Chapter 323 A Spark
"Times are changing.

Indeed, people still like handsome men and beautiful women, and Hollywood is a star-making factory that allows people to appreciate beautiful things; but over time, aesthetic fatigue begins to set in, people begin to form stereotypes, and at the same time they begin to expect to see more.

In the past, handsome guys such as Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, and James Stewart could easily be sought after, and their talents and abilities could also be recognized. .

Nowadays, handsome appearance is becoming a shackle and burden for actors. Preconceived stereotypes make people picky about these handsome men and beautiful actresses, and judge them in a stricter and more demanding manner.

Indeed, just from the appearance, like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, people can't help but wonder, with an appearance like Anson's What does it feel like to live a healthy life?
However, they are also facing their own issues.

Anson is thinking, exploring, and has his own ideas and concepts.

This is a start.

What's even more valuable is that Anson is only eighteen years old. "

Stopped abruptly.

Nicholas's interview came to an abrupt end in such a way, not because he had no ideas and didn't know how to end it. In fact, Nicholas's inspiration is still endless, but after careful consideration, he believes that a blank space is the only way to end this interview. The best way.

Wednesday, August 8th.

The New York Times published this interview, which was rarely paired with two photos.

As a professional and serious newspaper, the "New York Times" still adheres to some old rules and refuses to evolve the newspaper into a dazzling and colorful look. Even if it chooses photos, it must be impactful and does not rely on quantity to win, so it highlights This interview is special.

Early in the morning, Anna Wintour saw the magazines piled neatly on the table, but she was really not interested today. The topics of the magazines in the recent period were all lackluster——

She doesn't like the summer season.

Because at this time of year, fashion magazines more or less need to compromise with Hollywood and allow some actors or directors to promote in magazines.

Propaganda is not the problem; the topic selection is the same and has no new ideas.

The sci-fi blockbusters in the summer are all killing the creativity of fashion magazines in topic selection, including "Fashion". Although as an industry leader, Anna Wintour has the power to make the decision, they can be more arbitrary, but after all, there is a bottom line. We cannot offend all the movie companies and top stars.

--boring. tedious. pale. Cliché.

Anna just glanced at the cover casually, and her remaining interest was completely extinguished. They were all garbage.

I opened the "New York Times" slightly bored. This newspaper is not for fashion, but to keep the industry sharp and current affairs sharp to ensure that I will not be out of touch, but it can also be regarded as part of the job.

Then, Anna saw the interview.

Bright eyes.

The topic selection is not new, but the perspective and development method are very fresh. Anna actually read the entire interview with gusto.

"Anson Wood..."

Anna chewed carefully, and she remembered a small thing. Her daughter talked about the movie "Princess Diaries" two days ago and expressed some interest. It happened that they could enter the cinema to watch this work. However, this was just a small thing. , is not the point, the point is Anson.

The premiere of "The Princess Diaries" was the first time Anna was really interested in Anson. As the Devil Wears Prada, she immediately sensed an opportunity; but Anna was busy with the upcoming fashion week these days. This matter was not put on the agenda for the time being.

However, now it seems...

The "New York Times" unearthed a possibility and pointed out a direction. It is naturally impossible for "Fashion" magazines to follow the trend, 100% impossible; but Anna was inspired. Maybe Anson can indeed become a new trend vane.

David Beckham? Anna: Haha.

It's not that Anna doesn't like David, in fact, she also agrees with David's handsomeness and charm; but one thing is that David's fashion taste is a mess, it's just random, the real man behind the scenes is Victoria Beckham, people always It is said that David made Victoria a success, but the fact should be changed to Victoria making a success of David.

David, just a model, is nothing without Victoria, and if you risk digging deeper, the truth will soon be revealed.

However, they can't ask for too much, after all, David is just a football player, right?

But with Anson in front of her, Anna thought that things were starting to get interesting, especially this report from the New York Times, which made her smell an opportunity.

Ordinary people read news and read literal information; real experts read news and read extra-literal information.

Anna noticed a detail:
Real, in-depth, detailed personal preferences.

Hollywood has always believed in mysticism, because the film industry is the art of dreaming, and the ultimate goal of all practitioners is to make movies an art presented on the big screen, so that the general public can admire actors and directors. psychology, the existence of mysticism becomes very necessary.

Once the aura of mystery disappears, audiences tend to become disillusioned, and the movie business may face a wall.


This situation gradually changed after entering the 1990s.

Whether it is the popularity of the Backstreet Boys, the success of Britney Spears, or the overall rise of punk represented by garage bands, they are all witnessing an important change in the times -

The market needs more down-to-earth and accessible things in life.

To put it another way, mysticism is losing its charm.

Of course, for now, it mainly happens in the music market; and even in the music market, this concept of "neighborhood" is just a label, a persona, and an image, and it does not really allow artists to have this career. Lifestyle can only be regarded as a new business image.

This is even more true in the movie market.

As a fashion pioneer, Anna has a keen sense of the market.

From this "New York Times" report, Anna realized one thing. Perhaps, in the next ten years, "truth" will be the label that fits the market.

Indeed, it is.

Before Justin Bieber became the first to become a top star through an online video platform in 2008, there were the rise of talent shows such as "American Idol" in 2001, "Hannah Montana" in 2006. "This drama depicting the world's top stars as classmates became a hit,

Now, taking the lead, Anna accurately grasps the context of the times.

Thoughts, surging.

Thinking of this, Anna connected to the internal line and said, "Contact Anson's agent or publicist for me. Immediately."

Then, after hanging up the phone, the "Fashion" magazine headquarters in New York suddenly became busy.

Perhaps, an exclusive interview - even an interview with the "New York Times" is just a spark, but this spark spreads out in the blink of an eye.

With the power of starting a prairie fire.

(End of this chapter)

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