The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 306 Continuous laughter

Chapter 306 Continuous laughter
The performance is over——

It is unimaginable that until now, Michael and Mia have never had a direct conversation, but the sparks between the two characters have already overflowed.

"What you are enjoying is the Hawaiian Pizza show, and we are now ready to go dig pineapples. Thank you!"

A curtain call brings an end to the band's performance.

The people in the screening room were stunned for a moment, and then they finally realized that this was a garage band practice for middle school students, not a professional performance, just for their own entertainment.


There was low laughter, mixed with rustling comments. This was obviously another accident. No one expected that the first small climax since the beginning of the movie would actually appear here.

On the screen, Michael boldly walked towards Mia for the first time. Mia was a little shy and panicked, so she could only turn around, throw her backpack into the car, and pretend to be looking at her precious car.

Seeing this scene, Michael raised the corners of his mouth slightly and knocked gently on the hood, like knocking on the door, "Knock, knock."

A little childish, but a little heartwarming.

The theater was filled with melting sounds again.

Mia turned her head slightly, glanced at Michael with her peripheral vision, and then immediately continued to look at the car, half-jokingly, she switched to Perseverance, "I never knew you had such a performance, Ned was almost wailing just now. "

Michael glanced at Mia out of the corner of his eye and said, "We have never dared to perform in public for fear of being overheard by the person involved."


Mia's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly raised her head to glance at Michael quickly, but she was worried about being discovered, so she immediately looked away and held her breath.

Fortunately, the owner of the garage appeared on the stage to save poor Mia and the reserved Michael. Upon hearing the greeting from the garage, Mia quickly raised her voice and asked deliberately very loudly, "Doctor, how is my baby? "

This is obviously a cover-up.

Michael glanced at Mia.

Mia didn't turn her head, and you could notice that her neck was completely stiff, maintaining an awkward angle, staring intently at her car, trying to divert her attention as much as possible.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

The owner of the garage noticed it. He also looked at Michael one more time and showed an understanding smile, but he didn't say much. Instead, he looked at Mia and took a deep breath.

"Four hundred dollars."

Mia had come back to her senses, but she lost consciousness because of this quote. Without supporting her body, she pressed the horn with her right hand and the car made a harsh sound.

Mia looked at the garage owner with a look of despair.

The owner of the garage lightly shrugged, "Yes, I know that there is a price for being cool, right?"

Mia let out a long breath, slumped her shoulders, and grabbed her schoolbag again, with a look of disappointment on her face, "Obviously, today is not my day."

Seeing this scene, Michael was a little anxious, glanced at Mia quickly, and immediately looked at the garage owner, "I provide free labor services."


The entire screening room of the Emirate Theater emitted a cry of emotion, like marshmallows melting into milk bit by bit.

The garage owner looked at Michael in disbelief.

Michael spread his hands, shrugged slightly, looked at the questioning gaze with clear eyes, and looked calm.

Mia didn't notice this scene and looked at her car reluctantly, "Thank you, but I need to talk to grandma. It should be fine. Anyway, see you later, I need to go somewhere now."

Waving, Mia stepped onto her electric scooter and walked away.

Michael's eyes followed Mia away, showing a trace of reluctance.

The owner of the garage made a face, and imitated Michael's speech while holding his voice, "Oh, I provide free labor services? What, you fell in love with her?" This joke made Michael a little embarrassed, and he quickly looked away and touched his nose. , trying to argue, "She's my sister's best friend."

The owner of the garage didn't buy it, "Haha, this is the trickiest part. Friends? Or closer than friends?"

Michael shook his head repeatedly and ignored the garage owner, but couldn't help but look in the direction Mia left again. Even though he could no longer see Mia, he still couldn't bear to leave while staring at the air.

So, what about Mia?

Mia came to the Genovia Consulate again and officially started her princess course.

Until this point - although the movie has maintained a relaxed and cheerful tone from the beginning, and there are many humorous scenes, from here on, the audience can feel more clearly and intuitively:

This is a comedy.

Watching Mia learn princess lessons, watching the Queen trying to reform the frizzy Mia, watching Mia embarrassing herself in different ways at school and at the consulate.

He even fell off his chair.

In the screening room, there was constant laughter, from smiling to laughing, from sparse chuckles to roaring laughter without exception. Watching a movie couldn't be more relaxing.

In summer, what the audience needs is this kind of movie, a movie that really makes people relax.


Watching Mia's gorgeous transformation, in the hands of a professional stylist, she is like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, turning around and transforming into a beautiful butterfly.

The whole audience was astonished.

Although the audience in the screening room had already seen Anne Hathaway on the red carpet, it was different in the movie after all. Watching Mia's 180-degree transformation, the ugly duckling transformed into a swan, it was a sharply contrasting visual impact. Bringing ripples, admiration, exclamation, and exclamation just blurted out.

In an instant, the dream came back to "beautiful woman".

For a full decade, the scene of Julia Roberts's gorgeous transformation into "Pretty Woman" remains a classic and has been used as a reference for countless movies.

And now, Anne Hathaway in "The Princess Diaries" has also completed her transformation through the lens of Garry Marshall, and her feelings and shocks never seem to change.

Memory breaks the shackles of time and returns to Hollywood Boulevard.


In the astonishing gazes of others, Mia had no joy, only restlessness and confusion. She did not recognize the face in the mirror. Although she had always hoped that she could become beautiful and get rid of that frizzy hair, when it really happened , but she almost didn’t recognize herself.

Uneasy and confused.

For adolescent Mia, uneasiness outweighs joy.

It all happened so quickly and so violently.

Because of the change in appearance, she could feel the attention of more and more eyes. She was suddenly exposed to the line of sight, which made her feel deeply uneasy. She carefully retracted into her protective shell and tried to seize her own life. center of gravity.

But obviously, this is not an easy task.

at last!

Because Lily was angry at Mia's alienation and strangeness, Mia shared her secrets and revealed the burden that was weighing heavily on her heart.

Then, she agreed to appear in Lily's TV show, and agreed to perform in Michael's band. Amidst those changes and turmoil, there were still some things, things, and friendships in life that remained unchanged, which allowed Mia to gain a firm foothold in the chaos.

But I didn’t expect that my life would be disrupted again before I could fully restore it to its original state——

Someone leaked the news to the media and revealed that Mia was the princess of Genovia. Reporters who heard the news swarmed in and surrounded the school.

No matter how low-key Mia is, she still stands under the spotlight.

(End of this chapter)

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