The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 318: Withstand the Pressure

Chapter 318: Withstand the Pressure
Twenty years later, with the increase of theater chains, rising ticket prices and market prosperity, there are more and more cases where the box office figures of movies in North America during their opening weekends exceed 100 million, not to mention breaking 100 million, and premieres of 200 million or even more. Many works have appeared one after another, but now, this is not the case.

In 2001, the weekend box office in North America was still generally hovering around US$ million. There is still no weekend box office figure of any film that can break through the US$ million mark. In people's eyes, this is an unattainable or even unattainable figure. The natural chasm threshold that may be broken through.

So, what is the $2 million box office figure of "Rush Hour " in its opening weekend?
No. 1 this summer.

That’s right, that’s right—

"Rush Hour 2"'s opening weekend box office performance narrowly surpassed "The Mummy Returns" and "War for the Planet of the Apes" and easily beat "Pearl Harbor," "Jurassic Park 3" and "Shrek" " and other works, reaching the top of this year's summer opening weekend box office.


Although "Rush Hour 2" attracted a lot of attention before it was released, the premiere box office data still caused a lot of exclamation when the premiere box office data came out. I never expected that this sequel movie would be able to explode with such energy, and It still detonated the movie market in August.

"The summer peak season is long overdue. The peak in 2001 was actually in August?"

"'Rush Hour 2' dominates the box office, leading the way and breaking summer records."

"The golden partner is proud of the crowd and has harvested 67 million to be crowned the North American weekend champion."

"The reputation collapsed, but the audience still bought it, and the sequel movie continues to have a peak moment."

"Forgotten, abandoned, and let down, August proves that summer is not over yet. 'Rush Hour 2' has reached the top spot, and the box office of a single theater has set a new record for this year."

Shock, admiration, admiration——

The media received negative reviews, but it failed to prevent "Rush Hour 2" from attracting tens of millions of viewers into the cinema. This once again proved that action comedy is still the king of summer movies.

There is no doubt that this is a surprise.

Who would have thought that the box office champion during the opening weekend of the 2001 summer season would be "Rush Hour 2"?
Of course, the summer vacation is still not over. There are still three weeks to go. Who knows, maybe there will be surprises later? But at least from now on, "Rush Hour 2" has indeed dropped a big hit, which has also attracted the bustling attention to the first week of August.

At the same time, the more people marvel that "Rush Hour 2" overcame all adverse factors to set a new high in the summer of 2011, reignited the war at the end of the summer, and once again detonated the market energy; the more it is impossible to ignore the success created by "Princess Diaries" Achievements, even praise are not enough to describe it accurately, it is just pure...attention.

Generally speaking, the market capacity is relatively fixed, and the cake is only that big. If one movie takes the biggest piece, the market share of other works will naturally decrease, and the box office performance will inevitably be affected. This is also the habit of major film companies. The reason for staggering the release time.


"Princess Diaries" went against the trend and showed no less energy than "Rush Hour 2". It grossed 2 million US dollars in box office in three days over the weekend, taking away more than half of the box office figures of "Rush Hour 2". With its unparalleled performance, the entire North American market was plunged into shock and confusion. You can clearly hear the bustling sound filling the whole world, even more unexpected than "Rush Hour ".

"Rush Hour 2" can break the best results in the North American weekend box office market this year. It is unexpected, but there are traces to follow. After all, it is a sequel movie and has a huge audience base, but what about "Princess Diaries"?

The early publicity was unfavorable, the competition in the later period was fierce, and the subject matter was aimed at a specific audience market, so that the focus of publicity had to be on Julie Andrews, who was not the protagonist. All signs indicated that the film may face severe challenges. However, during the opening weekend Still achieved amazing results.

Thirty-five million US dollars, what kind of achievement is this?
First of all, it is undoubtedly the most outstanding work among the works that did not top the weekend box office this year, and it is not on the same level as the other runners-up. Secondly, this weekend's box office figures ranked eighth among this summer's summer schedules. If it were released on other schedules, the weekend box office champion would be within reach.

Such a performance is absolutely amazing.

For a while, people didn’t know whether to marvel at the performance of “Rush Hour 2” withstanding the impact of “Princess Diaries”, or whether they should marvel at “Rush Hour 2” and “War for the Planet of the Apes” in the middle of the attack. He has created such great achievements that all language becomes pale and feeble.

"Gary Marshall works his magic again and writes a fairy tale this summer."

"For ten years, from 'Pretty Woman' to 'The Princess Diaries,' fairy tales still shine on the big screen."

"The twin stars of Anne Hathaway and Anson Wood shine, and 'Princess Diaries' has a good start."

"Withstood the pressure and delivered perfect answers, 'Princess Diary' was successfully released."

"In a stroke of genius, how did 'Princess Diary' break out of the siege?"

In a noisy manner, the attention of all major media has also focused on "Princess Diaries", and the discussion is even more popular than "Rush Hour 2":
Everyone is curious, how can such an ordinary, simple, and even clichéd fairy tale make the audience voluntarily enter the cinema?
Bob Eagle is equally curious about this.

As the chief operating officer of Disney and currently the second-in-command at Disney, Bob is very busy, very, very busy. He has no time or energy to care about the box office performance of a movie. They need to look at the overall situation; but this time, the situation is slightly different. Different, special treatment in special times.

Michael Eisner needs a fig leaf and a diversionary focus——

It would be great if "Princess Diaries" could play such a role.

At the premiere, Bob just went there with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a live doctor, but he did not expect that the topic of the night unexpectedly brought some hope.

From an overall perspective, there is a lack of family-friendly movies in the North American film market this year. This is a general background. Before "Princess Diaries", the last work targeting the family market was "Cats and Dogs" in the first week of July. But the film's abysmal quality kept the audience from taking much interest.

In other words, from June to July to August, the family market never found a suitable movie to vent its energy.

It is precisely because of this that Bob believes that "Princess Diaries" may have some advantages.

However, the actual premiere box office figures still brought unexpected surprises. "Princess Diaries" not only withstood the pressure, defeated the squeeze of "Rush Hour 2", reversed the disadvantage of comprehensive media reviews, and delivered a good answer; Above expectations, the performance of US$ million is eye-catching.

Now, "The Princess Diaries" can indeed relieve some of Michael Eisner's stress, and even... it can do more.

So Bob showed up, in person at the movie theater.

(End of this chapter)

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