The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 309 Bright and moving

Chapter 309 Bright and moving
Pizza, wait, why pizza?

Michael finally accepted the pizza. When he opened the box, he could see that there were no toppings on the pizza, but a line of words spelled out with rainbow beans:


Looking at the pizza in his hand, Michael was stunned.

The sound of gasps surged in the darkness in the screening room, but no one dared to speak out. They just subconsciously covered their mouths to control themselves.

Including Gloria.

She is conflicted.

On the one hand, she hopes that Michael can forgive Mia and the lovers will eventually get married.

On the other hand, she doesn't think Michael should forgive Mia so easily, just over a pizza? Even if it had Michael's favorite Skittles on it, it was still too simple and not romantic at all.

So, what will Michael decide?

Uneasy and nervous, they were waiting for an answer, waiting for the direction of the story, their hearts could not help but rise high, and they almost blocked their throats.

Heavy rain, like notes.

In that carriage, Mia's Mustang stalled again, leaving her on the street. She was about to miss the National Day dinner. Fate played a joke.

At the critical moment, the Queen's steward Joe appears and saves Mia again.

Although Mia arrived at the consulate successfully, she had no time to change into her evening dress. She could only wear sportswear, with wet hair comparable to seaweed, and prepared to go on stage like a drowned rat.

The moment she saw the podium, Mia wanted to run away, and the nightmare memory of giving a speech in front of everyone surged up again.

However, this time she couldn't escape.

After taking a deep breath, Mia still went on stage.

The Genovia royal family has received news in advance that Mia will refuse the title of princess, which also means that the baron family with different surnames in the royal family will inherit the throne.

At this time, the baron watched Mia take the stage, raised his chin triumphantly, and told his baroness, "Just prepare to be crowned."

Standing in front of the podium, Mia, who was eating clear soup and plain noodles, looked very nervous.

", uh, hello everyone."

"I'm Mia."

Almost no one could hear her stammering mumblings, and Mia was talking to herself. This made the media and guests in front of her very confused. No one responded, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

"Well...the rain has stopped."

Mia made a joke and told good news, but obviously, the joke was not appropriate at all, and the atmosphere became more awkward. No one knew what happened.

This made Mia a little frustrated, but at least, she didn't run away this time.

Mia took a deep breath and made a face with bared teeth.

"I'm really not good at speaking. I'm usually so nervous that I pass out or run away and maybe even vomit..."


The scene was filled with exclamations, all the guests stepped back, and all the media were focused and waiting for the classic. The completely opposite response made low laughter surge in front of the big screen, and the tension was slightly relieved.

Mia blinked wildly, waved her hands repeatedly, and suddenly her mouth became dry.

"But, uh, you don't really need to know that."

Mia stood on tiptoes and landed again. Her wet leather shoes were like two small boats, filled with water. From the insoles to her socks, everything was soaked, but this made Mia regain her composure.

Take a deep breath and smile on your lips.

"I'm not so scared now. My dad helped me."

Helen stood in the crowd full of confusion, not understanding what Mia meant.

Immediately afterwards, Mia gave the answer.

"Earlier tonight I was thinking about giving up my throne and my mom helped me, told me it was okay and was supportive as always." "But."

"After that I thought, what would it be like to give up the title of Princess Genovia? Would I feel relieved or sad? And then I realized, how many times in one day had I stupidly used 'I'?"

Smile, fully bloomed.

Pure and clear, brilliant and beautiful.

It is unimaginable that Mia, who is naked, is so beautiful and touching. Even though she is so embarrassed, the bravery and faith shining in her eyes make her radiant.

"In fact, maybe all I did was think about myself."

"This really sucks."

"I mean, there are seven billion other people living on this planet..."

Crackling, faster and faster.

The Queen silently cleared her throat beside her, "Ahem."

Mia noticed it, quickly stopped her smile, and stuck out her tongue carefully.

"Ah, sorry, I spoke too quickly."

"But it occurred to me that maybe my life would be more meaningful if I could think about seven billion other people instead of myself."

"Look, if I were Princess Genovia, then my ideas, the ideas of people smarter than me, would be heard by more people."

Off the stage, Lily burst into tears because Mia finally understood what she was thinking, and because Mia finally had the courage to face responsibility and pressure.

In front of the screen, Gloria burst into tears.

"Perhaps, those ideas can be turned into reality. So when I woke up this morning, I was still Mia Thermopolis, but now, I choose to always be..."

Mia looked at the Queen, whose eyes also shone with excitement.

"...Emilia Mignatu Thermopolis Rinaldi, Princess Genovia."

The whole audience burst into applause.

Not only in the movie, but also in the screening room, there was a sea of ​​tears, and the heart was surging. A kind of excitement and happiness that cannot be accurately described in words swelled in the chest, like marshmallows, and it was filled in the blink of an eye.

Next, is the crowning ceremony——

The moment that millions of girls dream about.

The dance has begun.

The queen led Mia, who had finished dressing up, on the stage. The entire screening room held their breath. Mia, dressed up in all her clothes, was breathtakingly beautiful.

Wearing a pearl white strapless and flat-shouldered chiffon dress, golden snowflake texture bloomed along the skirt; her silky and smooth long hair was neatly tied up, and she put on her first crown, revealing her beautiful face. Delicate and beautiful face.

Along with the footsteps, the skirt flutters, elegant and noble, the temperament is generous, and the calmness and dignity revealed by every gesture have completely completed the transformation.

Entering the dance floor, the Queen took the lead in dancing with the Duke, but Mia did not.

Mia stood in the center, looking around, trying to find her dance partner. She saw Lily, Helen, and faces that were either familiar or unfamiliar, wrapped in the spotlight, but this time she didn't He was neither nervous nor afraid, but greeted everyone who was looking at him calmly and generously, and even smiled and nodded.

At this moment, the light of the whole world fell on her and eclipsed her.

However, Mia was a little confused.

She looked around and around, but still couldn't find the figure she was looking forward to. She stood quietly, lifting her skirt, and the light falling lightly on her shoulders looked lonely and cold.

The smile lingered at the corner of his mouth and then gradually became lonely and bitter.

Now, Mia finally understood what it felt like to be rejected, forgotten, and given up. There was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, trembling gently in the light like butterfly wings.

There was silence in the screening room, and even the heart temporarily forgot to beat:

Didn't Michael show up?
At this moment, Mia froze, and the stiff smile on her lips rose again.

(End of this chapter)

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