Chapter 311 Like a dream
The movie is over.

But Gloria still couldn't pull away, her knees were a little weak, and she was immersed in the image, in a fog, half asleep, and could not come back to her senses.

Maybe, someone is curious——

Why does the teen chick movie genre always have a market?

More distantly, "Sixteen Candles", "Pretty in Pink", "Spring is not a day for reading" and so on appeared in the 1980s.

More recent ones, "Clueless," "10 Things I Hate About You," "Charmed," etc. from the late nineties.

Later, "Mean Girls" was released in 2004 and even became a cultural phenomenon. It is still the focus of discussion by countless people twenty years later. Even on April , the day the movie was released, young people re-watch it every year. It awakens the memory of "Mean Girls" and creates countless topics.

It's not a romantic love movie, but a youth campus movie.

The reason is not complicated.

Because this type of movie vividly depicts the troubles, confusion and growth of every teenager, and builds a utopia in a relaxed and fashionable way, it can not only resonate with every adolescent child, but also find love, family, and friendship for them. A fairy tale exit.

It is not so much a love movie as it is a youth movie, a special kind of youth love comedy that can have a market audience at any time.

"The Princess Diaries," too.

Mia is the incarnation of thousands of ordinary girls. She has her own troubles and confusions, not only anxiety about appearance and figure, but also social anxiety and growing pains. She has dreams, nymphos, and crushes, always dreaming about herself. He is special but is always swallowed up by his inferiority complex.

One day, the most romantic, wild and incredible dream becomes a reality——

She becomes a princess.

Go through hardships, tests, setbacks, and finally grow up. At the end of adolescence, everything has answers, and you can finally turn your cocoon into a butterfly.

Not only family, love, and friendship, but also about herself, she finally found the answer, "Who am I?" Those pains achieved transformation.

Maybe, the movie is not complicated, but such a story that looks like a fairy tale but is realistic, seems perfect but is delicate and true can easily make people intoxicated, and truly believe that Mia is real, and truly believe that Mia is real. I can also become the next Mia.

On the big screen, the movie has ended, but in real life, the imagination in every girl's mind has just begun. The fantasy is becoming a reality. Her blood is boiling and her heart is surging. She is immersed in it and cannot extricate herself. Every cell in her body is feeling the light and shadow film transmission. The truth comes out——

This is the charm of movies.

It’s not so much about the story, the plot, or the charisma of the actors, but rather that the movie allows people to dream, makes people believe that dreams can come true, makes people believe that the end of imagination is a real world, and makes people believe that there is something behind the light and shadow. world is happening.

Therefore, movies should not be "watched", but should be felt and immersed.

The lights slowly turned on.

Gloria saw Anson sitting in the front row at a glance. He was tall and straight, with a slender figure and a slight smile on his lips. Even in the turbulent crowd, he easily stood out and caught the eye effortlessly. It’s like stepping out of the big screen:
Too beautiful to be true, but too scary to be true.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

Gloria could clearly hear the sound of her heart pounding against her chest, and a girl's call came to her ears.


Anson, suddenly looked back.

In an instant, "Ah", "Ahhhh", screams were everywhere.

Anson's eyebrows widened, he showed a smile, and waved his hand in the direction of the source of the sound. The next second, the scream was out of control.


There was a surge of excitement in the screening room.

Gloria was a little absent-minded, staring blankly at Anson's figure, quietly listening to the sound of her heart hitting her eardrums. Time and space were all meaningless. Even if they were some distance apart, they were closer than the last time in the Burbank studio. When I saw Anson, I was even more excited and excited.

Everything, in a trance. So much so that all subsequent memories were blank. There was an exchange and conversation after the premiere, but Gloria had no idea what happened.

When she was waiting to come to her senses again, Gloria was already standing outside the door of the El Capitan Theater——

Premiere, over.

The bustling crowd was still reluctant to leave. They stood at the entrance of the theater and chatted with each other, their faces filled with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Ah, Mia is so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful."

"Although I am a girl, I also fell in love with her."

"Sincerely, this is the first time I think a girl is beautiful. She is so heartwarming."

"Besides, she's still a princess, ahhh!"

"And she has Michael."

There was a pause, and there was a brief blank in the discussion. Then, after looking at each other, they all responded in unison:



Like a nymphomaniac, he held his cheeks and heart in his hands and screamed without thinking.

"Michael, Michael is perfect."

“God, please give me a Michael so I can go to church every Sunday for the next year.”

"I can't. My legs feel weak when I think of Michael. How could Michael be so handsome? Ahhhh."

"Crazy, crazy, I was just watching the movie and I was drooling just looking at Michael."

"Actually, I liked Michael before he transformed..."

"Yes, yes, yes, Michael is so good-looking, how can he be so good-looking!"

Madness, madness without reason.

One, two, three, four, five or six people all danced and expressed their opinions with joy. It didn't matter even if they were surrounded by strangers. As long as they had a common topic, they could complete the connection. Even if the movie had ended, they still couldn't bear to leave. It was urgently needed. Sharing requires resonance.


Gloria was still a little dazed——

Everything was so beautiful, like a dream. After leaving the screening room, my footsteps were stepping on the clouds. I couldn't wake up and didn't want to wake up. My mind was roaring, and all kinds of emotions were rolling and raging. I obviously didn't have any thoughts. But she was so happy that every cell was screaming.

Just now.

There was a short pause in the screams, so that there was a brief vacuum at the entrance of the Emirate Theatre, but it was drowned out by screams and cheers the next second.

Totally out of control, "Ahhhhh", "Ahhhhh", rising steadily, releasing incredible energy in an instant.

Subconsciously, Gloria looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a black car parked on Hollywood Boulevard.

The window of the back seat was opened, and the moonlight outlined Anson's slightly tired but still clear face. Even without the bright light, the outline of the facial features could still be clearly seen. The corners of his mouth were raised, and his eyes remained the same. bright.

"You should go home early. It's late at night, so be careful."

The voice, slightly lowered due to fatigue, vibrated slightly in the air, which made all the girls at the door of the theater throw their minds into the flames.

Gloria was completely stunned and even forgot to step forward. She just stared blankly at Anson's face in the night:
Is this a dream or reality?
(End of this chapter)

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