season finale also meant that there was no reference.

He needs to do it himself and conceive it himself.

Now it was up to Deborah to analyze the character for Anson and develop a persona, which Anson found interesting, but also very important.

Deborah picked up the first outfit, "Sporty style?"

T-shirt with jeans.

It seems simple, but people who really understand fashion will say that the more basic and common the matching, the more it tests the appearance and temperament. A white T-shirt can show completely different effects due to cut, version and color difference. , definitely not as simple as imagined.

Deborah believes that with Anson’s youth and physique, basic matching can extract the publicity and vitality of youth.

Anson thought about it seriously, "Is this somewhat similar to Joey's style, I mean type."

Deborah nodded slightly, "Based on the setting, Joey is a typical Italian handsome guy, handsome, sweet-talking, and can be considered a sports type."

Anson added, "With this appearance, how should the relationship between the character and Ross be set up?"

Sports style often represents youth. Unless he is as muscular as Arnold Schwarzenegger, it will be difficult to suppress Rose. Don't forget, Anson appears as the brother of Ross's girlfriend. He needs to make Ross feel threatened, even scared, so that the comedy effect can be achieved.

Deborah snapped her fingers, "Gentlemanly?"

Match the shirt with the suit.

Although a little rigid, the same suit also comes in different styles and types. Deborah imagined a slightly more business-like and elite type, using precise tailoring to show off Anson's body shape and proportional advantages, and he can create an aura as soon as he appears. suppress.

Anson admitted that it was formal and serious enough, but this was a comedy, and the suit meant that the character's hands and feet were restrained. "Is this the style of Mr. Big?"

Mr. Big, the "Rose" of the heroine in "Sex and the City", is a typical elite business person, and the emotional entanglement between him and the heroine runs throughout.

Deborah raised her eyes and looked up, thinking for a moment, "No, you are much younger and more handsome than Mr. Big, and Mr. Big doesn't rely on his face to make a living."

As soon as she finished speaking, Deborah realized the subtext of this sentence...

The smile in Anson's eyes showed, "I think not just anyone can rely on their face to make a living."

"Haha." Deborah laughed directly, "Actually, Mr. Big should be the type that Rachel will like, and the screen effect will be very good, but you are right, this setting is a bit old-fashioned, there is no Let’s keep it as a backup for any room for performance.”

Just one click.

Although Anson didn't say it out loud, Deborah understood it immediately.


"Preppy style."

A T-shirt with a shirt, or a shirt with a cardigan.

What Deborah didn't say is that this was the inspiration she got from Anson, with a bit of British flavor. "Maybe we can adjust the details to create a feeling between 007 and Doctor Who."

...At least, Anson didn't see it now, "Are you sure this is not the same type as Rose?"

Just a little more bookish than Roth.

Deborah was stunned and subconsciously denied, "No, this is more nerdy than Ross."

Anson lightly shrugged, "If he's more of a nerd, why would Rachel like him? Over the years, Rachel has never seen Ross, and it took five years; but as soon as she opened her eyes, she turned around and fell in love with someone who was more nerdy than Ross. Nerd man, is this really okay?"

From the audience's point of view, it may be difficult to accept.

Deborah had to agree, but was unwilling to admit defeat, "Then we can change it a little bit and become weirder, the weirdness of a quantum physicist."

Images of "The Big Bang Theory" automatically popped into Anson's mind.

Anson had to adjust his breathing and cut it off in time, otherwise the image of Sheldon would linger, "But, this should be more suitable for Phoebe, right?"

Deborah did not speak immediately, but imagined the scene of Anson and Phoebe standing together. It was a bit weird, but Anson was right.

So, just give up?

Anson did not.

Noticing Deborah's thinking expression, Anson's thoughts also opened up, "In this case, why not exaggerate a little more and use Rose as a template to create another identical Rose."


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(End of this chapter)

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