The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 329 No small matter

Chapter 329 No small matter
Jean-Louis walked forward quickly and appeared in the path of the two figures in time, cutting in at the right time, "Good morning, Mr. Wood, did you have a good rest last night?"

Polite but not flattering, enthusiastic but not exaggerated, everything is just right.

It must be said that there are indeed two reasons why this Four Seasons Hotel has been able to stand on George V Street for many years.

Anson returned the smile, "It was so good that I almost overslept and missed work this morning. I hope I'm not late."

Jean-Louis also chuckled, "Of course not. Your car is already waiting at the door. Trust me, he will make sure you arrive on time."

"Huh, then I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe I can catch up on some sleep in the car for a while." Anson deliberately yawned exaggeratedly, and the atmosphere became completely relaxed.

Anson was sizing up Jean-Louis. The spring breeze of hospitality really made people feel relaxed, even if it was just polite greetings, he seemed relaxed; Jean-Louis was also sizing up Anson.

Wearing a white polka-dot shirt, a dark green wool sweater, and a mint green long windbreaker, the whole person looks capable and elegant. The sophistication in the casualness is eye-catching. Originally, such a green collision is very easy to cause a car accident, but When worn on Anson, it brings a touch of spring color to Paris in late autumn. Even the curly hair that has not been completely dried and looks wet also reveals a touch of chicness.

It's hard to take your eyes away.

But what's really important is the maturity and wisdom conveyed by his every move, everything is just right, making it hard to believe that he only turns nineteen next month.

Especially compared with the arrogance and domineeringness of the oil tycoon just now, the personality charm displayed by Anson in front of him can easily win people's hearts.

The night before yesterday, when Anson arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel, there was something unexpected about the room arrangement.

"Fashion" magazine reserved a French-style suite for Anson, with an area of ​​140 square meters, two bedrooms and a hall, and typical French luxury decoration.

However, the previous check-out guest created a mess in the room. Although the hotel immediately replaced the carpets, bed sheets, sofa covers, etc., there was still a pungent and unpleasant smell in the room.

As a last resort, Anson had to adjust to a smaller luxury suite with an interior of 80 square meters and a balcony. The most important thing is that there is only one room here, and the other guest needs to open the sofa bed in the living room. This is obviously Not the original plan.

Jean-Louis was prepared to arrange an additional room for Anson's companions - although this might completely disrupt the booking arrangements for the following Paris Fashion Week, they really had no choice.

However, unexpectedly, Anson asked about the situation carefully and readily agreed to go to the luxury suite. He even expressed his strong interest in the sofa bed, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

And, this is still not all——

In the next short day and a half, Jean-Louis paid close attention to Anson, and the feedback he received was still gratifying, even surprising.

At this time, there is no exception.

After just a brief meeting, Jean-Louis completely forgot about the troubles just now. He personally escorted Anson and Edgar out of the hotel lobby——

During the short conversation, the car arranged by the Four Seasons Hotel for Anson was ready, just in time for Anson to get in the car and drive away.

Another doorman waiting at the door could immediately feel the temperature difference between Jean-Louis and his back, which made him unable to restrain his curiosity, "Who is he?"

This sentence is in French.

In France, especially in Paris, people have a lingering pride in speaking French even when others speak English.

Some people may say that the hotel shouldn't do it, and it's a five-star hotel?
This is not the case.

Even at the Four Seasons Hotel, the first reaction of all staff is still French. No matter what guest they face, they assume that the guest knows French and speak in French. Unless the guest emphasizes that he does not understand French, they will reluctantly switch. language.

However, the doorman noticed that the entire communication between Jean-Louis and Anson was in English; and there was no arrogance in the lobby manager's expression. This is not normal.

Even if there is no groveling, it is already the same in the eyes of the French.

So much so that the doorman was confused, sincerely confused:
Who is that? Could it be the Prince of Monaco?
Perhaps, in the United States, Anson has already made a name for himself; but in Europe, Anson is still a completely unfamiliar face. The latest season of "Friends" was not simultaneously broadcast in Europe, and the overseas box office performance of "Princess Diaries" was mediocre. The hustle and bustle, the turmoil, and the liveliness were not supported by the Internet and spread across the ocean.

Standing on the streets of Paris, Anson was no different from thousands of ordinary people.

In fact, this is also the most important reason why Edgar came to Paris. Maybe this opportunity can be an opportunity for Anson to take his first step in the Europa continent.

Jean-Louis was not surprised, "Don't look at the surface, look at the connotation."

"Attitude, that's the key."

"Whether it's an accident or facing ordinary people like us who serve them, a person's attitude can tell how they accept things and face crises. This is the key factor that determines a person's future path."

The doorman, with a confused face, had a sentence written in capital letters and bold on his face:

Do not understand.

Jean-Louis laughed dumbly and explained further.

“When you look at a person, you shouldn’t look at what he can do, but what he chooses to do.”

"'Vogue' magazine booked his entire stay. If he exerted pressure in the name of the magazine, it would be very difficult for us, but we would have to offend other guests to solve his problem. He could do that, but he didn't."

"His performance, his magnanimity, and most importantly his attitude towards the problem."

"He will definitely not be a nobody. Maybe he doesn't have a name yet, but I believe it won't be long before we look forward to him coming again."

Words are meaningful.

Although the lobby manager consciously educated the doorman, it was obvious that the doorman was still too young and had only a partial understanding of those words and was doubtful. He went around for a long time and still didn't understand who Anson was.

Jean-Louis glanced at the doorman again, shook his head quietly, and said nothing more, but watched Anson's car leave. He believed that the figure would not remain anonymous for too long.

The vehicle drove away, but it didn't take too long to reach its destination. For Anson, who was used to the congested traffic in New York and Los Angeles, the speed was really too fast——

The bustling area in the center of Paris is even smaller than Manhattan.


Pushing open the door in front of you, you will see a tall and wide factory space with various models placed. Different paints are freely sprinkled on the walls and floors, and fabrics can be seen everywhere.

An impression comes to mind, this is Paris.

Although the space is similar, the temperament is different. It is indeed Paris, with a casual, decadent, public, wanton and rough artistic temperament that is unique.

"You're late." A voice came from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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